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The state of EVIL...and other nice topics.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Leaving Hope View Post
    ...but I'd love to see more non-rogue characters who subtly manipulate events for their own dark purposes. Of course, perhaps they exist and they're so subtle we don't even know. There's overt evilness in assassins, sure, but I think the covert evil of politicians and manipulators is much more interesting.
    That is exactly the type of evil I go for. Many characters still think Chrinne is good, although I am sure there are others who are very unsure about her. I just love the evil people who use diplomacy and maybe even flirtatious gestures to win over the good side, just so they have an easier time killing them later.
    Your friendly neighborhood drunk


    • #17
      Originally posted by rustediron View Post
      See, all this realistic selfish hidden assasin/rogues are fine, but personally, I want to see more of the classic, "I'm an evil bastard and I'm going make your life hell because it brings me plesure as I'm EEEVVVIIL!" type villain.

      but maybe that's just me.
      Do you think that type of evil can flourish? Will the good community of characters even allow such an outspoken evil source?

      In my experience, that type of evil is quickly destroyed. I could be wrong, though--maybe my character just doesn't currently have the clout to back it up (my 9 HP mage dies when someone sneezes).


      • #18
        Originally posted by Aries1918 View Post
        Many characters still think Chrinne is good, although I am sure there are others who are very unsure about her...
        That's the fun part, isn't it? Sure, people might suspect your character has dark motives, but can they prove it?


        • #19
          I knew Chrinne was evil from the start!
          Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

          Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Kangleton View Post
            I knew Chrinne was evil from the start!
            That's only because your character was evil too, and just irritated her
            Your friendly neighborhood drunk


            • #21
              Don't spread your filthy lies about my character. His heart is as warm as a raging inferno. It just matches his temper, and his hatred for all things that don't center around him.

              ...But certainly not evil! No, not Nathanius!
              Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

              Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


              • #22
                *smiles* I find that evil PC's tend to kill other evil PC's more then good PC's. Mainly cause most evil PC's has their own motives and will backstab/betray/or rob another evilPC without feeling a bit of sadness over the act.

                What I keep in mind for good vs evil in a fantasy universe is what was written by Weis and Hickman in Dragonlance "good is rewarded in the end, and evil feeds upon itself."

                For some reason.. it always proves true in the end.

