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Question about the Quest System

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  • Question about the Quest System

    I was wondering, is the XP from the quest system going to effect our Max lvl too? Because im hoping it is, otherwise people can grind up to max lvl then do all the quests to go further then max lvl.. So yeah, just wondering

  • #2
    *Narrows eyes* You ask alot of questions Steak
    ~Lyonette L'cyr (Rook)-- Deader than Malaclypse

    ~Megandlla Uyth 'Llar -- In a land Far Far away!

    ~Emilee Mistwalker -- A Female Sigrun? Pfft, far cooler--.... eh.... Hated!!


    • #3
      Uhh...? Thats a bad thing? O_o, as long as they aren't completely useless.


      • #4
        Well between you and Ouroboro's new 'rules-lawyer-in-training questions', I'm not sure which is more um...how to put this kindly:

        Taking up the most space?
        Ok there, I typed it. I'm mean or evil, whatever. Out of the 1,1oo+ posts you have, how many have actually meant anything solid and long lasting?

        Sorry to side-swipe the question, but maybe post counts should be removed? Thoughts?
        There's a thin line between the definition of genius and insanity; I cross it all the time.


        • #5
          It is a valid question, but moot if you look at the overall system in play.

          I grind to max level, then go back and do all the quests to go over the cap...but since the max level is affected by time; my munchkin ass is not sitting around growing mold while I wait for that timer to go up.

          I've effectively reaped what I've sown (past tense of "sow": verb: To plant seeds.). Players like this will be forced to realize this is an RP server or leave while they are twiddling their thumbs because of their impatient actions.
          Don't run...you'll only die tired.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dragoncleric View Post
            Well between you and Ouroboro's new 'rules-lawyer-in-training questions', I'm not sure which is more um...how to put this kindly:

            Taking up the most space?
            Ok there, I typed it. I'm mean or evil, whatever. Out of the 1,1oo+ posts you have, how many have actually meant anything solid and long lasting?

            Sorry to side-swipe the question, but maybe post counts should be removed? Thoughts?
            YAY! i got a reference!

            Yeah, it's a good question. Is XP from quests scaled the same way as the max LVL is? Does this mean you could completely lose out on quest XP if you slaughtered enough "Scikly Boars" to get you to your Max Lvl?

            And about my "Rules-Lawer"ing, they're questions I've had floating in my head for some time. This is the first Forum that i have had Answers as well as a forum that is dedicated to the world. It's a great relief to keep my RP mind rolling while I'm at work, and get these questions answered all in one place.

            Sundren and its Forums rock.

            Sorry, off topic a bit there.
            Calini Anna'Des - Resentful of the Law's values and troubled with her Past.

            "The life of the creative person is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes." - Saul Steinberg

            "Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work" - Thomas Edison


            • #7
              The question is valid, but moot in the long run.

              Let's assume Quest experiance ignores your current maximum level. You'll gain the experiance, but since you're capped, you will be unable to level up. This basically creates a gridlock for the character; they'll need to wait to "grind" on up until the timer extends their maximum level.

              The system is self-verifying; each part is held in check by the founding rules of advancement within the system.

              In essence, the answer to your question is: "It doesn't matter". Because the system holds its integrity no matter how the quest experiance is handled.
              Don't run...you'll only die tired.


              • #8
                Uhm, Dragoncleric, i don't care if my forum posts are wiped. If any Moderator wants to, i dont care. Posting is fun IMO, and i don't see how your annoyed by me posting.. *Shrug.* There are alot of my posts which aren't that useful. And, thanks for hijacking my thread, it wasn't about post counts , if you want, go make a post about that. NYways, back on topic.

                So yeah, just wondering what a DM's response to the quest system would be.. And i guess Vichtor makes sense, seeing as you'll have to wait a bit longer, but then some people will simply be outrageously high through that.


                • #9
                  Given the effort that is being put into the quest system and how it ties into factions and the world in general....and how systems like this are generally tied directly toward "expected" character development at that point; I wouldn't expect very much exploitation to even be possible.

                  In layman's terms: I'd be willing to bet that there are prerequisites for quest advancement that will include current level; prior quests in the storyline or sequence; and maybe even frequency of completion (who would expect someone to go out and kill an orc chief then turn around and go after that pack of ravenous wolves in under five minutes....really?).

                  It all boils down to what the foundation for the system rests on. If you have a solid foundation, nothing else matters.

                  You won't have to wait a "bit" longer...you'll have to wait the exact same amount of time as every single other person, because no matter how much experiance you've stuffed away into your back pocket, the founding rules of the system stay level across the board for all players.
                  Don't run...you'll only die tired.


                  • #10
                    All XP you gain ingame will be moderated by our XP system. This includes but is not limited to: Creature kills, Quests, DM Experience, etc.
                    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                    George Carlin


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Saulus View Post
                      All XP you gain ingame will be moderated by our XP system. This includes but is not limited to: Creature kills, Quests, DM Experience, etc.

                      Go, go, gadget "Good Foundation"!
                      Don't run...you'll only die tired.


                      • #12
                        This is what I'm worried about:

                        You have travelled to the home of the "Legendary Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh" and bear witness to the "Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog". You and your companions draw swords and after a lengthy battle the beast is finally slain and the villagers are finally free from fear.
                        You all return to claim your prize but Alas! you were close your your Max level for your alloted time than your companions so while they gain 1500xp for freeing the villagers, you only get 10xp, cause you stuffed up.

                        Would this be the case, or would the slaying of such a deadly Rabbit and freeing the people still benefit you equally once your Max level increases?
                        Calini Anna'Des - Resentful of the Law's values and troubled with her Past.

                        "The life of the creative person is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes." - Saul Steinberg

                        "Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work" - Thomas Edison


                        • #13

                          Looking at my main's current level, I would have to say that the chances of anyone actually hitting their cap who doesn't do a LOT LOT LOT of killing, and DM quests, and normal quests rolled into one is really kind of low.

                          The level cap, if you look at it, is bloody generous.
                          Adama who was once called Adama Hrakness, sacred paw of Mielikki

                          Lihana Farrier, Paladin of Torm and noble dalliance

                          On Hold: Alandriel Ward, Actually a Vampire Groupie
                          Retired for Good: Tamryn Jorandur, Hano's Wife and Conflicted Soul


                          • #14
                            seriously, how much bloody grinding would you have to do to actually hit max level? 14 hours a day? more?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Venture View Post
                              seriously, how much bloody grinding would you have to do to actually hit max level? 14 hours a day? more?
                              Have you ever played WOW? I call it the "Soul Eater" because you have to devote a good portion of your life into it, only to come out with sore eyes, painfull butt, Calices on your wrist, no job, and only be 1% further than you were the week before.

                              This is WAY better, and you get to be with like minded people, rather than "BUY GOLD NOW" or "DWARF PORN AT BANK" ever 5 minutes.

                              I've given up. I have played for 1 and a half years straight on one character, and I got about 40% of my max level, then the expansion hits, and im back again, now ANOTHER ones coming and I'm stuffed again. Screw it, I'm doing NWN2 and Sundren where you can actually feel like you don't suck!
                              Calini Anna'Des - Resentful of the Law's values and troubled with her Past.

                              "The life of the creative person is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes." - Saul Steinberg

                              "Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work" - Thomas Edison

