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Logging off....

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  • Logging off....

    ...to escape while being pursued by other PC's (or npc's) is very bad form. Personaly it pee's me off, if your excuse is a crash then log back in and say so.

    Yesterday a character was raised in the Exigo Trading House, as soon as he was raised he ran. I presume it was due to being recognised IC. This char used invisiblity and ran, which is fair enough, but one of the other PC's used True Seeing and said "follow me" and they all gave chase. The PC who was running then sharply logged.
    "Im a hero hunter, I hunt heroes... I havn't found any yet"

  • #2
    This really shouldn't have to be said. Players, roleplaying is about accepting the good and the bad as a situation for your character to deal with. If we all had good times, this would be a leave it to beaver server.


    • #3
      wow you pulled out a leave it to beaver reference, nicely done.


      • #4
        I don't understand why someone would worry about PVP death anyway? From what I understand, you don't lose xp if you die from the hand of another player or am I wrong about that?

        And yes, you should always take the good with the bad or it would be very, very boring.


        • #5
          logging off to survive isn't bad, its l33t haxxors!1!11!

          If I logged off everytime I was in trouble I'd crash the server from re-connects.


          • #6
            No the IP autoban plugin would get rid of you.
            The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

            George Carlin


            • #7
              Oh good! Then I can only spam connect so many times. .

              *Begins to play "The Final Countdown"*

              Oh and you do lose XP from a pvp death. You don't lose any xp at or below level 5.
              So . . . I try to avoid pvp personally. If it comes to that, then I try to get some big strong guy to mess them up for me. . .(Most of the time though Syl could kill the big tough guy and the person pissing her off) Ahs wells.


              • #8
                It's easier to rebuild your exp loss from a death then it is to gain back face from being an ooc coward.


                I'm sorry, I was channeling my character.
                ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

                ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain


                • #9
                  Very wise words indeed. I agree with them totally.

                  But you know . . .*Looks around shifty eyed* Logging off is the only way to escape the DMs power!


                  • #10
                    Hmm... my most common log off point to date is probably the forest of eternal night.


                    • #11
                      Mine ironically since everyones hanging out in Jimmy's lately, is to be unconscious. XD

                      Maybe they had one of those really nasty disconnects that boots you off for the rest of the night or something.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by GodBeastX View Post
                        Players, roleplaying is about accepting the good and the bad as a situation for your character to deal with.
                        Spoken from the heart :3

                        The ability to make sacrifices that fit the character, but in no way benefit the player, is the sign of a truly great roleplayer.
                        "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by deepshades View Post
                          But you know . . .*Looks around shifty eyed* Logging off is the only way to escape the DMs power!
                          Yes. It is....until you log back in. *smiles broadly*

                          *logs off*
                          ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

                          ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain


                          • #14
                            But if you ever see GBX's CoC coming at you, you ought to:

                            1- Run past the Gates of the Sunderer
                            2- Log off
                            3- Sell your copy of Neverwinter Nights 2
                            4- Burn your computer (I know, it's kinda hard, but DO IT!)
                            Drado Nackle, gnome scholar of the Weave
                            Roger Datson, swashbuckler and booty-seeker
                            "Mercy? You wanted mercy?! I'M CHAOTIC NEUTRAL!!!"


                            • #15
                              And pull the fuse out of the breaker box in the basement...just to be certain.
                              ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

                              ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain

