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  • #16
    I thought it could be ebcause the death system as well

    I kinda like the new system, but I think the new players aren't so happy with that, so they spend some time here, see what is like to play here and leave...

    I don't know, it is just a guess

    though I'll never leave
    "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


    • #17
      I don't mind the death system or the new level cap.

      However, I do think that most of the decrease in players on Sundren are from the new death system and the new level cap.

      Hopefully, we will attract those that don't mind the changes and like to RP and it will not be a problem.

      And.........it could be like Sigrun said......its cyclical.


      • #18
        If people are complaining about things being too hardcore and leaving, well, In my eyes they apparently can't handle perma death or any serious RP >>.

        I'm still around, and I'm acutally more active then normal seeing as I can acutally do things on Vashan , Unlike waiting for something to happen on Salisse.

        I'm still on WC3 alot though :X.


        • #19
          Still here, despite myself.
          Hlaine Eren Myr - Eternally arguing with his sadistic cat.

          Patience Allows - Roaming the country-side kickin' jimmys and harassing freaks.


          • #20
            I figure the changes will show who the real gamers are.

            Plus seems like a busy time of year for most people.


            • #21
              Originally posted by undeadsteak View Post
              If people are complaining about things being too hardcore and leaving, well, In my eyes they apparently can't handle perma death or any serious RP
              I don't appreciate the perma-death thing this server's got going now. I'm not sure I can say anything to reverse this; apart from anything else that would be arrogant. So I will say this;

              I joined Sundren originally because it seemed like an RP server with good standards of RP, as well as a level cap that wasn't overly restrictive (20 through XP, a theoretical 30 through DMs/Epic "Missions"). If I was looking for a server with Sundren's current qualities, I'd have joined ALFA, which is widely thought of as the Faerun definitive Lifestyle-simulator. (It has been that way since NWN1) since ALFA was started).

              ...I'm not sure what to say beyond that. I'm a little drunk, maybe that's it. But overall, my experience of this server has been one of a server with more potential than I had encountered up until now in terms of RP quality, AND fun, that's turned into one, of A Land Far Away-type strictness, which may be great for some, but which is no good for me, whatever you make of me through that.
              Last edited by Sammael; 01-25-2008, 08:41 AM.
              Sammael Redstone - Country-raised sorceror, knows his drink


              • #22
                Sundren doesn't use perma-death.

                Permanent, not capable of being reversed or returned to the original condition; "permanent brain damage"
                If Sundren used perma-death then it wouldn't be possible to ever come back to life after dying... getting a little tired of people saying things that aren't true.
                The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                George Carlin


                • #23
                  It is a choice that has been made. The new death-system, without diamonds added to the loot table is to hard for my personal taste. "Real gamer" or not Sundren has to decide how hardcore a rp server it wants to be. I have heard many people complaining about the new death system ingame who has also more or less left Sundren. Many who are dead and will stay that way because they are out of gold, which is obvious because a good item costs 20000+ while you can only sell a good item for 1000 stags. I think alot of the people that left will come back if the new death system was made a little easier on people, but then again, if youre just glad that people are leaving i cant really say anything to that.
                  For a level 5 that has used all of his signusses, he probably has not travelled with a level 11 cleric, so the cost would be over 14000 stags ie permadeath. Furthermore, there is no way to get back to life without metagaming, unless someone sees your corpse and "decides" to help you out, paying 14000 stags for a stranger they might not know. It seems to me that the developers like to make it hard on people, just for the fun of being cruel. Im not trying to get banned, in fact i hope you can discuss things openly without the fear of getting banned hanging over your head. Im not trying to insult anyone, just saying i think the rules as it is now are to difficult.

                  I have seen most of Sundren now ( and donated 10 cd even though it doesnt appear below my name ) and i think it is the best server there is for nwn2. Great maps, and very active dms (usually). I chose Sundren from some of the same things that Sammael did, and i as well think it has become something else now.

                  Cheers, Jakob.


                  • #24
                    I figured with the new death system changes and the lack of rewards to players who put in efforts that this would happen.

                    Personally, that's why I don't play much. The old guard left to other servers like Dragon Coast, as sitting around a fire just isn't entertaining anymore.. especially when no one you hang around with is around anymore.


                    • #25
                      Maybe the changes are a little harsh....

                      not sure what else to say.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by JayNi View Post
                        Im not trying to get banned, in fact i hope you can discuss things openly without the fear of getting banned hanging over your head.
                        Well, it certainly isn't an impossibility.

                        I haven't experienced the new death system yet other than being stuck in FEN for a week because I was in there before the new death system was put in and despite my best effort, unable to get anyones attention to help. GodBeast finally came to my rescue.

                        But now that I am out of FEN finally, with no stones or money to buy diamonds, I find that ironically, being adventurer suddenly means more time spent not adventuring. This is done mainly out of not wanting to sit in FEN again for a week, because as I understand it, for me, if i die again, unless some stranger takes pity on me, I am stuck in FEN again. And with so few people on with such varying levels, finding an appropriate group to adventure with has made it even harder.

                        No group=No safe adventuring=No coin=No diamonds=Rez unlikely

                        I am still up in the air on this one. Thankfully, because Sundren is still in Beta, anything can be changed.
                        Dashmin "Dash" Fleetfoot
                        Strongheart Halfling

                        Burglar turned Wizard.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Saulus View Post
                          Sundren doesn't use perma-death.

                          If Sundren used perma-death then it wouldn't be possible to ever come back to life after dying... getting a little tired of people saying things that aren't true.
                          Perhaps conditional perma-death where the conditions for resurrection are very, very hard to attain is as good as perma-death itself, if you factor in limited play time and attention span on the part of the players.
                          Certainly I myself, with limited playtime and an evident ADD attention span, can not be bothered to stick around till I/we find X tokens to resurrect someone, if that's even possible within the timespan of one loggon nowadays.
                          Sammael Redstone - Country-raised sorceror, knows his drink


                          • #28
                            Well I can say I ante been on for as much as I used to. And It ante cos I don't like the death system, I kinda like it.

                            Its RL, my girlfriend shift rota has changed once again (changes every three months) and this time round it coincides with my shift pattern.

                            So you can see where most of my time is, and I wont elaborate any further
                            "We are what we think.
                            All that we are arises with our thoughts.
                            With our thoughts, we make our world"


                            • #29
                              Well, I have found no diamonds or Signus thingies... well, ever, and yeah, I've heard more than once that it is because they are not yet implemented into the loot tables, or something like that; but if that part of the death system isn't yet implemented, neither should the other half be. I mean, as it stands, that would mean that the consequences are fully implemented, while the preventative measures aren't. That is slightly unfair, at the least, and I think that this incredibly harsh death system shouldn't have a continued existance on the server until it can be introduced in it's entirety - loot and all.

                              Or maybe I'm wrong, and these items are in the loot tables now, and I just haven't even seen the shadow of one.
                              Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                              Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Leevoth View Post
                                I figure the changes will show who the real gamers are.
                                Originally posted by undeadsteak View Post
                                If people are complaining about things being too hardcore and leaving, well, In my eyes they apparently can't handle perma death or any serious RP >>.
                                Elitism breeds lonliness.

                                I'm not too keen on any of the changes, if that makes me incapable of "serious rp" or not a "real gamer" so be it. I'll go somewhere else where maybe people can get over themselves.
                                ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

                                ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain

