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Me me me me me, it's all about the Clutch.

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  • Me me me me me, it's all about the Clutch.

    It's been a week and I ran a couple thousand things now, now I need feedback.

    Things as, are my events too hard or too easy ? Do they make sense or not ? Are they too slow-paced or too fast-paced ? Are they too repetative ? ( Yes they are for now ), Are they too long or too short ? Are they fun or not ? Are the rewards worthwhile ? Did I do anything terrible wrong, nail it. Anything !


    And for my intense curiousity I threw up a poll.
    Whiskey ( & Beer )
    I'm a heathen, hence, I do not drink !
    Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

    Desmonia Flashir

    GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.

  • #2
    *thumbs up for the Euro Dm god*

    Just as a sidenote, whiskey is my water
    Peridan Twilight, one-eyed dog of the Legion, deceased.
    Daniel Nobody, adventurer and part time problem solver.

    [DM] Poltergeist :
    If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an intermediate deity's unbridled fury.


    • #3
      I have no idea about your events, since I haven't gotten around to playing yet (busy RL), but I wholeheartedly support the Whiskey ( & Beer ) option!
      Brage is the god of bards and poets in Norse mythology. Getting drunk is an excellent way of summoning Brage's creativity.


      • #4
        I, personally, can't understand what makes people to drink whiskey. It just tastes like shit.

        Thus my choice is beer.

        Oh and, I bow down before you, mighty European DM.


        • #5
          Percy and I heart you.
          Lillapan Swobbles -- Hand-wavin' Goblin Fodder


          • #6
            I can't vote... you don't have wine, jagermeister, and aftershock on the list... =(

            Maleficus "Ravenor" Carnificis
            "Dreams... such fertile ground for the seeds of torment. I can sense your ripeness and, oddly enough, it is time for the harvest. Please, save your tears... I intend to reap your sorrow slowly and have ages to discover the things that make you suffer... I am eager to revel in the sweet melody of your screams and the melancholy of your despair..."
            Eldraxus Tzyvioq
            Mystic Theurge (and Harper) of Deneir wandering the Sundered Valley in search of (and with the intention of mapping out) places of power, ley-line intersections, and other locations where the divine and arcane intersect...


            • #7
              *mutters something about heathens and people who hates whisky* /jk (and do NOT start a discussion about the spelling, please lol)

              Whisky and beer it is, no doubt!

              Regarding the DMing. Missed your events, but just the fact that you are Euro makes it grand

              Personal opinion: Not a problem with hard events. Challenges can be fun as long as the players are left with an exit strategy (IE: PKing sucks )
              Player of: Sakamoto. Warrior following the Way of the Blade.

              I can hear what you're thinking,
              All your doubts and fears,
              And if you look in my eyes, in time you'll find,
              The reason I'm here.


              • #8
                *wonders why people only like beer, but neither beer nor beer*
                Playing Asha'easaahae Illeleste & Frem


                • #9
                  I Absolutely enjoyed the short game you ran with me. Not only did it make my day, it also helped to develop my character a bit. From what I have experienced so far, it was a high point for me (in sundren). Keep it up and thanks!


                  • #10
                    I've been in one event that I know you run yourself and others where I think you were helping another DM.

                    I didn't find them neither too hard nor too easy. They were challenging enough for it to not be a breeze, but not something where people die every battle and get frustrated.

                    They seemed to follow the pace of the players. Maybe it's just the groups were in the same pace as the event, which is good nonetheless.

                    They might have seemed a bit repetitive to me for the fact they always involved going to the goblins in one way or another I know Ashley hangs around the miners' camp a lot and it's natural he gets involved in stuff happening there, but nothing stops you from getting a bunch of people at the hills and having them move elsewhere for the event.

                    They could always be longer, but that's just because I like fun things to last more They aren't "that was it?" short, nor "may I kill the princess myself?" long.

                    I personaly had fun, got to interact with new people in new situations and even got to make use of rogue skills (even if DC 22 traps are a bit high... I have like 50/50 chance of disarming those and seem to always roll under 10... remember thieves' tools do -not- help with traps on NWN2 hehe).

                    The rewards people got were really nice for what I saw. The one I got to pick is really great too. If I may suggest, include some defensive items too, tho Some classes depend a lot of enchanted items for their defensive capabilities. I'm a rogue with AC 21 (because I'm using a fortified light shield, i.e. penalty to rogue skills), getting hit all the time, I should know

                    The one with the necromancer pretending to be a good guy to get the magical staff was really nice and made sense. -But-... it needs continuation hehe. For exemple, we have no idea where the necro guy came from, nor who was the dead guy with the staff and how the necromancer was so sure he was there, etc. There are many missing links you can use for a continuation.

                    One thing I would suggest is using skill rolls, tho. I remember you letting people hear and see things you could have made them roll instead of giving away. On the other hand, the necromancer was lying his ass off to us but we never got a chance to see through his bluff at all (as far as I know, at least).

                    PS: I dislike both beer and whisky. Only dry red wine for me, thanks.
                    Ashley, the social chameleon.


                    Lockindal: "All PVP is an epeen fight."


                    • #11
                      I like your DM'ing style, tho the one time I know you were running the event I was in, you did say right before it that you were hungover, so that may have contributed to the Amazing Exploding Rogue, formerly known as my companion at the time. I liked the way you had the chieftain laugh in my face when I tried to hit him with knockdown and failed like 8 times in a row .
                      Oh, and thanks for spawning that Raise Dead scroll, that other character was new to the server and hitting a Strong Fire Trap, and getting burned for 42 damage, on your first day in a server, would put anyone off. And the reward seemed a little too good, from what I saw. I mean, the poor guy did deserve something, and it was appropriate for what he was, it just seemed a little over the top.

                      All in all, good fun, the points I didn't neccesarily like were most probably the result of your aformentioned hang-over, so no worries.

                      Oh! And my religion follows the God Jameson and his Holy Son, Killian.
                      Thom Grinwell: A man lost in the world and inside his own mind.
                      Avatar is a pretty good indication of what Thom looks like on a bad day.


                      • #12
                        I've really enjoyed the events you've run. Some very creative stuff and nice story telling. The Percy event was great fun. I have not felt that they were too short or too long, but came in towards the end of one or two of them so it's a little hard to judge.

                        As Crimson mentioned, a little more completion of some plot lines or explanations of past events would be good (the necromancer event, for example). I am aware that continuity can be a hard one to manage, though, since there might have been several events all involving different players.

                        You get two thumbs up from me. Keep doing what you're doing.

                        P.S.: Hope you got your DM invisibility to work again

                        /I vote whiskey


                        • #13
                          I don't think ive been on any dm events with you as DM T_T.


                          • #14
                            I have never been in a quest involving you as a DM.


                            • #15
                              Maybe I have with Nariikan, but i cant remember.. never with Syl.

