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Inter-racial deities.

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  • Inter-racial deities.

    Can it be done? Or do most races regard other races' deities to be inconsequential?

    Ex. - After years and years of ale-coholism, Magmar the Dwarf, in all his drunken delusion, found a certain warmth in the ideologies of Corellon Larethian. Or maybe it was just the colors on the banner.

    Ex. 2 - Ever the voluptuous concubine of a local gnoll encampment, Linda Blair-tuktuk the Half-Orc often found herself daydreaming about Lady Sune and her fiery red-hair while performing mouth-to-extremity exercises for morale purposes on the camp warriors.
    "Life is a game. The only thing that matters is whether you're a pawn or a player."


  • #2
    Gods can have worshipers outside of their racial niche. Eilistraee, for example, has human followers (and other races) in addition to drow and elves.

    Originally posted by Dihydrogen Monoxide
    Ever the voluptuous concubine of a local gnoll encampment, Linda Blair-tuktuk the Half-Orc often found herself daydreaming about Lady Sune and her fiery red-hair while performing mouth-to-extremity exercises for morale purposes on the camp warriors.
    That went to a weird place...
    Player of:
    Nadya Frost -
    Witchy Woman (http://www.sundren.org/forum/showthread.php?t=17774)
    Abigail Fryre - Short-Tempered (http://www.sundren.org/forum/showthread.php?t=16616)


    • #3
      Right, but you can't choose it in-game though, if I remember correctly.. does it have to be manipulated via DM in-game? Or would you just select none and just RP it?

      Originally posted by Kirin View Post
      That went to a weird place...
      I'm sorry. I love my crown royale.
      "Life is a game. The only thing that matters is whether you're a pawn or a player."



      • #4
        A DM would have to set your deity ingame.
        James Arrow: Potion Vendor


        • #5
          Which would end up being a hassle, because it would have to be changed back again every single time you leveled. Because when you level, you would have to pick a valid deity to follow.
          Olivia Kimaris - Paladin of Lathander and Knight of the Northern Watch
          Diary of Olivia

          Originally posted by Cornuto
          Glad everyone's being extra fucking ridiculous today.


          • #6
            if you can get good aligned drow weapon masters who worship milieki, then i guess anything is possible

            ah yeah about the gnoll concubine.. .its not called fantasy role playing for nothing.


            • #7
              Every time an elf worships a human god, a puppy dies. And then explodes.
              "Use the Force, Harry" -Gandalf


              • #8
                Player characters represent the one percent of the people of their race that are above and beyond the normal stereotypes. Which is why they are often the exception to the rule.

                There's nothing wrong with a dwarf not worshipping a dwarf god as long as it's role played well, but people react negatively to it because female halfling assassins, big dumb loveable half-orcs and Lawful evil moon elves have sometimes been the norm, and been played in a silly way that make people face palm.

                Personally I don't find anything wrong with players playing good aligned drow, because they're player characters.
                Lauan - knight of Thay " I have no fear, and death is merely an inconvenience to me. I do not die until ordered to do so, I do not fall until every last bit of life has left me. I stand tall, proud, a Thayan knight."

                Adeodatus Exitium -
                "Nobody is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart, for his purity, by definition, is unassailable." — James Baldwin


                • #9
                  Originally posted by OnyxTigress View Post
                  Which would end up being a hassle, because it would have to be changed back again every single time you leveled. Because when you level, you would have to pick a valid deity to follow.
                  That's along the lines of thinking that I was at last night.. I figured that there was some sort of in-game restriction (besides not being able to pick it initially) that would come into play, and I think you hit the nail on the head.

                  Thanks for the clarification guys!
                  "Life is a game. The only thing that matters is whether you're a pawn or a player."



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gamling View Post
                    Player characters represent the one percent of the people of their race that are above and beyond the normal stereotypes. Which is why they are often the exception to the rule.

                    There's nothing wrong with a dwarf not worshipping a dwarf god as long as it's role played well, but people react negatively to it because female halfling assassins, big dumb loveable half-orcs and Lawful evil moon elves have sometimes been the norm, and been played in a silly way that make people face palm.

                    Personally I don't find anything wrong with players playing good aligned drow, because they're player characters.

                    I agree, however, some pc are more "sspechial" than others.

                    On a serious note, I believe that races worshipping outside their usual pantheons are seen by members of their race as abberations or freaks, or at their worst manflesh loving tryhard filth scum.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Shedboy View Post
                      On a serious note, I believe that races worshipping outside their usual pantheons are seen by members of their race as abberations or freaks, or at their worst manflesh loving tryhard filth scum.
                      Just for that, I'm making the Shirley Phelps Roper of Dwarves.

                      This is gonna be awesome.
                      "Life is a game. The only thing that matters is whether you're a pawn or a player."



                      • #12
                        Eh, depends on the how the god is viewed by the race in question. If a dwarven barbarian from the north was found to worship Tempus, the god of war, I don't think most of his kinsmen would mind. Tempus is a pretty well known god and is rather well liked by most even outside of the human pantheon (after all, who doesn't want victory in battle?). It would probably earn him a reputation as being something of a wild-child but... then he is so it really doesn't matter.

                        On the flipside that particular dwarf might have an easier time interacting with northern barbarians than most (assuming he doesn't go around saying Tempus instead of the preferred Tempos - in their company). This could earn him a reputation among both groups as a valuable partner for trading and warring alongside if he's a generally good guy, or a particularly crazed murderous war-mongering maniac if he's more evil. Or just another face in the vast northern reaches if he's less inclined towards either.


                        • #13
                          Be interesting for the players to describe why the char took Uthgart or tempus over Clangeddin (the dwarven hero-god of battle). Certainly i'd expect (knowing humans) that humans tend to put down or be intolerant of "diffferences" so the dwarf could get the "go worship your own god" mentaility just as equallly.

                          Likewise I think the very conservative dwarven society would not like to see their own go over to the humans who they tend to see them as inconsistent and unpredicatble espcecially if they come home wearing the latest fashion victim get up and a brazzilian. Not traditional good dwarven traits unless your duergar who incidently love to secretly dress in tutu's. (caveat: that last part about tutu's is completely ficticious, bu i daresya it would be quite a statement).

                          I have seen a gnome on the server who worships Tempus (even thought the barbarians north of the spine of the world worship Uthgarth or spirit totems i think). A Gnome raised by humans? or is he a human that looks like a gnome due to some deformity, curse or perhaps his mother laid withthe gnomish deiity of interracial breeding (there is a god for everything in tha realms).

                          Actually that might be a good analogy - worship of non traditional demi human gods could be as rare or viewed in teh sam emanner as inter racial marriages or domestic partnerships. (e.g. the half elf stigma is a classic example).


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dihydrogen Monoxide View Post
                            That's along the lines of thinking that I was at last night.. I figured that there was some sort of in-game restriction (besides not being able to pick it initially) that would come into play, and I think you hit the nail on the head.

                            Thanks for the clarification guys!
                            Oh I know I did. I have the experience from playing a slave character to a drow and realizing I had to repick my deity every single time I leveled.

                            Was a hassle.
                            Olivia Kimaris - Paladin of Lathander and Knight of the Northern Watch
                            Diary of Olivia

                            Originally posted by Cornuto
                            Glad everyone's being extra fucking ridiculous today.


                            • #15
                              In the afterlife of those god's domains, you actually become that race if you aren't one too laid out in the Forgotten Realms books. So, if you worship a halfling god as a human, you'll be a halfling in the Green hills

