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The Curse

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  • #16
    Originally posted by pook View Post
    "I dunno, nobody has a reason to be anywhere but the gate of Avanthyr?"

    At the moment, not a real lot no. Theres some action going on in the bar at the dock, which is nice, but unless you've already got a group together and are heading out somewhere, there isn't alot of reason to be elsewhere. I've used the tool quite a bit and it works nice, but when I head out somewhere and meet up with a few people, they're usually already in the middle or on their way to something and they don't want to spend the next 30 mins talking to some stranger on the street.
    Don't get me wrong, most people RP it out well and will stop and talk, but I don't blame them for keeping it short. They probably spent the last 30 mins talking about where they want to go and why, so now they're focused on doing it.
    As for the RP city type areas, well I'm not going to stand there for 1 hour by myself, hoping someone checks the tool and chooses to come search me out to RP.
    I think when the factional stuff comes into play, it will help this a bit. If I were a member of the Red Blades for instance, I would have a reason to hang out at the guildhall, chatting with others of my kind. A few of us doing that might get some others curious and come check out what's happening.
    Anyway, there will always be that one place where a bunch of people hang out. It gets spread out over time, but every NWN server I've been on has that one hot spot where alot of poeple sit at.
    Yeah, I second that post.
    Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

    Desmonia Flashir

    GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Ichbin View Post
      I tend to hang my chars all at the hills, since thats where everyone else is. I agree with a past poster mentioning "Im not going to sit somewhere 1 hour by myself". I used to do that with my bard, but it got me nowhere. I used to hang out at inn's, but after the first day of beta, EVERYONE ignored inns. Also, inn's are so out of the way, more ppl hang out at Foulbreath's shop than a tavern, since its next to a travel point.
      I really hope in the near future DMs start posting their times on the calender...since I believe thats what its there for (Im sure this'l be after beta of course).
      Alas, my bard will just scour the lands and cities...talking to random ppl for 1-3 hours...then walking some more, and talking some more...ahhh, le sigh.
      Yeah, I was thinking about this the other day about how the only inn in the Port city is far out of the way from the frequented travel path people take there. I do hope in Sundren City, a tavern would be placed along a pathway where players will frequently travel. This would make the inn more useful.

      PC: Scott Marlinton - Sorceror


      • #18
        It was great fun, and long. Hopefully when everybody is on that was there, we can finish it.
        Krolk, the follower of Red Knight, who is da stoopid manz.

