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Appreciation of our servers standards

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  • Appreciation of our servers standards

    So, I've been playing on the Baldur's gate server the last month or so with Talley and R3 in his spare time, and for that server being a little older then ours, holy GODS is it buggy as crap. Playing on one of the other old servers really lets one appreciate the level of beauty and detail that our dev's put into Sundren to make it work properly. From class balance, to walk meshes, to vfx, to spell balance...Our dev's are leaps and bounds ahead of the BG devs in terms of skill and and care for the server as a whole.

    I mean, their DM's and their Devs aren't even really friends. They don't talk to one another before a patch, and the Dev team doesn't care if what they push through is buggy or doesn't work, they push it without consulting or testing things beforehand. Case in point, their recent huge patch has required their DM staff to push 5 different mini patches just to fix 1/3 of it. On the other side with OUR staff and dev team, they are all friends, they work together to make sure things work, and if a patch gets pushed through and things are borked bad, it's immediately rolled back to fix what broke.

    I'm not saying there are not a few things on BG that might be cool to have on Sundren at some time, (Like chests that spawn items for each individual that opens them or an appearance changer you can access from the player menu on the bottom left of the screen whenever and wherever you are) but I would rather never have either of those, then have to deal with the sheer inadequacy of their scripting process. Our classes are more balanced, our PVE content more fun, our quests more interesting, and our walk mesh actually works.

    So, to our Dev team: You just keep doing what your doing, don't worry about rushing anything to meet some deadline. With the quality of the other big servers as baselines to go off of, I think all of us would rather wait. Our quality is second to none. Hell, all of the others put together aren't even near ours. Good job team.
    Tigen Amastacia: Died in events so you didn't have to.

    Quintin Ulsteris: Nice-guy Legion engineer, deceased son of House Ulsteris.

    Clandriel Cain: AKA "Fire-eyes" AKA "Demon hunter" AKA "OH MY GOD, WHY IS HE STILL STABBING ME!!??"

  • #2
    The whole lack of communication between Devs & DMs was what quickly put me off the BG server. Waiting days, sometimes weeks for something gamebreaking to be fixed -.-
    Originally posted by roguethree
    If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.


    • #3
      Psh, you say that now but with me mapping you can expect to see a whole lot of standards slide.

      It does sometimes baffle me when I see the content implemented on some servers, but having some content is better than none.
      It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little - Do what you can.
      Sydney Smith.


      • #4
        The mapping is what I appreciated the most playing here, it made a world of difference to me, pun intended.
        "Half the lies they tell about me aren't true."
        Yogi Berra

        Learn things:http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page


        • #5
          First an foremost the the staff here is awesome and the content is awesome...

          That said, yes the last patch at BG is an awful one, but a major one (thinking a bout a major service pack). Having played there for years (off and on) most of the major issues are that as of late. They, as so some other servers have good ideas both mechanically (DoN/IoA) and visually (see the elfin tree fort in the north in BG)

          Now back to my love...

          People tend to complain (allot) and I am not saying people are here in this thread. What I wanted to share is that Sundren was my first online server I have ever played on. I have heard a lot of talk about the crafting system here being broke / stinks, but I have not found anything that even comes close! I love it!

          Also the rule set when I stated (perm-a-death after 11) was great. It was awesome to really feel on edge when you stretch yourself and that alone makes the content more challenging. To many other serves just give you a slap on the wrist if you die... what is the fun in that?

          Plot lines, well I cannot tell (my hours are always so off) if Sundren has one or not (this is not a bad thing). If feels like the player drive the stories, very organic. It is wonderful as a player to "feel" like you have input in the progression of the server. Even for those players that do not have much time (like myself) I still feel like I provide substance to the world. So if the server has a staff driven plot line, then it is performed exceptionally well for it "feels" like a player one, which is how it should be. If I want a story told to me I would read a book (to to be more honest, watch a movie).

          Content wise, I really enjoy what is done here. The staff does not just add classes/feats to give options / varieties. They added a few that makes sense to the environment and is well balanced. I like the fact that resting is limited. I could go on about all the wonderful things here but I would be just telling you all what you already know.

          Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
          Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
          Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
          Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

          Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same

