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Me me me me me, it's all about the Clutch.

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  • #16
    Never been in a quest with you DMing
    Current Characters:
    Abbot Keagan Deverall

    Past Characters:
    Drashan Farsight

    The reason why I post like a mad man:


    • #17
      I prefer Vodka. ?.?
      Vaneniel Gorstair - Chaotic druidess of d00m
      Kashia Reyer - Fumbling monk and master of torches
      Merogrin - Halfling Paladin!


      • #18
        Update: Had the pleasure to experience your DMing today and it was fun

        Saka meet Necromancer. Saka meet level drain. Saka suddenly level 3 fighter lol. Thanks for giving my character have a new perspective about a few things.
        Player of: Sakamoto. Warrior following the Way of the Blade.

        I can hear what you're thinking,
        All your doubts and fears,
        And if you look in my eyes, in time you'll find,
        The reason I'm here.


        • #19
          That was merely a simple encounter
          Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

          Desmonia Flashir

          GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Clutch View Post
            That was merely a simple encounter
            Out of the simple things in life much fun can be had. *grins*
            Player of: Sakamoto. Warrior following the Way of the Blade.

            I can hear what you're thinking,
            All your doubts and fears,
            And if you look in my eyes, in time you'll find,
            The reason I'm here.


            • #21
              whoo! go boilermakers!
              "The Weave is the source of all magic in Faerun, and I would give my life to protect it!"
              Selene Canadiel--Knight of the Weave
              "I have failed you once....I will not fail you again!"
              Sylvanas Kathar--Thayan Knight


              • #22
                Oh, i hate level drains.... Luckily I have a bunny egg!


                • #23
                  You suck Clutch


                  • #24
                    Hmmmm, I don't actually think I've been in any DM quests that I've known you were running. Though I've been in a few that I don't know who ran. And one DM thing wherre the DM kept spawning monsters on us. The poor level 5. He died 3 times.
                    Jaggath Tharn, Better Than Sex.

                    Lenier Miloan, Totally a Tormtar.


                    • #25
                      hehe well I close to being heathen as I havent had a drink in years I have been on a few of your quests and I think your doing a great job Unfortuantly most times I am on your crashing for sleep, so cant really say much for duration as I am on the tail end of things. But what I have seen has definitely been impressive
                      Active Characters:
                      Tassafina Lightleaf - A little sneaky but not as sneaky as Ithil

                      Silivren Anar
                      Merka Gillina

                      Hideing outs:
                      Alyssa Swiftwing - Priestess of Yondalla
                      Ravenne Naur'Loki - Roar!


                      • #26
                        Okay, enough praise and crits. Thank you all, next time you log in ask Kaith for a cookie of explicit doom. It's lovely *snickers*

                        And the heathens... beware... oh just beware ! *insert random evil cackle*

                        P.S. On another note if you have anything else to add you can PM me.

                        P.S. 2. Finland is dead
                        Last edited by Clutch; 04-12-2007, 06:36 PM.
                        Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

                        Desmonia Flashir

                        GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.

