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PCs without fear

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  • #16
    What he is really trying to say is, try not to fight anything I spawn. It will usually kill you
    Originally posted by Lollercide
    Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Kaeldorn View Post
      The thing is, everyone was practially out already, and you were still running around like mad shooting at the trolls. Feeling that we couldn't leave without you, yes, we got a bit angered at you because you actually endangered us by not retreating together with us.
      There were still a few stragglers. Trolls are slow, he ran circles around them

      IC anger is probably justified though
      "Mad" Jack Flynn - "Godless wanderer"


      • #18
        Naturally it was IC anger. No need to get angry for real over a game unless people grief you (as a player, not your character) intentionally. Frustration can happen sometimes maybe, when things go bad.


        • #19
          Something funny happened today, and I wasn't sure what to make of it. I was mostly in a party with one other person, playing a naive nobleman who was paying him to be his bodyguard. We invited another player but he wasn't really with us til later when we were heading out to viridale.

          The next thing I notice is that we are in a party with 6 people! Despite the fact that we were all in a party, our two characters didn't know the others at all. One of them was a half-orc, and we at first were afraid he was dangerous. We were cautious but didn't resort to violence at first.

          Then a rogue held a knife to the back of the noblemen I was guarding. Of course, I attacked him without asking questions and there was some blood but we backed off and gave him a chance to give back some gold he stole. The bugger refused and eventually tried to run away. We chased after him and I used .subdual to bring him down.

          I left party and started a new party with those characters who were against that sort of behavior. Was this proper? Should I have given special license to someone because they happened to be in the party, even though their actions were foul?

          This might belong in another thread, but I ask here because it concerns a situation where danger came not from a DM, but from another player.

          Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
          Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
          Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past


          • #20
            Might be off-topic, but as long as you flagged him hostile first, party members deserve nothing special. You didn't invite him, someone else did in another zone. As long as you flagged him hostile, the only thing that was bad about that PVP was that he rested to regain HP in the middle of it when you backed off.


            • #21
              Well, I didn't flag him hostile I just kinda reacted. I'm not much of a PVPer so I suppose I don't know the rules as well as I should. I didn't actually kill him and I was sure to use .subdual so I figured it was OK.
              Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
              Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
              Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past


              • #22
                Setting hostile is just a really good curtesy, considering that a lot of people will have a hard time fighting back unless it's done. Combat is much harder to manage when you're still neutral to each other - it can result in people complaining that the circumstances weren't fair.
                Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                • #23
                  Yeah, I didn't want to kill him. After he rested up, he snuck away then attacked and almost killed my character afterwards. Luckily, the other characters help me out or I would have been dead.

                  I'm thinking this is the wrong place for this discussion actually. I will start a new one, after I read up on PVP a bit more.
                  Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
                  Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
                  Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past

