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Joe Schmoe, statistics and what's average.

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  • #61
    your not alone.


    • #62
      I think the ones others posted are hot. Mine were mostly for a statement <_< >_>


      • #63
        I agree with ya, GBX. Of course, I have about 14-16 STR in RL.

        It kinda sets things in perspective

        Also, about the wohle sunite thingie and being kicked out of an order because they're ugly... Isn't that striving towards the whole principle of the God?

        I'm not entirely sure, but last time I checked, Sune was the one seeking beauty in all things, even inner beauty. So if people suddenly "got" ugly, they wouldn't be kicked out.

        I seem to recall some sunite priest in the Avatar series, who started out shallow and beautiful, then somehow got a freaking large scar in the face, turning "ugly", and thinking his life was over because he could not serve Sune anymore. It was then first that he truly learned to appreciate the Dogma of Sune, because his heart, and love to Sune was beautiful, or something like that...

        Point is, when he turned physically ugly, he learned that Sune was not about physical beauty, but beauty of all things.

        Jaythen Auraya, wandering healer and herbalist. Also sligthly mad.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Ralek View Post
          I agree with ya, GBX. Of course, I have about 14-16 STR in RL.

          It kinda sets things in perspective

          Also, about the wohle sunite thingie and being kicked out of an order because they're ugly... Isn't that striving towards the whole principle of the God?

          I'm not entirely sure, but last time I checked, Sune was the one seeking beauty in all things, even inner beauty. So if people suddenly "got" ugly, they wouldn't be kicked out.

          I seem to recall some sunite priest in the Avatar series, who started out shallow and beautiful, then somehow got a freaking large scar in the face, turning "ugly", and thinking his life was over because he could not serve Sune anymore. It was then first that he truly learned to appreciate the Dogma of Sune, because his heart, and love to Sune was beautiful, or something like that...

          Point is, when he turned physically ugly, he learned that Sune was not about physical beauty, but beauty of all things.

          Bingo, which is why the argument against high strength showing on Sunites is silly. Physical beauty? Cute.

          Move on.

          Sune ain't shallow.

          Their choice of course but.. *shrugs*


          • #65
            lol what about Isiovien who has tiny biceps but has 21 str, 18 base. she must be friggen ripped!!!
            Lady Isiovien, Drow (retired)

            Esiela, Tiefling Wizard


            • #66
              Actually, seeing as how this is D&D it is magical. I think they could have a small amount of body muscle but still be strong as.
              But im prolly a strengh 8 person, wo what would i know? But i have like, 16 con, i can take a whole heap of punishment and still keep chuggin, Never had a hangover and rarely get seriously sick. Booyacasha


              • #67
                D&D is magical, but muscles and base stats aren't
                If you have 6 base and 300 out of magical items, sure you look tiny.
                If you have on your own muscular merit a 18, you're humongously huge (and many would say hideous and mishaped).

                PS: Nope, Euni.. still the red X of broken linkness.
                Ashley, the social chameleon.


                Lockindal: "All PVP is an epeen fight."


                • #68
                  Originally posted by CrimsonTears View Post
                  D&D is magical, but muscles and base stats aren't
                  If you have 6 base and 300 out of magical items, sure you look tiny.
                  If you have on your own muscular merit a 18, you're humongously huge (and many would say hideous and mishaped).
                  I mentioned this in fewer words, with less of an explaination.
                  Faerayorn Zargoth II - Nobleman, wizard and swordsman

                  Deth'amaendul Amastacia - Halberd weilding sun elven, sun elf hating warrior.


                  • #69
                    I'm sure someone said the same thing within 1 year of the release of the first D&D too *shrugs*
                    Ashley, the social chameleon.


                    Lockindal: "All PVP is an epeen fight."


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by CrimsonTears View Post
                      I'm sure someone said the same thing within 1 year of the release of the first D&D too *shrugs*
                      Not on this thread.
                      Faerayorn Zargoth II - Nobleman, wizard and swordsman

                      Deth'amaendul Amastacia - Halberd weilding sun elven, sun elf hating warrior.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Ralek View Post
                        I agree with ya, GBX. Of course, I have about 14-16 STR in RL.

                        It kinda sets things in perspective

                        Also, about the wohle sunite thingie and being kicked out of an order because they're ugly... Isn't that striving towards the whole principle of the God?

                        I'm not entirely sure, but last time I checked, Sune was the one seeking beauty in all things, even inner beauty. So if people suddenly "got" ugly, they wouldn't be kicked out.

                        I seem to recall some sunite priest in the Avatar series, who started out shallow and beautiful, then somehow got a freaking large scar in the face, turning "ugly", and thinking his life was over because he could not serve Sune anymore. It was then first that he truly learned to appreciate the Dogma of Sune, because his heart, and love to Sune was beautiful, or something like that...

                        Point is, when he turned physically ugly, he learned that Sune was not about physical beauty, but beauty of all things.


                        Dogma: Beauty is more than skin deep, say the Sunites; it issues form the core of one's being and shows one's fair (or foul) face to the world.

                        Thats part of the dogma.... Thats what they believe.


                        • #72
                          Soooooo anyone else think this thread has gone on for way too long, with way too many disturbing images in it? That could just be me talking, but still.....
                          Peridan Twilight, one-eyed dog of the Legion, deceased.
                          Daniel Nobody, adventurer and part time problem solver.

                          [DM] Poltergeist :
                          If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an intermediate deity's unbridled fury.


                          • #73
                            Bah i say to dietys, they all smell says i


                            • #74
                              Alright, I took time out of my busy schedule to make a visual chart for you all. I included only even numbers of str for your ease of browsing. 10 Str is how you all imagine yourselves in the game. The rest is likely how it would be.
                              I tried to find some of the women not flexing since that makes the muscle more defined.

                              [Str 10]

                              [Str 12]

                              [Str 14]

                              [Str 16]

                              [Str 18]

                              [Str 20]


                              • #75
                                20D is going to give me nightmares for a week...

                                Maleficus "Ravenor" Carnificis
                                "Dreams... such fertile ground for the seeds of torment. I can sense your ripeness and, oddly enough, it is time for the harvest. Please, save your tears... I intend to reap your sorrow slowly and have ages to discover the things that make you suffer... I am eager to revel in the sweet melody of your screams and the melancholy of your despair..."
                                Eldraxus Tzyvioq
                                Mystic Theurge (and Harper) of Deneir wandering the Sundered Valley in search of (and with the intention of mapping out) places of power, ley-line intersections, and other locations where the divine and arcane intersect...

