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  • #76
    It seems like most of the posts on this thread seem to be of the opinion that either you accept someone or you want them dead. You can still have those sorts of conflict without losing the notion that you can work together.

    For example, someone I knew in an MMO had a character that he played as a very arrogant Elf. I had more fun role playing with him specifically because neither of my characters got along with him. One character was rather swashbucklery human and I would tease him whenever he insulted the fact I was human (which was very often) and it often escaladed to the point that people who had not been around us occassionally thought we weren't joking around, but we had no problem working together. He would tank, I would stab the thing in the back, and then we would go at it again until we started fighting something else. Granted we would never IC volunteer to work together, but since it was an MMO we needed a healer anyways and most of the rest of guild were healers, so that meant we always had someone else asking us for help.

    He was perfectly capable of being completely racist to all non-elves (he didn't even like most elves that much for that matter), and I was able to constantly bicker with him because he was RPing a very arrogant character. However, we were perfectly able to group together because we didn't take it personally and it made sense even from an IC standpoint since we both agreed to help whatever healer asked us for help, and his character was too stubborn to leave a group because I was there and my character intentionally was provoking him, so it made sense I would want to stay.

    That is more the impression I got when I first started looking in this thread. That was definitely one of the most enjoyable RPing interactions I can remember because we were constantly trying to one up each other, which made it very interesting. It didn't matter we weren't trying to kill one another, we were in the same guild and we worked towards the same goals, we just were very competitive with each other, even though there was nothing to actually gain. His character insulted mine because I was human (so it fits in with the idea of racial toleration) and mine shot back mainly to provoke him for a sort of swashbuckler idea of banter fun since his character was insanely arrogant (so it is more a character basis than a racial one).

    If anything those types of interactions are more interesting to play than ones of groups in direct conflict because you are forced into more diverse situations and you can't just kill the other person because you are still on the same side.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Mathieu View Post
      It seems like most of the posts on this thread seem to be of the opinion that either you accept someone or you want them dead. You can still have those sorts of conflict without losing the notion that you can work together.
      Quoted for truth.


      • #78
        Since another player's death is pretty much never an option, I try to find something in between :P.
        ~ Elisabeth "Liza" Elathien ~ Annyth ~


        • #79
          What about NPC reactions? With all Underdark races except Drow, and fiendblooded characters welcome in town, it sets the example for player characters. Newer players do partially take their cue for setting from NPCs.


          • #80
            Accept my turnip loving gnome and a new level of tension will arise in Sundren. Silent but Deadly Tension RP'd to perfection of course.


            • #81
              I just want you all to know that, whether he likes you or not, my character Eirimil staunchly believes he is better than you in every conceivable way, and will tell you so. He thinks that your a filthy human, a squat fat ugly dwarf, a 'distant' cousin with obviously less talent, a repulsive drooling half-orc, a halfbreed that would never be accepted in true elven society, a half-pint/child, completely insane, completely retarded, or any mix of the above combinations. Even if you prove to be useful, he only sweetens the words a bit to get what he wants from you. He'll work with absolutely anyone -as distasteful as you all are - to achieve his ends through those means.

              There's your tolerance. :P
              Reinamar Stormseeker - The bladestorm that must turn back the wind. Arkerym of The People, practitioner of the forgotten art, pariah.

              Tyler Penleigh - Obligatory author insert, Red Blade Defender, sarcastic jerk, caring brother, loving fiancé, war criminal.

              Eirimil Gaelazair (Dead)- Bitter. Caustic. Abrasive. Egocentric. Probably right. Found dead in the burned-out Viridale forest a few weeks after the survivors were able to sweep the area after the Bloodmaim offensive. Aside from his usual attire, an intricate music box was the only thing in his possession.


              • #82

                Elalvaillnya is also a very prejudiced elf who will denigrate just about everyone (because elves are the best, LOL). He will adventure with other races; however, expect to be insulted during the entire quest or adventure. However, he will never adventure with a half-orc or a drow (no matter how good they say they are), and only with half-elves depending on his mood that day.

                He doesn't necessarily hate you, he just thinks you are inferior, which you probably are, HAHA!


                • #83
                  Originally posted by ThePaganKing View Post
                  Elalvaillnya is also a very prejudiced elf who will denigrate just about everyone (because elves are the best, LOL). He will adventure with other races; however, expect to be insulted during the entire quest or adventure. However, he will never adventure with a half-orc or a drow (no matter how good they say they are), and only with half-elves depending on his mood that day.

                  He doesn't necessarily hate you, he just thinks you are inferior, which you probably are, HAHA!

                  Person: "Can't you be nice? Really, would that be so hard? You're always such an ass to everyone!"

                  Elavaillnya: "Ah, apologies, I COULD be nice, should the person deserve such treatment....be a dear and tell me if you find someone won't you?"
                  Don't run...you'll only die tired.


                  • #84
                    That basically sums Elal up, LOL!


                    • #85
                      Yes>.> you see no evil PC's.... yes<.< mwhahah
                      Julia Blackstar


