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Encounter difficulty - exploring areas

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  • #16
    I am new the Server, I have only got a chance to explore a bit, but have already been ganked a few times. I don't really know where people are so my character hasn't had a chance to interact with others, but in NWN I played on a few servers where NPC's would throw out little ingame hints such as, "Going that way huh? You don't look weathered enough to make that treck alone." or "Ha ha ha, you think your paltry training would stand up in there? Good luck boy, I'd send flowers to your mother but, I could care less"

    If something like that could be estabilished it might help greatly

    Also ingame hints from PCs wouldn't be too absurd an idea as long as it was roleplayed correctly, for an experienced adventurer would be able to size up a person and guess at their abilities. They than (according to their alignment) may or may not say some helpful words or advice.


    • #17
      Also OOC replies or responses would definetly be inappropriate.... Sometimes you have to get ganked to learn


      • #18
        *shrug.* perhaps. But getting ganked when your new isnt too welcoming. but i have to agree, these names sound quite scary. "Necropolis." When you enter you see zombies, a closed gate, (Atleast it should be closed) and no gaurds. That'd mean something really is dangerous in there. Virdale Forest Border gives you a warning with the sentries talking. No warnings around Aquor Caverns, Sewers (I doubt a warning is needed for that anyways), or Gate of the Sunderer however. The gaurd in Aquor should atleast say something about the caverns, Sewers, as i said, don't really need a warning, and when you enter the Gate of the Sunderer maybe some abbandoned Tents up front and A dead corpse filled with arrows or the such?


        • #19
          Dethrune, there's a "Search for RP" tool if you right click yourself.


          • #20
            I am myself new to the server... and it was quite difficult to find a place to adventure until I found the goblins.

            However, my idea would be adding something to bartenders... like a gossip... which would advise the character what might be a decent place and maybe how to get there.


            • #21
              The upcomming quest system will help guide players. You might find quests that send you to locations (Should you choose to accept).


              • #22
                Another idea would be a local source of knowledge. You know like a local sage or something that can tell people about certain areas. Basic knowledge could be free but detailed knowledge would cost you.

                For example:

                Free stuff - Viridale Forest contains abnormally powerful humaniods. Gnolls and goblins seem fairly common there.

                This will cost ya - The gnolls belong to the Mossclaw tribe and are much more powerful than normal other gnolls. The often attack in groups with powerful goblins. I have evidence that adventurers with several seasons of skill to their name fail to return from there. There are also reports of worse creatures in the forest like ogres.
                James Leith - Gone home to the Isles
                Iefan Gwyllym - Newly arrived!


                • #23
                  Actually, the Bartender idea sounds really good. Like in Baldurs Gate, every time you bought a drink you would overhear rumours and so fourth. Would tell you some local gossip and stuff.

                  Maybe Appraise, Diplomacy or Intimidate checks could be used to define "The Value" of the gossip you hear.

                  Maybe even be able to aquire Quests this way "Ooo.... i heard down at so-and-so lane that the Windersons have had their Son Kidnapped. Some big Ransom or what not. oooooo... if only I could find them Bandits!"

                  or something
                  Calini Anna'Des - Resentful of the Law's values and troubled with her Past.

                  "The life of the creative person is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes." - Saul Steinberg

                  "Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work" - Thomas Edison


                  • #24
                    Being fairly new myself I thought I would drop my few cents on this topic after some frustration at the beginning...

                    Between the current low player base and the idea of adding dynamic content I think 2 simple changes to the World Map could help immensely.
                    - Code each area with a color signifying a generical difficulty (<5, 5+, 10+, 15+ maybe...)

                    - Add a Symbol before, or after, the name signifying the controling faction (or alignment of), if any.

                    Coding the areas provides the in depth knowledge unable to be gleaned from an NPC or sign that one would get in person (so its tough for this guard, but exactly how tough _is_ the guard).

                    Adding the faction, or alignment, allows the future addition of cities which are unfriendly to opposing factions, or aligments. While not killing of new members jumping straight off the docks.

                    This provides a quick general idea, equivalent to talking to tavern folk, for both the new player and the old who's returning after an extended break. If you want to RP that you were on another continent then ignore it, but if you want to RP that you were actually just spending some leasure time in a tavern, or at home in Sundren... you can do that too.


                    • #25
                      I think that this needs to be left up to the characters (players) intelligence. The character needs to ask questions in the game and listen to what those more experienced have to say about certain areas. From there it should be up to the character to decide if they want to risk preceeding. Some characters may choose to enter an area they shouldn't be in and may suffer the consequences.

                      Also if and when these characters enter those areas, their actions will determine their fate. If they move slowly and track ahead they may get the opportunity to see the danger ahead and examine their options. If they run headlong through the trees, then they will seal their own fate.

                      Protector of the Woods
                      "That which you cannot interdict, you incapacitate."
                      Andrew Vachss


                      • #26
                        My suggestion is similiar to the last. Tie stats or skills to invisible triggers that generate text pop-ups over character heads upon entry into areas. I've seen it on NWN I servers.

                        Tie what a character can observe upon entering an area to Lore or Survival or both in some combination maybe. If they pass the skill check they get some info regarding tracks, native habitat or inhabitants, etc., of the area. If they don't pass the skill/stat check, they get less specific information.

                        Make it happen only on the first entry into each area.

                        Seems like it would keep it IC and non-meta, without needing guards or signs everywhere...
                        How to Save $$ at Christmas

                        Fingal Haller - dwarven scout, locksmith and mercenary
                        Reuel - Human (absent-minded) Wizard
                        Rudash - Orc-blooded lad with a chip on his shoulder

