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Inter-racial deities.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by GodBeastX View Post
    the Green hills
    A common joking misnomer for the red hills of murder and bloodshed which constantly stink of death and gore, 'tis where all halflings go when their murderous journey through life has come to an end. Afterwards all the blood and sorrow that has fallen in their wake is cast headlong into the hill in a great deluge that celebrates their arrival into the afterlife and from which they are reborn into it - singing glory into evil and high praise t'ward murder gods and madness from which they and their kind are spawned.


    • #17
      I can only speak with some knowledge about dwarven deities.

      Here is some information from that old standby FR11 Dwarves Deep, including some instances where it was common for non-dwarves to worship some of the Dwarven Deities (This does date from good old Second Edition, when men were men, and women had beards).

      Who Worships Who

      Throughout the Realms, a traveler may find oddities among worshippers: a dragon who worships the dwarven deity Dumathoin, for example, or a human who prays to the elven god Solonar Thelandira.

      There are exceptions to all generalizations as to the nature of worshippers in Toril, and, one suspects, on almost all worlds and planes. DMs should not, therefore, feel constrained to place the same limits on the classes, alignments, and races of NPC worshippers that game balance dictates must apply to playercharacter worshippers. Generalizations are useful as a ready guide to rational and accepted worship for player characters, and to DMs for the quick creation of background for NPCs.

      Here, then, is a “worshipper list” for the dwarven gods of the Realms:
      Dumathoin: All dwarves who live in, or venture into, subterranean areas or mountains, and who work directly with the riches of the earth worship the Silent Keeper. All dwarven miners and many nondwarven miners at least appease him, even if they do not fully support him.
      Abbathor: Most evil dwarves and all dwarven thieves worship the Great Master of Greed. Many dwarves and even nondwarves consumed with treasure-lust and greed, or who seek to steal valuables make offerings to him.
      Thard Harr: Jungle or Wild dwarves of all alignments beat their drums for Thard Harr. Some hunters of all races and alignments operating in jungle areas look to the Disentangler for guidance, as well.
      The above are COMMON instances of worship from 2e. Uncommon instances of worship undoubtedly occur as well.

      And, since the events of 3e, where number of worshippers = more godly power, I am sure most of the dwarven temples discretely encourage worthy non-dwarven worshippers. The clergy themselves don't all know the underlying rationale, but they will have gotten the message from on high.

      Among the Dwarves, in standard flavor Faerun I imagine worship of non-dwarven deities is heavily discouraged by their fellow dwarves, at best. In Sundren, I have seen that most of our dwarven PC's don't make too much of it, although there are occasional comments. I believe we deliberately smooth some of the edges off dwarven nature to aid playability and enjoyability. No-one's going to criticise you OOC for making a dwarven follower of Lathander, although you will probably get some funny looks IC.

      Who gets to be a priest is a more restrictive issue. All Moradin's priests in standard 2e were dwarven, no exceptions. My understanding is that there are at least a few human priests of Moradin in 3e. I would assume no Orcs allowed. Half-Orcs? None I have heard of, and it would be an extreme stretch, even under genuinely Epic PC-related circumstances. They'd probably have to single-handedly clear out entire Mountains-worth of Orcs to be even considered, I suspect.

      On dwarves becoming priests of non-dwarven deities, the above comments on worship still apply.
      Last edited by Intrepid42; 10-07-2011, 02:35 PM.

