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Character Build (and Harpers)

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  • #16
    I've never actually used mind over body myself, but the description of it says "INT and meta magic feats increase hit points (instead of CON)". I assume it meant using your int modifier instead of con modifier, as well as some bonus when you get a new meta magic feat, maybe I'll run a test build to find out.

    Trap sense gives rogues a bonus to detecting traps. Traps can have higher than DC20 on our server, I've tried to disarm traps with non rogue characters that I've given a point of disable device to, and I've always gotten the 'impossible for you to do' response, meaning they are over DC 20.

    Edit: Kelmoth is right, I checked the in game description and it says at first level you use your int modifier, and then after that you use you con modifier. Every time you get a meta magic or spell casting feat you also gain +1 hp.
    Rhime - or is he?


    • #17
      Are you serious? Nobody's said it yet?

      Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

      Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


      • #18
        Pericles Redfoot


        • #19
          Ooo, a harper! I'm sure we could find some way to make use of that (though it might end badly). I think the last harper on the server got blown up . The other combination that could work that nobody has mentioned, though it might sound odd, is rogue/cleric (maybe a roguish priest of Deneir or Oghma?).
          I got one leg missin'
          How do I get around?

          One Leg Missin'
          Meet the Feebles


          • #20
            Ahh.... yes, that might make sense, I didn't really think about that. Mainly because he didn't mention he wanted to use a cleric, but a great idea none the less. By being a cleric of one of those smarty, researchy, gods you could show your devotion through your quest for knowledge and at the same time it explains your book smarts. *gives Mach a cookie*
            Rhime - or is he?


            • #21
              Oooh...I did consider a Cleric for a fleeting moment; but didn't think of all those cool ways of justifying it. Hmm, damn you all for throwing more dilemmas upon my dilemma! *goes research the domains*

              EDIT: Okay, Oghma seems the most likely, yeah? So chose domains as Knowledge...and Oghma has no other Domains...so I picked Law. I mean, Knowledge -> Books -> Law, right? An added bonus is that Law gives Iron Will, which means I have to take one less feat.

              [Edited by Mach: Please do not post exploits in public forums]

              Also, seriously, half-elves look ugly. Aren't they supposed to be fairly beautiful creatures? I'm seriously considering playing human just to avoid having to look at that face all the time. Mind you, human faces aren't much better...
              Last edited by Machiavelli; 04-26-2008, 02:00 AM. Reason: Exploit posted publicly
              Pericles Redfoot


              • #22
                Hello!For a very long time - since the days of my NWN1 roleplaying - I've had a conception of a character who's not a typical adventurer. Instead, she was to be an archaeologist, historian, scholar, traveller, scribe and treasure hunter.
                Archeologist, traveller, treasure hunter? Ranger fits perfectly, just based on the class traits alone. Historian and scholar are simply how you play him.

                The character would have average/low Str/Dex/Con and high Int/Wis, and above average Cha (maybe). The most important skills for her to focus on are Lore, Disable Device, Open Lock (to get into the tombs for hands-on research), Search. Other skills are possibly Spot, Listen, Survival (purely for RP), Heal (?) Spellcraft (?), or Concentration (?). Important feats are Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus: Lore, Brew Potion, maybe Able Learner.
                Rangers get all of those skills, and can take those feats.

                Pros: Bardic Knowledge (great way to boost Lore), varied spellcasting (fitting in with the scholar image), average HP and fighting gives traveller image.
                Cons: I don't need Perform at all (the basis of Bardiness), Cha-based spellcasting, no Open Lock/Disable Device.
                Rangers also have a lighter variant of spellcasting, better HP, and fighting ability as well - typical of a traveller. The Ranger has none of those cons, I think.

                Pros: Disable Device, Open Lock, traveller thing, lots of skill points.
                Cons: Sneak Attack. It's just silly to see my scholar character backstabbing goblins. Plus, no spellcasting.
                Rangers get a ton of skill points as well and a lot of places to put them, and has no sneak attack ability or much spellcasting. Fairly mundane, they are - much like an archeologist might be expected to appear.

                Pros: Very scholarly, familiar (I love familiar interaction!), feats like Scribe Scroll and Brew Potion, Int-based spellcasting, metamagic feats?
                Cons: Too magic-orientated, no disable device/open locks, pathetic HP.
                Animal companion rather than familiar, and capable of the same feats, though not nearly as magic-oriented, and with a lot more skills and HP. So, none of those cons apply to Ranger, though the pros do.

                Rangers are also able to become Harper Agents, as I understand it. Most of their abilities are reasonably mundane, they aren't flashy, they are the ideal traveller, explorer, and archeologist, they have the necessary skills, and as long as you don't play a Ranger like a stereotypical treehugger, there is no reason for him not to be scholarly.
                Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                • #23
                  Hmm...wow, that makes a lot of sense...
                  I think I might give up the Harper thing. That two extra feats it needs bites; I'll need to be level 9-ish before I can rock into the Harper world. But thanks for everyone's help! I'm going to go experiment now; perhaps you'll all see her in Sundren by tonight!

                  One final question. Does crafting work in Sundren? I mean, I know there's the benches, but is it actually possible to find the items required to make the stuff?
                  Pericles Redfoot

