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The drow

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  • #31
    *Shrug.* Whatever. Even if made because of Drizz't, theres a god of Good Drow, and theres no saying it doesn't exist. Just because somethings born evil doesn't mean its going to be evil forever. ANd if your going tot ake off their spell resistance, why keep the ECL? Just to make it hard because they're good drow? Oh yeah, that sounds fair to players who like to play them.


    • #32
      Or because of their statistical adjustments, and the whole nature of their race...

      The reason I hate good drow is exactly the reason the poster above undead said. They are monsters, banished by the greater god of all elves, and almost everyone treats them as if they were EQUALS. This is *WRONG* they should be HATED, DESPISED, even good drow should be doubted ALWAYS. Trust should be incredibly hard to get, and most would not even get the chance to reach that point. They'd be dead.
      Former creator for the PRC


      • #33
        Originally posted by Lockindal View Post
        Or because of their statistical adjustments, and the whole nature of their race...

        The reason I hate good drow is exactly the reason the poster above undead said. They are monsters, banished by the greater god of all elves, and almost everyone treats them as if they were EQUALS. This is *WRONG* they should be HATED, DESPISED, even good drow should be doubted ALWAYS. Trust should be incredibly hard to get, and most would not even get the chance to reach that point. They'd be dead.
        I respectively beg to differ, how Drow should be treated should be left up to the individual player and not to a forum. No one has the right to tell anyone else just how they have to treat the Drow or any other race anyway other than their character's conscience.

        As for good align Drow and inter-Elven relations, sorry but the Elves of Evermeet 2nd AD&D has already open diplomatic dialog between the Evermeet Crown and those who follow the Dark Maiden.
        Myrddin Ariandraig


        • #34
          Aye, some characters are nice to drow because thats who they are. Like, Sylivia was a sunite and they were beautiful, so her first thoughts were that they were good. Atleast, Aly and Sinnifay, as they didn't do anything bad, and they were quite nice.


          • #35
            We've gotten the input we needed.
            The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

            George Carlin

