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The drow

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  • The drow

    Would you like to see the drow become an antagonist once again in Sundren or should players not be able to play them?
    Yes! Bring on the drow
    Yes, but restrict them
    Don't care
    No! Drow have no place in Sundren
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

    George Carlin

  • #2
    I'd love the drow back. They always made adventuring dangerous and fun. Yay drows!


    • #3
      Just remember, all the people whom complained about the Drow in the first place, ended up whinning about the lack of player conflict afterwards... It's just another race that adds options...
      Aesa Volsung - Uthgardt Warrior

      Gabrielle Atkinson - Mage Priest of Torm
      Anasath Zesiro - Mulhorandi Morninglord
      Kyoko - Tiefling Diviner
      Yashedeus - Cyrist Warlock
      Aramil - Nutter

      GMT -8


      • #4
        In part I don't care, but along with the potential for character vs character conflict, there were some pretty interesting characters being developed by players. Characters that were not typical evil drow, and were not good of alignment either. So, I say allow players to play the Dark Elven Race.
        Myrddin Ariandraig


        • #5
          Originally posted by Kasso View Post
          Just remember, all the people whom complained about the Drow in the first place, ended up whinning about the lack of player conflict afterwards... It's just another race that adds options...
          Thats a garbage generalization... people are allowed different opinions without being called whiners.

          I for one, was not a fan of how the drow were handled (RP'd in particular) but do think they have a limited place on the server.




          • #6
            Aaand your point?

            You don't like how people RP there characters then ignore them... There were a crap ton of crap played Dwarves, Elves, Aasimar, Tieflings, Halflings, Gnomes... (Goes off to list almost every other race.) and nobody complained about them.

            One Drow so much as speaks of Drizzt and every Tom, Dick and Larry within 90 kilometers flies off the handle, fires the missiles, breaks out the torches and generally freak out and over react over something that really shouldn't matter in the least.

            IMO, maybe not EVERY person, but ALMOST everyone did, litterally fly off the handle with the Drow for no good reason other then to make people RP THERE characters the way said dwarf/elf/human etc. wanted them to.
            Aesa Volsung - Uthgardt Warrior

            Gabrielle Atkinson - Mage Priest of Torm
            Anasath Zesiro - Mulhorandi Morninglord
            Kyoko - Tiefling Diviner
            Yashedeus - Cyrist Warlock
            Aramil - Nutter

            GMT -8


            • #7
              Please keep it constructive folks, rather than talk about the problems, lets talk about solutions.

              I think the drow simply need some of their own space in the world, and PvP should only be a last resort.
              The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

              George Carlin


              • #8
                My point is when six Drow are hanging out in a newb zone pickin off stray PC's within eyeshot of the guards it's VERY bad RP.
                That was one of low points of Sundren in my opinion and unless Drow are handled carefully it will happen again.

                And I do think they have a place... away from guards and civilization.




                • #9
                  [Insert Drow in Faction]
                  [Alter guard script to be hostile to said faction]
                  [Problem solved]
                  Aesa Volsung - Uthgardt Warrior

                  Gabrielle Atkinson - Mage Priest of Torm
                  Anasath Zesiro - Mulhorandi Morninglord
                  Kyoko - Tiefling Diviner
                  Yashedeus - Cyrist Warlock
                  Aramil - Nutter

                  GMT -8


                  • #10
                    Bring 'em on! I never complained 'cos I thought it was fun having them rampaging around (as well as getting up to their other dirty tricks). There were some excellent drow characters, some evil, some not.
                    I got one leg missin'
                    How do I get around?

                    One Leg Missin'
                    Meet the Feebles


                    • #11
                      I never complained, i don't believe most people complained at all Kasso. Maybe just a few, and i don't remember seeing drows picking off anyone next to gaurds. It was usually in the aquor caverns, or the bandit area, or deeper in Sharan Hills, without exigo senitels there.


                      • #12
                        Not necessarily restrict their numbers, but I do think it should require application to be a Drow.

                        And I also do not believe in good drow (Ellistrae was only created because of drizzt's overpopularity IMO. Blah.). Neutral, yes. Good? Hell no, IMO.
                        Former creator for the PRC


                        • #13
                          The faction system will indeed make guards hostile to drow (at least and Sundren Militia guards). One of the main focuses of development right now is implementing quests and this will tie in with our faction system.

                          Sundren is running on a fairly stable codebase and the loot/economy is pretty well tuned at this point, now the finer features (like quests, crafting, etc) can become priorities.
                          The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                          George Carlin


                          • #14
                            well it sounds like you need to open the server tomorrow, or tonight even




                            • #15
                              Seriously. I want the server release

                              And why the hate on Good Drow? You say its a fad to be a good Drow, but it seems like now its a fad to hate good Drow. Just let them be, there is a god of good Drow, and theres no denying that, even if it was made for Drizz't or whats his name >_>

                              Application on Drow might be neccessary, if your not going to have application on anything else. Some greivers might join and justify their random PK with saying "Im an evil drow."

