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Can we please stop with the..

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  • #46
    Well, that I do not know. If that skill is put into Sundren, it better be Wisdom Related. :/


    • #47
      Sense motive is wisdom based, but as GBX pointed out, skill vs stat (since there is no sense motive skill) rolling is a poor choice; I'd recommend maybe bluff vs will save at least. The type of PCs that would have high wisdom and high sense motive, would more likely also be types that have strong wills/high will saves.
      PC - Corwin Eska'las (Sun Elf pursuing the dream of becoming a Bladesinger)

      Alt PC - Brevin Smoothands (meticulously groomed half orc bard swashbuckler... sort of... sings great, less fighting)


      • #48
        A rogue has a low will save, but is the prime cantidate for sensing another true motive. *sigh* Why couldn't OE just have implimented Sense Motive...


        • #49
          lol touche crazyjerren.
          Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

          Desmonia Flashir

          GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


          • #50
            Ok, I just have to say something (and this the most closly related post without making another sensless one). I was rpin with a group in the gnoll forests. Two were going to start a fight, so I diploed away with a "28", saying "come now gents, lets save that for the gnolls out there". Not only did they ignore me, but after I joked saying ooc "((Its good to know a 28 doesnt mean anything))" one of them (I will not point fingers) tells me "Only a DM's rolls matter, and should make that kind of call". To which I replied "((well you COULD play along, but nvm))"

            am I wrong errr what?


            • #51
              Originally posted by Ichbin View Post
              Ok, I just have to say something (and this the most closly related post without making another sensless one). I was rpin with a group in the gnoll forests. Two were going to start a fight, so I diploed away with a "28", saying "come now gents, lets save that for the gnolls out there". Not only did they ignore me, but after I joked saying ooc "((Its good to know a 28 doesnt mean anything))" one of them (I will not point fingers) tells me "Only a DM's rolls matter, and should make that kind of call". To which I replied "((well you COULD play along, but nvm))"

              am I wrong errr what?
              Neither of you was wrong, but it was handled very poorly OOC from this account. People need to play cooperatively, not against each other.


              • #52
                If I were you I'd be partially upset they ignored you with that as a reply. Basically this is a scenario where people are likely OOC bitter and are going to ignore anything until they get what they want.

                If I was on as a DM watching and saw that, I'd probably make a gnoll eat them both, but that's just me. That way they'd learn to listen to reason more


                • #53
                  I too have issues with people ignoring dice rolls.. One time in town people were all arguing.. I began to sing a Fascination bard song.. RPed the lyrics, everything.. WITH DM support present.. and was completely and utterly ignored by everyone present.. which really made me unhappy..
                  Virsing Etorix - blood thirsty axe for hire.

                  Faderiel Rashedwa - singer, dancer, noble.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Darkfangs View Post
                    I too have issues with people ignoring dice rolls.. One time in town people were all arguing.. I began to sing a Fascination bard song.. RPed the lyrics, everything.. WITH DM support present.. and was completely and utterly ignored by everyone present.. which really made me unhappy..
                    I did the exact same thing and actually stopped a fight WITHOUT DM support present.


                    ps: gj btw, you are teh man!


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Darkfangs View Post
                      I too have issues with people ignoring dice rolls.. One time in town people were all arguing.. I began to sing a Fascination bard song.. RPed the lyrics, everything.. WITH DM support present.. and was completely and utterly ignored by everyone present.. which really made me unhappy..
                      Yeah, then I got a bunch of DM messages "What'd I do wrong?!?"

                      I can't wait til the password is in place.


                      • #56
                        Are you saying that I have to acknowledge every person who comes up and says somthing to me or does a dice roll at me?

                        Celundel Di'malin
                        Trent Arna


                        • #57
                          Maybe this could aid in how to take diplomacy rolls. Straight from the 3.5e PHB.

                          Initial Attitude. ------------------New Attitude (DC to achieve)-----------

                          -------------- Hostile --- Unfriendly --- Indifferent --- Friendly --- Helpful

                          Hostile --------- <20 -------- 20 ---------- 25 -------- 35 --------- 50
                          Unfriendly ------ <5 --------- 5 ----------- 15 --------- 25 -------- 40
                          Indifferent ----- n/a -------- <1 ----------- 1 --------- 15 -------- 30
                          Friendly ------- n/a -------- n/a ---------- <1 --------- 1 --------- 20
                          Helpful -------- n/a -------- n/a ---------- n/a -------- <1 -------- 1

                          Using this a 28 would allow you to bring someone who is seeking to kill you, or atleast do physical harm, all the way to an indifferent state of opinion to your character, or an unfriendly to treating you friendly.

                          Things to keep in mind, and to put perspective on what a roll really means


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by crazyjerren View Post
                            Maybe this could aid in how to take diplomacy rolls. Straight from the 3.5e PHB.

                            Initial Attitude. ------------------New Attitude (DC to achieve)-----------

                            -------------- Hostile --- Unfriendly --- Indifferent --- Friendly --- Helpful

                            Hostile --------- <20 -------- 20 ---------- 25 -------- 35 --------- 50
                            Unfriendly ------ <5 --------- 5 ----------- 15 --------- 25 -------- 40
                            Indifferent ----- n/a -------- <1 ----------- 1 --------- 15 -------- 30
                            Friendly ------- n/a -------- n/a ---------- <1 --------- 1 --------- 20
                            Helpful -------- n/a -------- n/a ---------- n/a -------- <1 -------- 1

                            Using this a 28 would allow you to bring someone who is seeking to kill you, or atleast do physical harm, all the way to an indifferent state of opinion to your character, or an unfriendly to treating you friendly.

                            Things to keep in mind, and to put perspective on what a roll really means
                            Jarren is teh bombzors


                            • #59
                              oooohh yeeahhhh, I remember that chart, gj jerren

