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Abou NWN2 Heads.

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  • #16
    I remember installing MotB for the first time, logging on, and noting that my character had suddenly become all evil-looking! Enough people thought he was evil already, the darkened rings under his eyes didn't help matters
    I got one leg missin'
    How do I get around?

    One Leg Missin'
    Meet the Feebles


    • #17
      Yeah, somebody said they looked more "Pirateish." They liked that apparently, but meh, not every character wants to look like a pirate.


      • #18
        I play elves and I didn't really like the heads they offered, but if it means having new heads and having to download more stuff, I am not sure if it is worth it.

        We already have enough stuff to download as it is to play this game. I have to wipe my other computer and reload everything, which isn't a happy thing to do. The more "little" things you add, the more you have to download.


        • #19
          This head file is not that big. But it is a shame people seems to prefer the ugly heads, when the problem is so easy to fix...


          • #20
            Oh man, I just tried this out. I like it with certain chars, but not on Salisse. :P. Anyhow, at least for human heads, I'm too used to them. I used to like the old heads better, but thats cuz I was used to them... Now these heads just seem very strange, and I think a revert would be a bad idea. When MotB first came out, it wouldn't be a bad idea, but now, yeah...

