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  • Druids


    I'm planning to make a druid to play in Sundren. I checked around a bit in the forums but couldn't find anything regarding druids. Is there anything I should be aware of?



  • #2
    For the most part they don't wear metal, even though the game engine allows it. There may be exceptions if they follow an earth god, but this is pretty standard actually. *pinky in corner of the mouth*


    • #3
      Druids are wicked cool.

      What should you know, however? Well, there is a Druid's Grove, which is a good place for your character to be familiarized with. There are also some new spells that Druid's get that you will not find anywhere else, other than in Sundren; although, some of the pre-existing spells were modified, I think. Not much was changed other than duration, and in general, it is a decrease if anything. These decreases in duration, though, are not exclusive to Druids, as any other class with those spells will suffer the same penalties.

      You should also be warned that, in regards to shapeshifting, there is no DM ruling on how you should behave. Some people will RP being able to mantain the ability to speek fluent Common even while in Wolf form, and others will RP communicating telepathically, or simply through emoting some kind of sign-language. There is no real correct way, and a lot of people have different personal opinions, but you should at least remain consistant and use the same method of communication each time.

      Conclusively, as per Exigo/Sundren law, you cannot bring huge, intrusive, scary animals or creatures into civilized lands. If a DM is watching, you can bet that an NPC guard will walk over and cut the head off of your companion, and many PC's will take it upon themselves to do the very same. However, this law is IC and not OOC... you are technically allowed to defy it and nobody will think any less of you as a player, but your character will definetly have consequences; you'll be a criminal.

      Thats all I can think of, at any rate.
      Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

      Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


      • #4
        Hey, last time I checked as long as my bear was on a leash...
        Rhime - or is he?


        • #5
          Hm, I don't know, a wolf talking seems strange >_>. I usually do not talk in any shapeshifted form unless it has the ability the vocal cords or whatever that actually allow it to make the sounds that people make. I don't think animals have that, so you'd probably need some magical spell on you to be able to talk.


          • #6
            No speaking while morphed into creatures that don't have the vocal chords required to speak. Bears should growl, they shouldn't say hello.

            Undeadsteak is spot on.


            • #7
              I dunno. We met this guy in one of my adventures, and he spoke quite well.

              This is a fantasy world, and we are talking about a shapeshifter here. No reason that can't keep the vocal chords humanoid. Doesn't the great bear spirit in the MOB mod speak too?
              Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
              Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
              Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past


              • #8
                The PHB says no metal armor and no talking while shapeshifted if the creature doesn't have the equipment for it. In FR, there are exceptions for the metal armor, but not for talking. Magical Beasts may be able to talk, however, but druids can't shift into them.

                And finally, don't expect your companion to receive any special treatment. It is a wild animal, and the NPCs and many PCs will treat it as such.


                • #9
                  Actually, if you look in the Complete Adventurer book, Master of Many forms gets the ability to talk while in animal form at first level.
                  "Mad" Jack Flynn - "Godless wanderer"


                  • #10
                    Shapeshift into a parrot. Problem solved.
                    Osclow Wiltenholm- "I have seen behind the mask and almost miss the bliss of ignorance."


                    • #11
                      This is a fantasy world, and we are talking about a shapeshifter here. No reason that can't keep the vocal chords humanoid. Doesn't the great bear spirit in the MOB mod speak too?
                      Your partially right. This is a fantasy world. But were not talking about a pure shapeshifter. Were talking about a druid. Druids can shift sure.. but into a limited number of forms, 99% of which do not have vocal cords. A druid is not a strong enough shifter to "create" vocal cords in a creature form that did not have them before.

                      Now the Master of many forms does indeed have the ability, mainly because they give up animal husbandry, tree worship, and spellcraft to focus 100% on shifting.

                      And that is why druids cannot speak when morphed unless they are in 1.) Dragon Form, 2.) One of the 1000 faces, or 3.) An animal that naturally comes with developed vocal chords. I believe the parrot mentioned above might be the only one I can think of.


                      • #12
                        To the original poster. I play an Druid when on the occasions I can logg on and pla and its alot of fun. Just make sure to leave our animal companion our of the cities and camps. I never bring out my bear Nokk unless I´m in the wilds.

                        When it comes to the ability of speaking while shifted I agree with many that when shifted into an non-magical beast you shouldnt be able to speak like any normal humanoid. Tho emotes should work most of the time *wags his tail in a sign of happiness* for example, hehe

                        Anyway, make a drood and lets have some fun debating diffrent views of opinion in-game.

                        Best Regards // Aélwin Mistshroud - Druid of Rillifane Rallathil

                        Rogue Player:
                        Ok, I'll tell you what. I'll give you one gold for every door you open here in Undermountain.

                        Fighter Player: Hmmm..you got yourself a deal

                        DM: *grins*

                        *Actual happening in PnP D&D*


                        • #13

                          Note the responses from Saulus and Godbeast. I was unaware such decisions had changed.
                          Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                          Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                          • #14
                            Hey guys, just recently joined the Sundren community.. (where have I been all this time?) and for a change, I actually decided to play a druid.

                            I have no regrets.. this has been awesome.. I've also never played a PW before either.. I too noticed the spell changes, they seem to be logical choices, and without realising thought it would be out of character to bring my bear into town with me.. so good thing I made the right decision there.. How many wild bears roam your town?

                            I would recommend playing a Druid, especially if you are looking for something different for a change.


                            • #15
                              Agreed Elzarath, unfortunately my Druid has no personality so I don't play him often. Just can't think how to play him
                              Peppington Merrifefferlis - Most learned scholar of the fine exalted institution that is Candlekeep, centre of all learning that is Arcane and magical in nature. Also loves cats.

