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Should Ichbin Perma Die!?

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  • Should Ichbin Perma Die!?

    Thats right, YOU get to choose! And in a weeks time, we'll see what happens!

    Just for ppl who are confused, Ichbin Vol is the rat-bastard that no one likes IC AND OOC...soooo, lets decide. Should he be gone forever, or...awe heck he should just be piked out to rot, but lets see what the folks at home think!

    -edit- for Luck.exe

    -edit #2- Just for the record, Ichbin isnt dead, its just what I will do to him, depending on your votes.
    Yes, I hate that guy!
    Yes, but maybe not perma dead...just tortured a bit
    No, he was kinda cool actually
    I dont care, I just hate you, why are you even in this server!

    The poll is expired.

    Last edited by Ichbin; 03-27-2007, 04:18 PM. Reason: Needed Bananas

  • #2
    Originally posted by Ichbin View Post
    Thats right, YOU get to choose! And in a weeks time, we'll see what happens!

    Just for ppl whom are confused, Ichbin Vol is the rat-bastard that no one likes IC AND OOC...soooo, lets decide. Should he be gone forever, or...awe heck he should just be piked out to rot, but lets see what the folks at home think!

    I prefer the hardcore ruleset where you're dead without a resurrection and lose a level.

    So yes, me thinks he should die.


    • #3
      I've never met him, but if he's been killing people randomly and he's not even CE, although even being CE doesn't mean you can kill just about anyone without an excuse, then I'd say yes, permadeath. So I'll hold my vote.
      Isania Melwasul ? A sun elven lass that changes her attitude more often than the sun rises, yet her good spirit always prevails.
      Riado Schnauzbart ? A wacky gnome merchant.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Neith View Post
        I've never met him, but if he's been killing people randomly and he's not even CE, although even being CE doesn't mean you can kill just about anyone without an excuse, then I'd say yes, permadeath. So I'll hold my vote.
        He kills for a reason, but ppl dont like it OOC coz it is sorta random and sudden.


        • #5
          Well, would you send tells for PvP permission?..
          Isania Melwasul ? A sun elven lass that changes her attitude more often than the sun rises, yet her good spirit always prevails.
          Riado Schnauzbart ? A wacky gnome merchant.


          • #6
            He should live. It's about time someone had the *goat* to kill people randomly. I hope there's a chance at a higher level Ichbin for true chaos.

            I don' really care that he's killed both of my characters at one point.
            Vaneniel Gorstair - Chaotic druidess of d00m
            Kashia Reyer - Fumbling monk and master of torches
            Merogrin - Halfling Paladin!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ichbin View Post
              He kills for a reason, but ppl dont like it OOC coz it is sorta random and sudden.
              People do not like it cause there is no role play. They are just suddenly dead and you run off. RP does not mean just RPed in your mind.
              From humble beginnings to tales of great
              It is yours to discover, your blood written fate...


              • #8
                Originally posted by RynebowBright View Post
                People do not like it cause there is no role play. They are just suddenly dead and you run off. RP does not mean just RPed in your mind.

                It also doesn't mean a chat with you. They could be a paid assasin, hired thug or a plethora of other things were going on in the background.

                To many people go,"Whhhaaaa I was killed whaaaa! There was no RP! DM help me he's been bad!" *Points finger*

                *DM investigates*

                "There were solid roleplay reasons, now just calm down please.."
                ^Translation from polite speak

                "STFU you damn whiner.. they were an assasin paid 10,000 gold by Y.. gah! Why is it people can't deal with conflict, this isn't a chat room it's role-play.."

                Or similar..

                Just had to get that off my chest.

                (edit) Oh, and also. Death on this server barely makes a dent in your character. No perma-death. You don't lose a level, and you get to keep your gear. Makes death hardly even worth mentioning..


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Gurkak View Post
                  It also doesn't mean a chat with you. They could be a paid assasin, hired thug or a plethora of other things were going on in the background.
                  That's true. I simply said there had to be RP, not that the dead party had to know the details. The case with this PC in particular is that it happens over and over, even with brand new PCs that he has not had time to be hired to kill as he is the FIRST PC to meet them.
                  From humble beginnings to tales of great
                  It is yours to discover, your blood written fate...


                  • #10
                    only because someone said "do you send a tell asking permission" I am going to say no! he should live!

                    *sends a tell, asking permission to kill you*
                    *you metagame like a little shit and buff and prepare*

                    If any of you give any of my characters a reason to want to kill you, you'll be half dead before you can type, period. Combat isnt all like the spawns you can prepare for.
                    Faerayorn Zargoth II - Nobleman, wizard and swordsman

                    Deth'amaendul Amastacia - Halberd weilding sun elven, sun elf hating warrior.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by RynebowBright View Post
                      That's true. I simply said there had to be RP, not that the dead party had to know the details. The case with this PC in particular is that it happens over and over, even with brand new PCs that he has not had time to be hired to kill as he is the FIRST PC to meet them.

                      Say hello to Chaotic Evil. Work it out IC and hunt him down. Chase him off, honestly.. Chaotic Evil should be able to be Chaotic Evil but it's a given such characters have a very short life span.

                      No reason to be bother by it, just take care of the psychotic if that's what your character would do.

                      Honestly, DMs don't need to police such there are enough good-aligned morale characters and even lawful neutral to want and flatten this guy. Heck, even lawful evil would..

                      Any way, we're off topic heh..


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Sathayorn View Post
                        only because someone said "do you send a tell asking permission" I am going to say no! he should live!

                        *sends a tell, asking permission to kill you*
                        *you metagame like a little shit and buff and prepare*
                        I thought this was a roleplaying server? >_> Someone metagames, you report the guy, and he either gets a warning or the almighty boot. Thing is, the attacker prepares himself for combat, and the victim doesn't. That isn't fair at all. The fact that most reasons are half-assed, such as "My race hates j00!", isn't helping, at all.
                        Isania Melwasul ? A sun elven lass that changes her attitude more often than the sun rises, yet her good spirit always prevails.
                        Riado Schnauzbart ? A wacky gnome merchant.


                        • #13
                          There is absolutely no reason to kill a level 3 who is a common race and been on the server for 5 seconds with 0 xp cuz he hasn't even grinded. Especially without notice to the person or even giving a reason OOC'ly.

                          End of discussion about that.

                          "But GodBeastX! I'm a psycho murderer who doesn't care who he kills! I should be allowed to RP that out!"

                          Seriously? It's a dumb character concept if you're just an axe murderer without reasons for it who pops in, kills, and takes off. Maybe some people should read up on the psychology involved with such people. You might be surprised by what you find. I'd say very few murders who murder for murder's sake (not to rob) don't interact with their victims before they kill them, and there's reasons for that.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sathayorn View Post
                            only because someone said "do you send a tell asking permission" I am going to say no! he should live!

                            *sends a tell, asking permission to kill you*
                            *you metagame like a little shit and buff and prepare*

                            If any of you give any of my characters a reason to want to kill you, you'll be half dead before you can type, period. Combat isnt all like the spawns you can prepare for.
                            Popping in and killing someone with no alert is against server rules period. End of discussion. If someone metagames it, take a screenshot of their buffing, pass to help forums, and they'll likely lose XP.

                            If IC stuff leads up to the killing, obviously the person saw it coming since they drew you into the conflict.


                            • #15
                              If there is in character hapopennings, like enraging the armed man(or woman) there should be no reason to ask permission to kill, ooc warnings or asking ooc permission seems... ooc, though, killing someone whom you have not seen before, whom you have not been hired to kill, I agree is unacceptable without their consent.

                              For the record! Everyone has my consent for PVP!
                              Faerayorn Zargoth II - Nobleman, wizard and swordsman

                              Deth'amaendul Amastacia - Halberd weilding sun elven, sun elf hating warrior.

