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  • #16
    I hate it when people call quits... a few deaths here and there is fine *looks at Tamryn*
    lol, actually I've only partied with her once
    Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


    • #17
      Oh wow. 400 XP O_o. I REALLY need to get a group there now. Meh, and as for calling it quits, Tamara did that a lot . Stupid Tormites dont like risks :P


      • #18
        Yes, I sincerely apologize that Tamryn is treating it like a genuine fortress filled with swarming enemies from which there may not be a way out, rather than as a fun filled thrill ride with fixed enemy spawns and a free respawn at the end.


        In all seriousness, the new area interiors are awesome. Mappers have done a great, great job, and the encounters are fun in a challenging sort of way. Other servers just pile a ridiculous amount of AB and HP into their bad guys -- these actually are balanced.

        Adama who was once called Adama Hrakness, sacred paw of Mielikki

        Lihana Farrier, Paladin of Torm and noble dalliance

        On Hold: Alandriel Ward, Actually a Vampire Groupie
        Retired for Good: Tamryn Jorandur, Hano's Wife and Conflicted Soul


        • #19
          Originally posted by Handsomeman View Post
          ...but with my lvl 8 character i was holding my own rather well against impossible rating bad guys. i was able to hit the npcs there with power attack like 75% of the time even without my own buffs(rage/berserker). ... but the ridiculous amounts of exp you can gain there made the death pretty much a joke... for my lvl anyways (-400 exp, 100+ per kill).
          My Level 8 can't solo Spittlefists and dies from the 0xp monsters losing -400xp. . But I've mentioned the unfairness to none power build of 0xp monsters and goblins with better stats than a level 8 char.

          I hope to someday at least explore these other sounding areas.


          • #20
            Enjoy it while it lasts, for soon, when you enter the Schild Mountains, you'll be entering my world. A terrible place, where mage buffs mean as much as short swords.
            Sunder me? Sunder you!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Wyvern76 View Post
              My Level 8 can't solo Spittlefists and dies from the 0xp monsters losing -400xp. . But I've mentioned the unfairness to none power build of 0xp monsters and goblins with better stats than a level 8 char.

              I hope to someday at least explore these other sounding areas.
              This isn't a thread to start whining about how much XP you get from NPCs. Sundren never has and never will support or endorse solo play, period.
              The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

              George Carlin


              • #22
                Mage spells? Huh? What? are you joking?

                One word... spellbreakers..

                If you don't have flesh to stone or death magic memorized and you're a EK or something similar you can just kiss your ass goodbye.

