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  • #16
    Monks recieve the constant effect of tongues somewhere along the line, but I similarly assume that there's some limitation DMFI imposes on this.


    • #17
      I still cannot believe how many PCs know elven; it's as if it's the lingua franca atm.
      That's what I thought, too... after playing only about an hour.

      Elven seems high on the list of bonus languages to take, hm?
      Playing Asha'easaahae Illeleste & Frem


      • #18
        If we leave 2 skill points 'floating' from when we level up, can we then ask a DM to remove those skillpoints and use them for learning an extra language.

        I'd sure like to pick up Sylvan and Orc myself.
        Maia Nanethiel ~ Moon Elf Female Ranger


        • #19
          Just don't ask me to do it, I'm a Lazy DM as I usually have the toolset open always.
          The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

          George Carlin


          • #20
            Roleplay learning it and most dungeon masters probably won't mind if you can give some good examples of how you roleplayed your experience getting the language. Just don't expect 50 languages to be given to you.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Anauroch View Post
              That's what I thought, too... after playing only about an hour.

              Elven seems high on the list of bonus languages to take, hm?
              I think thats also due to a short list of languages to learn.

              Elven seems like a complex language to learn maybe there should be some sort of restriciton on that (as well as others, like Draconic)

              Perhaps, at least +2 mod to learn elven? Though i guess that sort of defeats the purpose....
              Heh, i guess my characters are deleted, now. Updating char list soon!

