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Maia's return

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  • Maia's return

    Well, yes. I'm back. A little, at any rate. So, hello.

    After testing a few character ideas, piddling about, trying to get an idea of the going ons in Sundren and visiting a few of the places which appear to have changed, I recreated Maia.

    I held large misgivings in recreating Maia - Maia had been a champion and something of a clannish leader of certain goodly elves whom struggled on to fight the good fight... but with all the ruthlessness of a veteran guerilla commando; she did not rollover to anyone and stood to many of her convictionsbeing as steadfast as an oak instead of being more flexible like the willow tree. Maia had also been acknowledged as Sundren's highest level ranger, likely the best archer in the setting and a self-appointed priestess of the elven god of archers Solonor Thelandira.

    I admit, putting that back as a character in a world where she starts level three and that some other people whom have never heard of her are much higher level is not only a little daunting, but I also viewed it as demeaning to the memory of the character itself to those whom really knew of her.

    There also was appeal in creating something entirely new. I do not really find people recycling characters they simply cannot let go of very original and in fact see it as the syndrome of "can't let something go". Sometimes, letting something go is good to be able to step forward from there. I'd be lying, though, if I said I was sorry for never really being able to find Maia some closure.

    Just as I was trying out a human male ranger/frenzied berserker idea, Janus brought me word over the forum that it was nice that I came back and he told me many missed Maia. When I shared with him how awkward it felt to actually come back to Sundren, he went and told me about Myrddin going and telling tales of Maia and then add that what they really needed were people whom cared... and that's what they remembered of Maia: that she cared. They might really like if she came back.

    Ego trip here: "People remembered Maia! Woot~!"

    So, well, I whipped up the create character prompt on the Sundren PW and started remaking Maia. I needed to deal with a few things, though. The first was that I wasn't willing to be stuck with same-old same-old. The second was that I needed to take into account level loss. The third was that I had no idea what tales Myrddin had recounted about Maia and how much actually really applied to the Sundren persistent world: honestly, I wouldn't have had been surprised that after the vault wipe there'd be a blank slate on history thing.

    So, seeing that it was a shot in the dark, I decided on the following background:
    Maia went at the Sundered Valley and did stuff. At some point, likely several years after, Maia left with a caravan to head back home to visit her folks (people do that sometimes so why not Maia?).

    On the way, Maia's caravan is attacked by swarms of incorporeal undead. While the caravan itself is ravaged by them, Maia tries her best to defend and to survive the onslaught - she was a level 17 ranger, after all - but just after destroying all the shades whom came, she collapsed due to the shock of suffering from negative energy drain.

    Maia is nursed back from the brink of death by druids from a nearby Circle whom took interest in the undead attack. However, the elven woman herself suffers from a bad case of 'displaced memories' as the level drains she suffered grew permanent and thus made a major hit on her experience and the memories which came along with the hardships she suffered back in Sundren. Basically, it's all a blur and the only thing she remembers of the place was that there was something there which was important for her, which was home to her... but what it brought to her the most was the memories of blood and pain.

    Though nostalgia and time (or the gradual fading of memories) has a strange way into making it so that things of the past do not seem so bad anymore. Maia eventually determined she would come back, though she was hardly in any shape to leave the care of the druids. Seeing her predilection and talent for things of nature, they took it upon themselves to teach her what they thought she might need to survive and to take into account her affinity with the wild.

    In short, Maia was rebuilt as a druid. The irony was that when she was a ranger, she claimed to be a priestess. While she lost most of what she was, she became what she claimed to be. I see it as ironic.

    Maia lost most of her gear as donation to the Circle which saved her life, whom trained her and whom reincarnated her animal companion (Aodan was happy about being a badger - he is not used to being a boar yet). Seeing that Solonor no longer holds any immediate link to how her life is now, she has turned to the worship of Rillifane Ralathil the Leaflord and Silvanus the Oakfather... and that, in turn, made her shift in alignment to Neutral.

    That's right, neutral. In earlier talks, there was Satoshi whom once poked fun at Maia for being so draconian for a good aligned character. There was also influence from GodBeastX whom encouraged people to go on motivations rather than the more black-and-white axis of alignment. Back when work was being done on the Venoshia project (that's a sore point apparently, so, no more on that) I was looking forward to playing a neutral druid for pretty similar reasons.

    So, the Maia now is somewhat mellowed out from the Maia from before (compare an adult to a middle-aged person). She's actually less hardy and strong of limb than she was before, but still fairly agile, smarter, wiser and an all around more pleasant person too. She also defined her role in life more than just "Rawr, smash those whom step on my foot!" It's really more akin to a wolfpack mentality now. Do not discount her skill with the bow yet: with Owl's Insight and Zen Archery, Maia's skill with the bow won't suffer all that much. ^_^;

    I already had Maia have a rather memorable talk with Myrddin which sort of pursue how I wanted her to become, so, I'd say I'm off to a good start.

    On another note, I notice elves have no forums of their own. The FAQ does say that the staff does not mind players making their own guild, but that they will not really support them seeing they wish to support elements inherent of the setting only.

    I made the Council of Voices, accomplished the making of a recognized elven faction and saw how it turned out - a racial clique. Not to dash the hopes of some, but while it was nice while it lasted, but I am not doing it again - thanks.

    The Druid Grove is, however, an established part of the persistent world, with NPCs backing that particular organization. I also notice that we have a surprising number of nature oriented characters as well. I'll admit that I hold a lot of interest in pursuing that avenue and being able to define an organization around that with the hopes that it may gain DM approval, recognition and inclusion in the setting - even so far as a forum like the other factions.

    So, that about sums up my current going ons and my intentions for now.

    tl;dr: Maia's back and she's a real nature priestess now.
    Maia Nanethiel ~ Moon Elf Female Ranger

  • #2


    Just kidding, I read everything and you are to be commended for putting so much thought into your reborn character. I can bet it's no easy task, to make new with the old so that it's interesting to play and digs a trench with the past, all while keeping the character's identity. I wish you find loads of fun in playing the new Maia.

    I'm not sure what I'd do if I had to lose or remake Roger... :S
    Drado Nackle, gnome scholar of the Weave
    Roger Datson, swashbuckler and booty-seeker
    "Mercy? You wanted mercy?! I'M CHAOTIC NEUTRAL!!!"


    • #3
      Who is Maia again? *Scratches head*

      I didn't read the whole thing. But just so you know. The reopening of sundren after the wipe was a complete lore wipe too. So you don't end up using stuff that happened before.


      • #4
        Where's the TLDR version?

        Also, nobody really cares if you recycle a character, by human nature we grow fond of things we have constant exposure to. Thumbs up to Maia.
        "Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man."
        - Bertrand Russell


        • #5
          Restarting with the same character is kinda weird (did it myself with Malaclypse), but can be quite rewarding (as long as you like the character) and you might find that Maia turns out rather differently than last time (though it seems you've gone for that from the start) .

          Anyways, welcome back!
          I got one leg missin'
          How do I get around?

          One Leg Missin'
          Meet the Feebles


          • #6
            Good luck with it and see you in game.

            ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

            ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain


            • #7
              Hello again.

              I tried making Syl but I gave it up. Too boring for me to play her again. I like new chars. Besides, Good is boring for me .


              • #8
                Originally posted by undeadsteak View Post
                Hello again.

                I tried making Syl but I gave it up. Too boring for me to play her again. I like new chars. Besides, Good is boring for me .
                Try CN, that never gets old... I had a blast (quite literally), playing Malaclypse a second time
                I got one leg missin'
                How do I get around?

                One Leg Missin'
                Meet the Feebles


                • #9
                  I did, and I shifted to CE. ^^


                  • #10
                    Try LN, if you do it correctly then you can have TONS of fun. Just ask people about Rook
                    ~Lyonette L'cyr (Rook)-- Deader than Malaclypse

                    ~Megandlla Uyth 'Llar -- In a land Far Far away!

                    ~Emilee Mistwalker -- A Female Sigrun? Pfft, far cooler--.... eh.... Hated!!


                    • #11
                      Rook sleeps with men for 500 gold. I do hope you plan on asking for more, Maia.
                      Drado Nackle, gnome scholar of the Weave
                      Roger Datson, swashbuckler and booty-seeker
                      "Mercy? You wanted mercy?! I'M CHAOTIC NEUTRAL!!!"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Blue_Wyrm View Post
                        Rook sleeps with men for 500 gold. I do hope you plan on asking for more, Maia.
                        >_< Where she alive she would kill Roger ten times over.
                        ~Lyonette L'cyr (Rook)-- Deader than Malaclypse

                        ~Megandlla Uyth 'Llar -- In a land Far Far away!

                        ~Emilee Mistwalker -- A Female Sigrun? Pfft, far cooler--.... eh.... Hated!!


                        • #13
                          Big welcome back from this quarter

                          (Thats right I'm taking up a whole quarter... so there!!! )

                          I personally think that a nature based group/guild/whatever would be ace even if it wasn't DM supported.

                          I tried recreating Etria the way she was in the previous Sundren and found that whilst still fun the whole 'Mad as a bag full of Ferritts' thing was a little old, so amended her. I might actually go back there if I get a good IC reason to as it was a lot of fun.

                          I did miss Maia as she was my favourite character from the old Sundren so I'm very glad Maia is back in whatever form.
                          Heed me thou who are darker than dusk.
                          Heed me thou more red than blood.
                          Through the passing of the mists of time I call to thee, swear myself to thee.
                          Let thy great power be known to all the fools who stand opposed
                          Merge your strength and mine! Deliver doom to all of them equally....


                          • #14
                            "I personally think that a nature based group/guild/whatever would be ace even if it wasn't DM supported."

                            Or an elven one. Both promoted some excellent events and rp.

                            Welcome back Maia. Kayt Drakwood has heard of you and will be seeking you out.
                            Mapper and Mad Kitten
                            Currently playing:
                            Lill Moonberry - Halfling Bard who knows the Hills are Alive with the Sound of angry goblins


                            • #15
                              Maia - Hlaine called. He wants you to pick up your shit.

                              Oh yeah, welcome back.
                              Hlaine Eren Myr - Eternally arguing with his sadistic cat.

                              Patience Allows - Roaming the country-side kickin' jimmys and harassing freaks.

