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  • #16
    Hello all I am new to Sundren and playing a Druid character which has been fun. In reading all this stuff Id just like to point out that it says specifically in the players handbook that the natural noise a parrot makes is a squak so wildshaping into one does not allow speech. So you're wrong about the by the book rules. Of couse, the general consensus seems to be RP it the way that feels best. That said its nice to play on this server oh and one other thing, the server seems to be down at the moment and I dont know where to report that.


    • #17
      Oh, animals can talk. I've seen the Lion King, I know.
      "Kaeldorn hates players." -Albert Einstein

      Originally posted by DM Cornuto
      Lollercide coming back to the server, that dude's the Kobe Bryant of meta-gaming.


      • #18
        oh i agree, animals can talk...


        I guess some days it just doesn't pay to be a druid =/
        Butch: "You know, when I was a kid, I always thought I was gonna grow up to be a hero."
        Sundance: "Well it's to late now."

        Mittens Whitepaw (Feral Druid),
        Rose Thimblefoot (Simple Seamstress),
        Melody Mourningsoul (Cursed Bard)
        Katalina Zephyr (Guardian of the Grave)
        Gabrielle Dumoine (the Duchess of Waterdeep... 'onestly...)


        • #19
          Can a druid polymorph into a parrot now?
          Originally posted by Lollercide
          Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.


          • #20
            You can shift into a bird, which you could probably RP as a parrot without being criticized.
            Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

            Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


            • #21
              No and never will.(Shudders at the number of piles of brightly colored feathers there would be where a druid got axed for talking crap to the wrong person in parrot form) If a druid wants to talk, while wildshaped, in any language besides animal (or perhaps druidic depending on the situation and those involved) They need to take some levels of MOMF when its released. They gain a feat Called Shifter Speech that allows them to speak in wildshape form. PNP was very specific on this ruling.


              • #22
                I can just imagine a pirate character with a Druid parrot for a first mate sitting on his shoulder. "Die ya Skruvy dooogs... Braawk!"
                Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
                Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
                Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past


                • #23
                  Originally posted by nickbeat View Post
                  I can just imagine a pirate character with a Druid parrot for a first mate sitting on his shoulder. "Die ya Skruvy dooogs... Braawk!"
                  *runs off to make a new character*
                  Butch: "You know, when I was a kid, I always thought I was gonna grow up to be a hero."
                  Sundance: "Well it's to late now."

                  Mittens Whitepaw (Feral Druid),
                  Rose Thimblefoot (Simple Seamstress),
                  Melody Mourningsoul (Cursed Bard)
                  Katalina Zephyr (Guardian of the Grave)
                  Gabrielle Dumoine (the Duchess of Waterdeep... 'onestly...)

