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DM Warning - Shadow Dancer One Level

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  • #16
    Originally posted by GodBeastX View Post
    My issue is I see wierd classes taking it just for the HiPS. 19 wizard, 1 Shadow Dance HMMMMM! WONDER WHAT HE PLANS TO DO WITH THAT?! And then others begging to get rebuilt to have 1 shadow dancer. COUGH GAG YUCK!
    Ehm. I'm assuming that I'm the one you're referring to about the rebuilding.

    Thing is, I had perfect justification for asking for it. I was trying to bargain with a devil for the ability to slip into shadows at whim (and asking for a feat from a deal with a devil is a perfectly justifiable thing and is mentioned in Fiend Codex II about Infernal pacts). I was told by Echelon that I was allowed to bargain for it, so I did (I EXPLICITLY asked beforehand, "If you're just going to say no, then tell me now so I don't have to waste time asking for it." He said I was allowed to, so I went with it). Then he told me I couldn't have it because people would whine about the requirements, so then I asked if I could have a rebuild in order to solve that discrepancy and allow me to get the feat that way. It was decided then that that wouldn't be allowed.

    I wasn't "begging for a rebuild to have 1 shadow dancer", and I'm annoyed that you think I was making some OOC power-building request, GBX. I understood that infernal pacts, as detailed in PnP, allow the person to ask for a feat. So, I asked for a feat. I asked ICly for it, and was denied it for OOC reasons. I was told I wasn't allowed to get the feat because people would complain about me not taking the pre-reqs. So then I suggested (key word here: suggested) the possibility, and suggested it ONCE (which is hardly "begging") to get a relevel in order to be able to remove the one level of pale master and take the one level of shadow dancer along with the pre-reqs. The suggestion was not because of making wrong choices during level up, it was a suggestion only of me saying "I'm willing to give up this class and give up feat slots in order to take the SD level if you don't want me to get HiPS for free from this pact". I was told no, that I could not get HiPS from the pact, either "free" (as if a character selling their soul for it is "free") or from making sacrifices to get it, and calmly accepted that answer, yet it seems that the situation is now being blown out of proportion.
    Last edited by Rhifox; 12-08-2007, 08:29 AM.
    -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


    • #17
      Holy awkward assumptions Batman.
      "Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man."
      - Bertrand Russell


      • #18
        Originally posted by Kaldaris View Post
        Holy awkward assumptions Batman.
        Considering that I'm, as far as I know, the only one that's really been talking about wanting HiPS lately and that it seems odd that this thread comes so soon after the above described incident where I tried to ICly bargain for HiPS and the relevel suggestion was made, the assumption is hardly mistaken.

        I wouldn't have said anything, but frankly I'm hurt by the offensive tone of GBX's last post, since it is more than likely referring or at least applies to me, and so, yes, I do feel the need to defend myself.
        -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


        • #19
          What if taking the level of Shadowdancer, or any other class, has nothing to do in particular with that class, but its the only method of getting something specific?

          I can't think of anything myself, but seeing the number of classes that don't exist in NWN that would make good RP material, and that some classes might at first level have something useful...It's possible right?
          Names Taallic.

          Only time can save the world now.
          Immortality is your last hope.
          For my existence to be true, Hell's Fire must burn hotter than Heaven's Cold Gates can stand.


          • #20
            Most of this topic is TLDR, people trying to justify having outrageous class combinations and thusly their characters.

            We don't care! Powerbuild to your heart's content! The mobs on this server are very difficult and the equipment is very slight.

            You can make whatever character you like so long as you know how to RP it. Generally we won't want to relevel people because it really doesn't make sense, just get it right the first time and be happy with what you've chosen.


            • #21
              I want a half-celestial paladin/cleric, but I'll have to settle for an assimar.

              One level of Shadowdancer with an awkward primary class without being roleplayed as such is like one level of bard, x levels of barbarian, and then going RDD. Or like having one level of cleric with a wisdom of ten or less. We know what the purpose is, and unless you have a damn good reason, you're going to get burned for it.
              Reinamar Stormseeker - The bladestorm that must turn back the wind. Arkerym of The People, practitioner of the forgotten art, pariah.

              Tyler Penleigh - Obligatory author insert, Red Blade Defender, sarcastic jerk, caring brother, loving fiancé, war criminal.

              Eirimil Gaelazair (Dead)- Bitter. Caustic. Abrasive. Egocentric. Probably right. Found dead in the burned-out Viridale forest a few weeks after the survivors were able to sweep the area after the Bloodmaim offensive. Aside from his usual attire, an intricate music box was the only thing in his possession.


              • #22
                Actually, this post had nothing to do with you Rhifox. That's the problem with assuming, I saw a wizard run off with an Orc that had 1SD level, and it bugged the crud out of me, which is why I posted this thread. I'm sure that wizard will pipe up too and give a long winded post about how it fits with his RP yadda yadda. Seriously don't care. And assuming you're the only person whose ever asked for rebuild for this is nutty too.

                You see the 8 active SD's on the statistics page? Take a guess how many have more than 1 level. I'll give you a hint, it's not 8.

                It's funny the nature of power building, you can justify it all you want but in the end, you still did it for the power and not the RP.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by GodBeastX View Post
                  It's funny the nature of power building, you can justify it all you want but in the end, you still did it for the power and not the RP.
                  That's a pretty broad statement.
                  -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


                  • #24
                    *raises his hand*

                    1 level of Shadowdancer. Haven't leveled but once since I got it, but still guilty, (had eyes on more rogue abilities before I pushed further into the SD levels)

                    Part of my justification to myself was that having never met anybody else that was an SD, Krislin would have no person to compare to and know he had more he could learn. The RP backstory I cobbled together for the ability itself (since HIPS feels to a degree like cheating) was almost an accidental and instinctual development of the ability to HIPS, but not a true understanding of it in an academic sense.

                    SDs supposedly travel in troupes, but I haven't stumbled on another rogue who had levels in SD (of course, that I know of IC).

                    HIPS is great, but it hasn't kept me from getting owned, and it definitely doesn't help my character WANT to hang around in places like the necropolis, where it doesn't make a difference much.

                    Point well taken from reading the thread, GBX. Not particularly close to leveling, but it's time to head that direction.

                    *bows his head sheepishly and puts his eye on the next level of SD*
                    Krislin Sent
                    Upholding the mysterious complexity of all things. A mirror to truth.


                    • #25
                      End of story. If you have a power build, be prepared to justify its existence. And be prepared to pay the piper for it to.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Rhifox View Post
                        That's a pretty broad statement.
                        Broad statements are my specialty. When someone then has 1 level of SD, they'll be worried about HiPS while I'm watching Like I said, I'll handle every power build IC ^_^

                        Next week, "I took 2 levels of paladin for the saves, what do you mean I have to uphold justice?"


                        • #27
                          Wow, of course this thread took off, as threads like this usually do.

                          I'm just going to say this. I see anyone with one shadowdancer level, and clearly others levels, like that one level is not their last level or what not. Have fun getting lose in the darkness.
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                          Abbot Keagan Deverall

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                          Drashan Farsight

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