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Main Chars Race

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  • #46
    2 drow? What happened to the days before the server wipe, when the place was full of drows? O_o. I remembering seeing about 6 drows in one party, traveling together.


    • #47
      And two are hin barbarians, its like Sundren server on extra difficulty hell-mode. But thats what makes it fun.

      Not as bad as an half orc rogue. But you might aswell get that +1 level adjustment that Tieflings and Aasa'whats'its.


      • #48
        Wow, undeadsteak, I was going to do this, but you beat me to the punch. Anyways, I play a human... And, wow, there are not 39 of us. Everywhere I go, I only see elves and more elves... With the occasional halfing.

        Good poll - will be a good resource to anyone who wants to play a character there aren't already 1,000 of.
        >Olin Lavith - Human scholar with a passion for knowledge.

        Don't change the color to match the walls. Look like you belong and the walls will change color to match you.
        ?Kender Proverb, Time of the Twins


        • #49
          from the looks of this the balence is actualy about where its supposed to be, but we need fewer planetouched and elves... traded for a few more dwarves and halflings
          Lady Isiovien, Drow (retired)

          Esiela, Tiefling Wizard


          • #50
            I do see more humans then elves, but not that ratio.

            And only 3 drow. I've met at least 10 Drow now.
            Jaggath Tharn, Better Than Sex.

            Lenier Miloan, Totally a Tormtar.


            • #51
              Everyone... remember that we are talking about the main chars race here.....

              Lots of players have more than one character... but their main might be a human or elf - and not the drow.
              Playing Asha'easaahae Illeleste & Frem


              • #52
                Yes, but usually, Drows are played as main pc, as they do require extra effort to get accepted ^_^.

