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I wish our players did more of ______

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  • #16
    I am a huge fan of mentoring newbies. Feel free to send me a *whack on back of head* tell if I do something wrong, out of place, or not acceptable for the server. I won't take offense to the criticism, and I hope no one else does.
    Aidan Saevalis - Priest of Tyr, Warpriest in training.

    Jeremiah Caden - Recovering Mercenary Scout


    • #17
      I think the best idea when making a character besides making sure they have flaws- is to make sure their flaws cover *your* flaws; to help maintain the illusion of staying with in character. Also, the lapses in your concrete idea of your character makes them more believable. Everyone has a bad day, even Sundren characters.

      Alcander Nefezen-'Sometimes, I wonder, does a Dragon see the same colours as I?"


      • #18
        I gave it a lot of thoought, and the one thing I would like to see more of is this:

        I wish all players would read this pdf http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view....Detail&id=501


        • #19
          Originally posted by sharringtonm View Post
          I gave it a lot of thoought, and the one thing I would like to see more of is this:

          I wish all players would read this pdf http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view....Detail&id=501
          I remember reading that when I played on a NWN1 server.

          EXCELLENT read for anyone who wants to seriously take a look at how well they are RPing. However, it is not the be-all-end-all of how to RP. You have to know what parts of it really apply to you and your character, and which ones you can ignore or bend the rules on.

          In short:



          • #20
            See the post I just made in the "I wish our DMs did more of ____", I tried to fit it all in there rather than posting to two threads


            Oh, and some good points above also! Might add to this later if I think of more.
            I got one leg missin'
            How do I get around?

            One Leg Missin'
            Meet the Feebles


            • #21
              Yeah, I have to admit, I do a lot of that OCC stuff. I'm really going to start working on lessening that.

              I really love it when characters have a story. Not just, for example, being an assassin, but the whole story behind it. What happened when you were a kid, how'd your parents die, why permanent mental/physical scars you have because of why, etc. It just really impresses me, and makes me try extra hard to spend more time with that character. I'd much rather sit idle by a fire and talk to a great RPer than beat the snot out of bad guys just to pass the time and find some gold.

