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Sneaking in Temples

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  • #31
    Again.. no one said your getting kicked out of the temples.. Please read the thread carefully., It says YOU CANNOT SPY IN TEMPLES ANYMORE!

    period. Thats the rule. I don't know where you all are getting the I'm a rogue and not allowed in a temple or I'm evil and not allowed from.


    • #32
      Hmm... now, I play a sneaky rogue-ish type as one of my mains so I suppose this is my opinion. First off, I have no problem with this really, but I do have some points of interest. 1. I'm only hearing evil rogue this evil rogue that. If your talking about detect evil and all these paladins being what points this guy out, what if he's not evil at all? What if the rogue is neutral (i.e. detect evil wouldn't say anything) or even good. If an evil person came up to him and convinced him that some sort of devilish meeting was taking place in the temple of helm, he believes he is doing something good by gathering information, and I would guess the detect evil clause wouldn't be indicating on him. Yes?

      2. Any time I've conducted any type of 'omg secret meetings' it somewhere in the middle of no where, like the forest, or a mountain pass or something. Not some dusty room in the super fortress of pure evil and darkness. Inherently neutral areas, yet areas where people normally wouldn't be at all. If the goodie goodie team is worried about having their file cabinets ransacked why don't they just stop having all of their meetings in temples that basically have big red signs saying 'yeah stuff might be going down in here, pick up your information packets at the door'. I'm sure the goodie team has to have at least a ranger or a druid or a humble woodsmen feeding them some information on activities right? Most of those types would probably prefer to meet in a different place like the forest to begin with, so why not use that as an excuse to conduct business elsewhere?

      These are just some questions I had.

      For the record I support the DM's decision if that's what it REALLY takes to keep the evil people from sitting in on every meeting, I just think if people were a bit more creative in the meeting places in the first place the rogue-ish types wouldn't even be able to find them.

      Also for the record, I've never been a spy in a temple, I can normally gather all the information I need to keep tabs about the stuff that's going down just by sitting, disguised, near the exigo campfire listening to the good guys spill their guts to one another. Who ever these evil temple spies are, they might want to try that some time... lol.
      Rhime - or is he?


      • #33
        Everyone forget about the evil for a moment (there's only one temple where this would be really relevant anyway)

        The rule is just that you can't sneak around temples. Simple really!

        Back to the evil. This would only really be relevant in the Triumvirate temple. Realistically, if you were of an evil persuasion, wouldn't you think very carefully about going into somewhere like that whether you were sneaking or not?
        I got one leg missin'
        How do I get around?

        One Leg Missin'
        Meet the Feebles


        • #34
          Originally posted by Perpetual Myth View Post
          If the good guy is a paladin he will know if you're evil really. This will vary from being discomforted from being near you to feeling physically sick/angry whenever you're around. Hence the detect evil ability
          Not if you have a constant Protection from Good effect up around him.

          Well this all sounds good to me. Spying via sneaking is easy mode anyway
          Omnigalas Singul

          Proud Owner of a Closed Greeting Thread


          • #35
            For anyone who still doesn't think it makes sense, read this spell description. Its not a stretch by any means to say theres some special spell enacted with the Hallow/Unhallow spell that lets clerics and anyone else know you are there.



            • #36
              Well, although I agreed with it in the beginning, I have to say if you treat it as using Hallow/Unhallow, instead of the detect evil way, then All my concerns are moot. I'll definitely give it to you with the Hallow/Unhallow. I think that's a fairly reasonable, and realistic thing, that could be enacted at all temples/holy sites. Granted we don't have the actual spell, although that doesn't really matter, it's part or the D&D universe and that's good enough for me, because there's already tons of spells not in NWN that I wouldn't count out potential for. *Give Hallow/Unhallow his 'win' card.*
              Rhime - or is he?


              • #37
                I think the rule has been judged over

                The rule is just that you can't sneak around temples. Simple really!
                Originally posted by Lollercide
                Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.


                • #38
                  Haven't you learned yet Dune? All rules posted by staff must be thoroughly vetted by our resident forum "leaders." All possible angles must be explored, and loopholes must be sought.

                  If you want to stealth in a temple, ask a DM for assistance. Thanks!
                  "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
                  -Bill Maher


                  • #39
                    "Leaders" can still post on closed threads..
                    Originally posted by Lollercide
                    Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.


                    • #40
                      Not that kind of leader Dune I meant leading in post counts!
                      "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
                      -Bill Maher


                      • #41
                        I see - Just there has been several points brought up that have already been gone over.
                        Re-open if you wish.
                        Originally posted by Lollercide
                        Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.


                        • #42
                          No no, that's my point too! I guess my post didn't ooze sarcasm enough.
                          "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
                          -Bill Maher

