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Armor, and Removal Thereof

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  • #31
    Ah, that works!


    • #32
      Well, it all sounds okay to me but really, this is how i look at it:
      In the city, while I'm paying for a room, i will prolly take my armour off to go for a walk (although default Warlock armour is fairly clothes-skimpy-looking anyway, so i might just settle with that ), and come night time or when I'm going to go down to the bar for a drink, i'll definatly Casual-it up. Going to bed, maybe add a nighty to hop into then go to bed.

      Out and about, in constant danger, as i would most likely sleep in my gear as danger can call at any time and i would need all the protection i could get. Maybe if i was in a big party, i would find my gear getting uncomfortable and might zip down to the nearby lake and take a dip but otherwise not.

      Maybe add a timer on clothes and based on the amount of running you've been doing, apply something like a charisma penalty because you're a bit stinky and dirty (Sourceres would really suffer here, so maybe just a penalty to diplomacy and apraise, or something would be fairer) so to clean up, you have to go to a lake or a water source, use you "Soap and Brush" item in your inventory on your clothes to scrub up (On yourself to... Stinkey) and be on your merry smell and dirt free way.

      All in all, if you want accuracy, go all the way. Throw in the Nude mod so if you're a character that is more likely to just turn the other way, drop your gear off and get into your sleeping clothers, then so be it. A transition stage would be more realistic (Who can really leap oout of their palte mail and into their Nighty in a Backwards Ninja-flip motion?) so, nudie up baby!
      Calini Anna'Des - Resentful of the Law's values and troubled with her Past.

      "The life of the creative person is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes." - Saul Steinberg

      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work" - Thomas Edison


      • #33
        Oh god oh god, now this seems just way too complicated.Can we stick with our normal method? No need for so much complicatios, it'll take forever.


        • #34
          Awww comon. You've already got the delay for equiping / unequiping armour. All you need to do now is have the transitional moment of having your bait-and-tackle-or-equivalent getting a fresh draught for a few seconds while you put your other gear on.

          Is the delay manually operated? So by this i mean when you rest, there is a pre-resting delay as you get your gear off and then when you're finished resting, is there another delay as you gear up again?

          Of course, it seems logical to me that changing your gear in the middle of the marketplace would draw alot of attention to yourself (as being nude always does).

          The whole cleaning your clothes thing still sounds cool to me.
          Calini Anna'Des - Resentful of the Law's values and troubled with her Past.

          "The life of the creative person is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes." - Saul Steinberg

          "Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work" - Thomas Edison


          • #35
            Our chars are meant to do that when we're logged off? *Shrug.* Thats what any of my chars'd do.


            • #36
              Actually, I played with a system like this on Aythor, and thought it was really neat. I just didn't want to put more work on our poor scripters. :P
              Adama who was once called Adama Hrakness, sacred paw of Mielikki

              Lihana Farrier, Paladin of Torm and noble dalliance

              On Hold: Alandriel Ward, Actually a Vampire Groupie
              Retired for Good: Tamryn Jorandur, Hano's Wife and Conflicted Soul


              • #37
                I just think the whole 'taking off armor to sleep' thing is silly unless there is a reason for it other than flavour. Its kind of pointless right now as long as the rest system will only allow you to sleep when no enemies are nearby (some set radius of active opponents) which is even sillier when you realise that they don't move usualy more than a small amount until they spot/hear an opponent. Heck you can't rest if a enemy is behind a door..even though unless it hears you it won't move.

                I wish there was a way to make the game more like a PnP game, but NWN just doesn't seem upto the challenge (heck I don't really know of any 3.5 based game that is truthfully).
                Earl Montblanc


                • #38
                  *shrug.* its not like taking off armor does you any harm. The only thing it does is if a somone who relys on armor gets ambushed while resting, they're going to have a hard time.


                  • #39
                    Yeah, therin lies the point. Fighters, Pallys, even clerics and druids will really suffer as often they rely on their high AC in combat to give them the edge they need.
                    To make matters worse, their armour is way more complex, so a Ranger quickly slipping into his Leather Padded armour will be harder to stuff up than putting on your Full plate ("Argh.... damn.... why does my leather armour feel weird this morning?.... oh.... remember... Jocks first THEN leggings, not Vest on legs, jocks on head and Leggings arouond neck like scarf!")

                    Maybe a clever Armour Smith should make a mail plated nightie for those Middle-of-night-and-a-dire-bear-dual-weilding-battle-axes-jumps-into-tent-so-you-jump-up-and-grab-your-sword-and-realise-your-companions-got-you-drunk-the-night-before-and-shaved-all-your-private-parts-and-the-bear-looks-at-you-with-a-curious-look to save you so embarasment.
                    Calini Anna'Des - Resentful of the Law's values and troubled with her Past.

                    "The life of the creative person is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes." - Saul Steinberg

                    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work" - Thomas Edison


                    • #40
                      Eh, it doesnt mess up people with leather armor and stuff as i know. And whats so bad if that happens? It makes it harder for them.... So? Its not like a monsters going to charge at you unless you rest in a unsafe zone.


                      • #41
                        Break up the long contraction please to save the forums? >_>;
                        Adama who was once called Adama Hrakness, sacred paw of Mielikki

                        Lihana Farrier, Paladin of Torm and noble dalliance

                        On Hold: Alandriel Ward, Actually a Vampire Groupie
                        Retired for Good: Tamryn Jorandur, Hano's Wife and Conflicted Soul


                        • #42
                          *Bandits yell out a Bloodthirsty scream as they charge your camp, the whisps of the starving fire making little curltails in the night sky like drunken March flies. You wake to the noise and get to your feat, hastily grabbing your breast plate and struggling with the strap. The clashing of the Bandits and your companions blades meet with a glorious and fierce crash and you realise there is no time to spare. You burst out of the tent, blade in and and yell in rage. The bandits look at you and in one sweeping motion drop their weapons in a motion of disgust and retreat into the bushes. Your companions look at you with first a look of concern, then a smile, then a laugh. You look down only to realise your Meat and two veg are shining in the moonlit night sky for the whole world to see with you leggings lying limp at the exit of your tent.*
                          Calini Anna'Des - Resentful of the Law's values and troubled with her Past.

                          "The life of the creative person is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes." - Saul Steinberg

                          "Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work" - Thomas Edison


                          • #43
                            Uhm.. You can always wear clothing underneath armor.. >_>.


                            • #44
                              Unfortunelty Ouroboros (very good by the way) example only works for half-orcs or perhaps dwarves males.

                              Now a female on the other hand, I don't think those bandits will be running 'away', if you get my drift. Again maybe if it's a half-orc or Dwarf again though, heh.
                              But then again these bandits could be non-Human and/or non-male to being with. So then you're in deep-poodoo anyways.
                              There's a thin line between the definition of genius and insanity; I cross it all the time.


                              • #45
                                Hey, i think even a nude Bugbear would get a ceratin "Calibur" of humans gawping, open for a blade in the gut.

                                *... You look down and realise your headlights are on high beams because the Bandits stare at your naked form like a Rabbit staring in a stun like a Rabbit facing a Ferrari at night. The last words the Bandits make are "Bow-Chicka-bow-wow" when your companions coming to their senses before the bandits do drive their blades forward with a final blow. You now realise how hard it is to cover all your private bits with a single battle axe from your companions who now seem to have some unusual thoughts in their heads. You begin to wish that you hadn't forgotten your Undies back in that stingy Inn back in town*

                                heh heh
                                Calini Anna'Des - Resentful of the Law's values and troubled with her Past.

                                "The life of the creative person is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes." - Saul Steinberg

                                "Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work" - Thomas Edison

