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Low Charisma

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  • #31
    I think the point of this whole thread is to roleplay your low charisma. If you have a very low charisma, you will not have that force of personality that makes people want to follow you. You tell people what to do and they ignore you. You try and get people to follow you and they ignore or laugh at you. You come up with the greatest tactics possible to defeat the Veritas and people do not listen to you and you die.

    You try and intimidate someone and you bungle it so badly that they laugh or just ignore you. You try to bluff and they don't believe you no matter what you say. You try to be diplomatic and it comes out wrong everytime and you actually turn people off instead of mend fences (by the way, all those skills are charisma based).

    Just roleplay the statistic. If you are going to put all your points into strength or dex to get an uber stat, then play the penalty for having that way lower stat. That is the point of this whole thread.


    • #32
      To Toupon:
      Unsure. I couldn't make heads or tails of what your PC was saying or wanted from me when I met him. I really think your CHA scores is a moot point being that your PC is bent like a pretzel. (At least he is in my opinion). I'd say 51/50, but the three day observation period with that wouldn't be long enough to fully diagnose you.

      And he never came back for the fish either. How rude.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Peridan View Post
        No offense meant Dune, but I find that statement distasteful to say in the least.

        I must respectfully disagree, and here's why: having character defects such as low charisma or low intelligence or any such character flaw makes the character that much more of a personality. If a character had 15 in every stat, I'd find him or her to be one of the most boring characters around (this is assuming that the stats are roleplayed as such). Such a lack in variety makes for a boring personality, because you cannot play with your character's differences.

        The larger the differences in stats, the more opportunity there is for very good RP.

        That's why I think taking a "dump" stat is not really such a great advantage in the long run. After all, there is not much difference between 16 and 17 strength. It's an opportunity to make your character unique and interesting, to make them more of a personality rather than less.

        After all, if I ran into someone who had great stats all around, I'd think that they'd be pretty average.
        All my posts are mostly sarcastic, off-topic or I may sometimes post something of interest. I was merly saying that charisma affects a characters personalitly and how they act around people. I think that people with low charismas can still have a good personality, but should act different around people (Shy, quiet, timid ect) rather then someone with an average of 12-14 charisma? Disagree if you must.
        Originally posted by Lollercide
        Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.


        • #34
          To Peridan:

          Perhaps to a point, but that is what the skill system is designed for. If you have a 6 Charisma, but spend say 15 points in intimidate or diplomacy that tends to offset the charisma negative as skill points are "learned" behaviours.
          Cadmus of Helm - Priest of The Vigilant One, watcher of the coming darkness.


          • #35
            Karthus has a low Charisma, and the way that I, personally, RP the downside is by making him unable to properly adapt to social norms and customs. His behaviour is often backwards, uncalled for, obnoxious, or a tad unusual, though I do not RP him as having a poor personality. With 30 Wisdom and above average Intelligence, I believe that he is more than capable of handling himself well in a discussion.
            Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

            Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


            • #36
              Kangletons char sums up the point I was trying to make quite well.
              Originally posted by Lollercide
              Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.


              • #37
                ... How the hell does someone get 30 wis? O_o.


                • #38
                  Yeah... I always wondered that too... especially with level cap 15 and a low magic item server... lol.
                  Rhime - or is he?


                  • #39
                    Kill "ALOT" of campfires. Sorry rusted, had to throw that in there.


                    • #40
                      lol, start with 18 wisdom, and by level 15 you have a natural 21, which you can raise to 28 with Owl's Insight. I round up to make it sound sexier. I also have a +2 wisdom item, but I forget if it actually stacks with the spell. Probably not.
                      Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                      Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                      • #41
                        I hope that those I've RPd with can identify Jack's charisma quickly. Be it his diplomatic methods or his way with words, I think I've at least managed to RP his CHA
                        "Mad" Jack Flynn - "Godless wanderer"


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Kangleton View Post
                          lol, start with 18 wisdom, and by level 15 you have a natural 21, which you can raise to 28 with Owl's Insight. I round up to make it sound sexier. I also have a +2 wisdom item, but I forget if it actually stacks with the spell. Probably not.
                          It wouldn't stack. But if you were Aasimar you could start with a 20, make it to 23 and then cast Owl's Insight for a bonus of +7 more making 30, so its feasible, but unlikely. (And you druids should count your blessings, in PNP Owl's Insight only lasts 1 hour, not 1 hour per level like it does in NWN2)


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Machiavelli
                            This is not intended as a way to initiate a discussion of the right way to play charisma, or anything of that nature. There are plenty of ways that high/low charisma can be RPed.
                            Ah well, it was bound to turn into that . Obviously you people consider it, so all is cool. Sharingtonm's suggestion about sticking it in your decription is a good one!

                            *The thread become so bloated that it sinks into the very earth under its own weight, disappearing into unknown subterranean realms*
                            I got one leg missin'
                            How do I get around?

                            One Leg Missin'
                            Meet the Feebles

