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Typos in RP

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  • #16
    I respect your take on this, but to much of a pet peeve, if folks want to correct their typos, so be it, does it look ugly, who really cares, kind of pointless...correcting or not, guess it depends on the individual. No affect on RP negatively, I have in the past used typos as a miss spoken word when playing a character with an accent...but otherwise *shrugs* just don't correct yours.


    • #17
      I remember when I DM'd on here.. I would tell everyone in the shout channels before I do a quest that I will have typos and won't correct them.
      Current: Dae'Vesta, freaky female half-drow assassin

      Like Metal ? ----> http://www.myspace.com/cryofsickness2008


      • #18
        What's with the needless threads lately? Seriously?


        • #19
          Originally posted by GodBeastX View Post
          What's with the needless threads lately? Seriously?
          I believe its called General Discussion, a place for the community to air their views...

          ...now whats your favourite colour robe?

          Anyone answers that they die
          "Im a hero hunter, I hunt heroes... I havn't found any yet"


          • #20
            Blue, reminds me of the Gauntlet II days when "Blue Wizard" was so schwank to play.
            Father Perry - "...great, not only do rats carry disease but apparently they explode into a fiery ball of flame.?"

            "may your experience here be legendary." - Ipsissimus


            • #21
              Originally posted by ipsissimus View Post
              Blue, reminds me of the Gauntlet II days when "Blue Wizard" was so schwank to play.
              "Wizard is about to die!"
              "Im a hero hunter, I hunt heroes... I havn't found any yet"


              • #22
                Good thing I'm not a wizard.

                I remember kids used to cry when they heard "Shots now hurt other players." and then someone always proceeded to corner them and just unleash arrows of fury.
                Father Perry - "...great, not only do rats carry disease but apparently they explode into a fiery ball of flame.?"

                "may your experience here be legendary." - Ipsissimus


                • #23
                  MAN! I still have a Gauntlet II box somewhere in my closets, this brings back so many nice memories, funny to see so many people share that piece of gaming history. ^_^

                  "Blue Wizard is 'It' "
                  "Red Warrior is 'It' "
                  *bumps by accident*
                  "Blue Wizard is 'It' "
                  *sneaks by, touching his shoulder*
                  "Red Warrior is 'It' "
                  Drado Nackle, gnome scholar of the Weave
                  Roger Datson, swashbuckler and booty-seeker
                  "Mercy? You wanted mercy?! I'M CHAOTIC NEUTRAL!!!"


                  • #24
                    Maybe I should rephrase...

                    "What's with all the needless threads attacking people's RP styles and habbits?"



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by GodBeastX View Post
                      Maybe I should rephrase...

                      "What's with all the needless threads attacking people's RP styles and habbits?"

                      Its 'habits'.. not 'habbits'...

                      Teh thraed shud b lpcked.
                      "Im a hero hunter, I hunt heroes... I havn't found any yet"


                      • #26
                        (( Habits


