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PvP Death Rules, and RPing Death

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  • PvP Death Rules, and RPing Death

    First some quotes from the rules section:

    -Death from PVP will result in a memory loss unless the victim is raised or resurrected by another character at the location of their death immediately following the PVP event. Players may not contact other players OOCly for a resurrection, especially to retain memory of the conflict. Players who use a signus or respawn from the FEN lose all memory of the conflict and events leading up to it that might "finger" the villain. The purpose of this is so assassins and murders don't have their dead targets coming back and ratting them out. Respawning is a courtesy that should not cost our characters in-character consequences.

    There was some general discontent last night after Xaayne killed Sebastian and after Respawning, Sebastian coming back to the fire.

    There is nothing in the rules(that I have read) that says I cannot go to one of the five locations Sebastian has any business being in after he respawns, If this is a rule...then someone should post it.

    I did not have Sebastian comment on his death until after Xaayne said he had killed him.

    Also, there was a large number feeling discontent on the way Sebastian was talking about/handling the fact that Xaayne killed him, it even went so far as threats of reporting and punishment if I did not discontinue handling Sebastians death in that manner.

    To that I say: I will have my Charachters take their deaths how I feel my charachters should take their deaths, Also if you have a problem with something I am doing send me a tell, DON'T OOC chat threaten me, I'm easy, I will stop.

    Sebastian is annoying...He is supposed to be annoying, If your char would react to an annoyance by killing it, Then for gods sake try to kill Seb (it's not very hard)

    For anyone I upset over the ordeal that did not threaten me I'm sorry, it was not my intent

    And Finally: I would like to thank Djntech for the tells afterwards as it kept me from exploding on several people (Long fuse...big boom at the end)
    "Half the lies they tell about me aren't true."
    Yogi Berra

    Learn things:http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

  • #2
    I was present IC and witnessed this little gathering.

    Personally, when one of my characters dies, I avoid the place where he was killed for awhile. Now, I've never died and been resurrected, but I would assume that being brought from the dead is not pleasant - much akin to the worst hangover ever, where you sit around eating Chipotle and cursing Miller Lite, promising to yourself you'll never drink again ... at least, not until next weekend.

    I was also present for some of the OOC remarks, and some of the shit said was harsh and crossed the line.

    If a player has a problem with another player's actions, these should be resolved in tells. OOCly calling someone out in front of everyone is bad form, makes it awkward for all those involved and generally dampers the RP atmosphere of those within chat shot.

    It's good to see you kept your composure, and did not add to the fire by retorting to those OOC remarks. Again, those players who have a problem should keep their remarks polite and to tells, not public, vindicitive "I'M RIGHT YOUZ WRONG BOW DOWN TO MY SUPERIOR EPEEN" call outs.

    If it get's that bad, just phone up a DM on your public, user friendly sundren forum.
    Originally posted by ThePaganKing
    So, the roguethree bootlickers strike again.


    • #3
      What I think the main cause for concern was that that two nights running now, Sebastian gets killed and you respawn as soon as possible, coming back *whistling as thought nothing happened* even as we're talking about what to do with the body, which leaves everyone in an awkward situation.
      James Arrow: Potion Vendor


      • #4
        Just my 2 cents...

        I was not there so I do not really know what when down but along with Kaizen for the few times I have died PvP or "was drain to the point of death" I tried to aviod the place I died. I realize that the fire is sort of a hub that one needs to go through to get to places but one can always OCC say "I am not here just poing to another area". I have done that and eveyone was cool with it.

        If you do not like the idea log on as nother toon and play it for a while. This not only helps me to aviod the situation "looking at you own body" but give me time to relax. Not that you needed that... I just need time to cool sometimes.

        Perhaps in the wiki it should state "aviod the area you died". Some take the wiki as the law (in some cases it is), I try to use it as a guide and let the toon play it out IC.

        Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
        Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
        Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
        Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

        Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


        • #5
          Got nuthin to add about the specifics of this event. I wasn't there.

          On the part of getting PvP killed, I also don't have much to add. Only happened once cuz I usually avoid PvP cuz it just ain't my cup o' tea. The one time it happened, I just let the toon sit in the Fen for about a week and played one of my other multitude of toons for a while. I know not everyone has a freakin army of toons like I do (except Kaisen...but he don't count :P ), so this may not be fun for them.

          I do think roaming back to the place you just got killed is bad form, though. While it may not be fun for you to stay away, imagine how those that are still RPing about the fight and killing that happened just a couple minutes ago. While the group is chatting about what to do with the body or if someone should go to jail or whatever, the dead guy just pops in with a "Wazzup, dudes and dudettes?" like nothing happened. The one person just broke the RP of, potentially, a metric shit-ton of other people. Personally, I see this as bad form and a bit selfish.

          Just my thoughts on the generalities of what I'm reading. Again, I have no idea what all went down out there for the specifics.
          Ursus Ahrahl: Vengeful Desert Warrior (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.php?title=Ursus_Ahrahl)
          Zaphram Babblerocks: Silly Gnome Tinkerer
          Ronon Darkholme: Eye and ear of the Night Watch of Kelemvor's Eternal Order (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.ph...onon_Darkholme)
          Jakomyn Moriarty: Misunderstood Calishite mage (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.php?title=Jakomyn_Moriarty)
          Turin Greyhold: Ex-mercenary paladin of Torm (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.ph...reyhold,_Turin)
          Alexandros Pentacost: 1/2 Orc Cleric of the Red Knight
          "Remember, Private..Friendly Fire is not a nice warm place you and your hippy buddies sit around at night toasting marshmallows and singing Kumbaya." --Me to one of my troops way back when


          • #6
            The trouble I think, and consequently what ripped everyone OOC about it, was just the speed with which the death was handled - it made the return to life seem less like an ingame occurence and more like a purely mechanical working. Sure it's possible for a character to recover that fast and miraculously get over being killed like nothing happened at all. The trouble is just how damned clunky and awkward that is for everyone else on the scene.

            My trouble with it when it happened was just that it was so strange and reality jerking then went completely unexplained when it happened. Dude just popped up like a shaman in WoW or something and went about his way. It was just... bloody wierd what can I say. So I asked whether some folks wanted to go see about getting rich-er and a few of us hit up argyle, got bored of that then went to kill some veritas dudes. The whole thing took probably an hour and we come back and lo' and behold the same issue is still in the atmosphere around the fire.

            While technically no rules were really trully broken and I never really saw a point in threatening action over it the whole thing was awkward enough to handle that it brought a lot of people out of character. Death should have some significance, more importantly respawning should have some explanation not just be getting up again and walking on by. Just my thoughts though.


            • #7
              A few things.

              1) Depending on the circumstances of the CvC, it makes a lot more sense to assume someone was beaten soundly and crawled away to safety, unless your killer roleplays *hacks him into little bits.* The notion of people dying and being resurrected on the regular further serves to trivialize death.

              2) This is a role-play server. Stay in character. Address issues in tells. Stop spoiling my immersion. I don't log in as a paragon of righteousness so I can talk to you like a 25-year-old editor.

              3) When I'm bested in CvC conflict, I stay away from the area in which I was bested out of respect to the player who won the encounter. If I kill Ruby at 8 in the evening, she avoids the hang out spot for the night. If Ruby gets me, I give her a night to play. Not only does this offer a sort of reward for winning the encounter, it helps avoid the awkward "Oh hai, I just killed you and here you are" role play.

              4) Keep fighting at the Second Wind and I will unleash a fury such that the number of pcs in prison will make it feel like a vault wipe, except I'll still be level 20, and still very wrathful.
              Originally posted by Cornuto
              Glad everyone's being extra fucking ridiculous today.


              • #8
                I'll be reserving my post to a private PM.

                I would simply like to say I apologize for calling you out publicly. It was poor form on my part. I let my annoyance and anger at one of my pet peeves get the better of me here.
                "For here, apart, dwells one whose hands have wrought/ Strange eidola that chill the world with fear:
                Whose graven runes in tomes of dread have taught/ What things beyond the star gulfs lurk and leer.
                Dark Lord of Averoigne- whose windows stare/ On pits of dream no other gaze could bare!"

                -H.P. Lovecraft


                • #9
                  Originally posted by prismaticcrow View Post
                  I'll be reserving my post to a private PM.

                  I would simply like to say I apologize for calling you out publicly. It was poor form on my part. I let my annoyance and anger at one of my pet peeves get the better of me here.
                  I think we all have been guilty of that at one point or another.

                  After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box.


                  • #10
                    Thankyou All

                    I have gathered what I wanted from this post and it has left me with several Idea's
                    "Half the lies they tell about me aren't true."
                    Yogi Berra

                    Learn things:http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

