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The state of EVIL...and other nice topics.

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  • The state of EVIL...and other nice topics.

    So with the advent of the three new PRC's and their skew towards the evil side of life I have a nice topic to discuss since the server is down.
    How do you think the server climate will change due to the influx of what is sure to be a ton of new PC's shifting towards the evil alignment?

    I for one think it will greatly improve the roleplaying atmosphere since "birds of a feather flock together." Finally the few evil PC's on the server will have many more friends to call upon in their time of need. Let the subterfuge and backstabbing begin
    Cadmus of Helm - Priest of The Vigilant One, watcher of the coming darkness.

  • #2
    I think the introduction of new evil PRC's was a great idea. Sundren needs more active evil characters, especially ones that may work together. We can't always rely on the DM's to introduce conflict with evil all the time, because when they aren't on, people are stuck sitting around the fire all day.

    I've been interested in making an in-depth evil character for a while, and this seems like the best chance to do so.
    Your friendly neighborhood drunk


    • #3
      I'm kind of hoping that it will create a HUGE influx of evil characters. Because I've been playing my neutral good druid for awhile, and I was feeling kind of bad for the evil players because whenever I'm on it seems like there's 80+% good guys and ~20% bad guys, and I feel bad sometimes when I or anyone else bully's them lol. I thought about playing an evil character but every time I play one they just inadvertently come off as being good or neutral because it's not in my personality to act that way. So I'm hoping that so many people go evil with these and balance out the server so I don't have to feel bad when I play some lawful good zealot .
      Rhime - or is he?


      • #4
        I like the fact that there is now more encouragement to play an evil character. I mean, in truth, evil had it rough on Sundren. There are tons of items for Good and Neutral alignments, but veeerry few that are restricted or designed with Evil in mind. Additionally, the one main place everyone goes to RP is a place that a known criminal can't logically go to... the guarded campfire. With all of that in combination, the bad guys had it rough, almost to the point of having the server becoming unenjoyable for some; now though, there is some more incentive.

        But also, before anyone screams that this influx of Evil is going to result in too many villains and not enough heroes, keep in mind that the bad guys aren't all on the same team either. Evil doesn't side with Evil just for the sake of it being Evil. CE Alignment doesn't work well with anyone, and LE works with whoever is the best option at the time, and there are a shit-load of Evil Deities to select from anyways, meaning that even if the server is 99% Evil, that 1% Good doesn't necissarily have to get picked on. Evil fights Evil too.

        So for all of those reasons, I love the fact that the villains got some special attention. Horray.
        Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

        Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


        • #5
          I'm not a big fan of G v. E. And especially not with PCs. I think too many people see G v. E as synonymous with protagonist v. antagonist. Its been said before, but that is not how the server is intended to be, nor does it even make sense. Evil does not equate to antagonist, trouble maker, or even villain.

          For my own evil characters, they aren't there to thwart the good guys or mess with them just because they exist. I don't make evil characters just to be antagonistic. Sure problems may arise, but that isn't the purpose of the character. They have their own goals, wants, needs, likes, dislikes. And those things are independent of the alignment of the character. You won't get to learn or reveal any of those things if the character is there just asking to be smited.

          Please, do not make one dimensional characters! Put some thought and reasoning and personality into them. I think thats all I'm really saying.


          • #6
            Agreed. One dimensional evil is stupid.

            It'll be a while, but if Absolute continues his story line (or if he doesn't, hopefully another DM picks up on it), you'll see that Oshala's vision and Val'Shi's are probably... different. I can almost guarantee a coup when my character gets strong enough.

            For sure, Evil means self interested - which means that if the Evil community does swell, you'll likely see quite a bit of animosity anyway. Namely Law vs Chaos, I'm sure.
            You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word.
            ~Al Capone

            Oshala Jr'ein ~the woman of a thousand (continuously recognized) faces.
            Aljd Gray
            ~"There are six people in this tavern!" The patrons look at Aljd. "...That's one less than seven."


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dark presence View Post
              I'm not a big fan of G v. E. And especially not with PCs. I think too many people see G v. E as synonymous with protagonist v. antagonist. Its been said before, but that is not how the server is intended to be, nor does it even make sense. Evil does not equate to antagonist, trouble maker, or even villain.

              For my own evil characters, they aren't there to thwart the good guys or mess with them just because they exist. I don't make evil characters just to be antagonistic. Sure problems may arise, but that isn't the purpose of the character. They have their own goals, wants, needs, likes, dislikes. And those things are independent of the alignment of the character. You won't get to learn or reveal any of those things if the character is there just asking to be smited.

              Please, do not make one dimensional characters! Put some thought and reasoning and personality into them. I think thats all I'm really saying.
              I hadn't inteneded to describe what you did, when I used the term "villain". In truth though, evil people will indeed clash with good people, whether one a one-dimensional level, or three-dimensonial level. Don't expect the church of Bane, for example, to not promote Tyrany and Strife... and honestly, any self-respecting member of the Triumverate is obligated to do something about it. On that level, evil WILL clash with good. Don't make it seem like a bad thing.
              Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

              Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


              • #8
                Stormlords finally get to have some friends?


                • #9
                  Omg Auril Is My Favourite Deity Nao!

                  Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                  • #10
                    Hi there,

                    where can I get more info on the three new PRC's introduced?

                    not that i like playing evil pc's of course.

                    Blaze Beltran


                    • #11
                      Saulus released a post previously with the details regarding the Ice Fury of Auril and the Dreadmaster PRC's, do a search for it.
                      Rhime - or is he?


                      • #12
                        This would be it.

                        Jasareth Kalisurr *stares at you blankly and slowly raises a brow*


                        • #13
                          sweet corn.

                          Blaze Beltran


                          • #14
                            I have an enormous amount of respect for any player who plays an evil character. I'm not the bitter, callous person my character is. There are days when I have a hard time being as callous as I think he should be. But I think I owe it to realism and roleplay to try and be someone I'm not. Still, I struggle because I don't want my dark actions in-game to reflect me as a person outside it.

                            My character has been pretty rude to people lately, and I've done my best to send tells to their players to make sure they know I'm not being rude to them. Largely, this has been successful, and my character's attitude has led to some very interesting events in-game.

                            Evil is many different things, but many associate it with selfishness. I think we have a good number of selfish thieves and pickpockets already, but I'd love to see more non-rogue characters who subtly manipulate events for their own dark purposes. Of course, perhaps they exist and they're so subtle we don't even know. There's overt evilness in assassins, sure, but I think the covert evil of politicians and manipulators is much more interesting.

                            I'm relatively new to Sundren, but my initial impression is that evil has room to root here. It's not going to be easy, and anyone being dumb and obvious about being evil won't last long, but those who play it smart will be the bane of many, many paladins.



                            • #15
                              See, all this realistic selfish hidden assasin/rogues are fine, but personally, I want to see more of the classic, "I'm an evil bastard and I'm going make your life hell because it brings me plesure as I'm EEEVVVIIL!" type villain.

                              but maybe that's just me.
                              Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer

