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Rep Points Question

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  • #16
    Way back in the prehistoric times, I was once told signuses were handed out for all events. Not sure if this is done anymore. Maybe I should start, unless it was decided against at some point.
    The poetry that comes from the squaring off between;
    and the circling is worth it, finding beauty in the dissonance.


    • #17
      Well, in the years I've been playing on Sundren, I remember being given a signus on two occasions.

      One was when I helped a GM with one of his events for lower level characters using Maia, which helped him make it more fun. He seemed very glad for the support and handed one to me.

      The other time was on one of the instances where I helped playtest the Mossdale Forest.

      I'll admit that I've seriously missed seeing more signus being handed out. It's just not frequently discussed because there seems to be a "if you ask for one, or even mention wanting to have one, then you're definitely not getting any" kind of feel around the issue.
      Maia Nanethiel ~ Moon Elf Female Ranger


      • #18
        kaizen could totally use a few hundred of 'em.
        Originally posted by ThePaganKing
        So, the roguethree bootlickers strike again.


        • #19
          I'm all for it as long as they aren't handed out super liberally to the point where you get one just for flavour events. You know NPC's just popping by doing their thing that the DM's like to portray, you know just to remind us that the whole world isn't adventureres doing epic crazyness, sometimes it's just a gnome taking his pet raptor for a walk before he pops into aquor to hang out with the thayans and get stoned inthe opium den.

          I feel so long as there's an element of risk at play then awarding one should be considered.

          Additionally there should be a max number carried at one time. I'd suggest like three or something. This is partially to prevent super mario syndrome where people just throw themselves at stuff suicidally knowing they have impunity so long as they do it fewer than 99 times or something. Three would keep them relatively valuable but give you enough breathing room to recover in the event you die. Additionally it would keep them from cluttering up your inventory screen any more than they have to. I don't knw about anyone else but after potions and crafting items, side arms, and RP cloths are factored in inventory space is a valuable commodity. I'd hate to have to throw myself off a cliff somewhere just to make room for a long bow of longbowiness I stumble upon.

          Edit to add:
          More on the original topic of the post though, it would be nice if there were more meaningful ways to get rep points in place, even if it was something as simple as daily/weekly quests or something, or a constant bounty item turn in like "We here at blackwood enjoy looking B A as you can see from most of our in faction items offering intimidate bonus. Crafting these wares is a tricky and ancient process that involves a lot of adhessive and recognizeable humanoid skulls however, we need more all the time." And then bam for every demi human skull you hand in like 15 rep points or something small but that adds up over time. Something more than having factions be a money dump "Gib mee moni" donation boxes hanging around.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Kaizen View Post
            kaizen could totally use a few hundred of 'em.
            I second that... wish he was still around...


            • #21
              Be careful of what you wish for. =P
              Maia Nanethiel ~ Moon Elf Female Ranger


              • #22
                Originally posted by Zoberraz View Post
                Be careful of what you wish for. =P

                maia missed kaizen. admit it.
                Originally posted by ThePaganKing
                So, the roguethree bootlickers strike again.

