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The Duelist PRC

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  • #16
    Well, I've decided to stay a 'pure' rogue, with the right feats I'll be deadly in 1-on-1 combat (Feint and sneak attack...), and it'll fit my character very well to be a 'polymath' of sorts (Although "Jack of all trades, master of none." is probably more accurate).


    • #17
      As far as I know Parry isn't bugged in singleplayer, it may be in multi ? Parry can really kick some ass, fend of most attacks AND counter ? I like it. Oh, and I believe it does work against multiply enemies ? I remember something like that when I tried the class out though.
      Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

      Desmonia Flashir

      GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


      • #18
        It does work against multiple enemies... in theory that is.

        The parrying character gets a certain number of parries per round. It does not matter if they go against a single attacker or against multiple ones. Sadly, it just does not work, Clutch.

        Read about it here:
        Playing Asha'easaahae Illeleste & Frem


        • #19
          I've tried parry versus multuple enemies and it seems to work alright, for the most part, against say two or three enemies at a time. If I was totally surrounded then it does seem like I'd get hit a bunch more without making the added parry rolls. I need to check my combat log the next time I get multuple foes to see if the extra parries are happening and/or if they are incurring penalties. It seems to be the timing of the 'flurries' that causes the problems. Sometimes it works out well, sometimes you get hit in between flurries, possibly due to the second bug mentioned on the NWN2Wiki. The main problem here would be with enemies who get three attacks or more per round, since the first two attacks happen one right after the other. This seems to be where the bug kicks in worst.

          The other bug I mentioned is actually slightly more annoying, because you have to attack before you go into parry mode to avoid the 'neverending round syndrome.' Often this first attack does not happen and you just automatically get hit. I think this is a timing thing again. If you make the attack and immediately go into parry mode, it seems to confuse the engine, and you simply stand there taking the first hit before parry kicks in. If you wait until your first attack happens and then go into parry mode it works as advertised.


          • #20
            I have made a dueliest / WM / Fighter / rougue In the NWN 2 campain, I was spec with a spear I noticed that NO bonuses from the duelist work if your useing anything in your off hand. IF its another weapon , a torch , or a shield it just dosent work. This is why most think the duelist is bugged, Because It is.
            Elric Modner. - "Yesterday I dared struggle against tyranny, Today I dare to fight once again."

