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Joe Schmoe, statistics and what's average.

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Ithildin View Post
    are you sure 20d isn't a guy in a dress?
    Im pretty sure it is

    Originally posted by Ithildin View Post
    So according to those pictures up to 16 you can still look like a female, anything higher and you start getting a bit too manly
    I dunno, 18f is hawt and so is 20b. . . altho i seriously! wouldy wanna piss of 20b. Youd be getting on bended knees for her not to rip your arms from thier sockets


    • #92
      I'm wondering why this thread is still going.
      "Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man."
      - Bertrand Russell


      • #93
        It could be funny if Obsidian had made the models scale automatically depending on your physical attributes.

        Then we could bitch and moan here all day about how that's SO not how we want our characters to look!

        Sounds fun.
        Jaythen Auraya, wandering healer and herbalist. Also sligthly mad.


        • #94
          Also, alot of those weight lifters would be ugly even if they didn't have muscles.

          The idea is the body mass, that's what I was trying to get across.


          • #95
            All of this is just scary....*Thanks the gods he cares more about his wife's figure*


            • #96
              Originally posted by IKSDoomsday View Post
              All of this is just scary....*Thanks the gods he cares more about his wife's figure*

              Most of these women are juicing any way. You think that's natural?



              • #97
                20A most horrific
                Faerayorn Zargoth II - Nobleman, wizard and swordsman

                Deth'amaendul Amastacia - Halberd weilding sun elven, sun elf hating warrior.


                • #98
                  Ok people need to realize the rules are generalized for a fantasy setting and vague on purpose....example: 18 str Halfling or Gnome. Lets not forget the little people..people.
                  Drago Muddeynard: Professional Hero, Proud member of the Midget Medic Corps


                  • #99
                    Just imagine if you steped on a halflings foot who was 18 str

