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A Note for Those with Custom Orders to the Enclave

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  • #16
    Roll Skill - Bluff - Mod: -1 - Total: 3

    *looks around shifty-eyed* Um...NO!

    *runs away*
    ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

    ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain


    • #17
      *comes back, grabs magical garter belt*

      *runs away again*
      ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

      ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain


      • #18
        Tsk tsk. Naughty ranger.

        Between you, Tiberias, and Milo, it seems like the woodland folk simply can't keep their paws off the city girl.
        -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


        • #19
          Originally posted by Rhifox View Post
          Tsk tsk. Naughty ranger.

          Between you, Tiberias, and Milo, it seems like the woodland folk simply can't keep their paws off the city girl.

          Sigrun and Josephine? Lay off the dust, girl.
          ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

          ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain


          • #20
            He totally wants her.
            -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


            • #21
              Milo is clearly the best out of the lot, however.

              Also, the orders from the Enclave tend to go through me, so while the Red Wizards will ensure they meet/don't exceed the Enclave standards, I have to make sure that everything's in line and a-okay by the Sundren item standards - this can, and no doubt will, add a bit more time to the item's completion. Patience is a virtue.


              • #22
                Is thereany in game crafting system for magesto be ehard of, or has the server completely abolished the idea?
                Any chance, someone can make items without going through the enclave, and mind you, one RL Day is one RP Week.
                So, in retrospect, your not, or shouldn't be waiting as long, as you think really 8)


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Echelon13 View Post
                  Milo is clearly the best out of the lot, however.

                  Also, the orders from the Enclave tend to go through me, so while the Red Wizards will ensure they meet/don't exceed the Enclave standards, I have to make sure that everything's in line and a-okay by the Sundren item standards - this can, and no doubt will, add a bit more time to the item's completion. Patience is a virtue.
                  must be the horns.

                  balance is good, patience is good.
                  Time to get creative.
                  Father Perry - "...great, not only do rats carry disease but apparently they explode into a fiery ball of flame.?"

                  "may your experience here be legendary." - Ipsissimus


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Dark__Soul View Post
                    Is thereany in game crafting system for magesto be ehard of, or has the server completely abolished the idea?
                    Any chance, someone can make items without going through the enclave, and mind you, one RL Day is one RP Week.
                    So, in retrospect, your not, or shouldn't be waiting as long, as you think really 8)
                    Actually, the majority of players consider it to be one RL day = one in-game day, despite the way time passes in-game.

                    And the devs have stated that technically time does not pass on Sundren for all intents and purposes.

                    As far as the crafting system goes, it's still in works.
                    -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


                    • #25
                      Time doesn't exist in sundren. We'll pass it as we see fit. Some people say one RL day = Week, some say 1 day = year, some say 1 day = no time at all. Depends on the context usage of time.


                      • #26
                        1 day = a year?...

                        Yeah. No thanks? O_o.

                        As for Enclave Orders, i didnt even know you could do that...


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by undeadsteak View Post
                          1 day = a year?...

                          Yeah. No thanks? O_o.

                          As for Enclave Orders, i didnt even know you could do that...
                          It's a new thing.
                          -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


                          • #28
                            All the cool kids are doing it.
                            The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                            George Carlin


                            • #29
                              If we want something to look a certain way, do we have to make it in the toolset and send it somewhere for magical properties to be added?
                              James Leith - Gone home to the Isles
                              Iefan Gwyllym - Newly arrived!


                              • #30
                                If you want a custom look to a piece of armor or weapon that you're using, feel free to send me the erf of it, or simply tell me what look you want and I can do it, then yeah, I'll add in the stats. I'm already doing that for someone currently, changing the looks of their armor while keeping the same stats it already has.
                                -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay

