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Joinable Orc Faction?

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  • Joinable Orc Faction?

    How do other players/staff feel about a joinable orc faction? It'd be closed off to everyone except orcs and half-orcs, and would be based around classic orc RP. What is classic orc RP? To raid, ambush, pillage, and hate the civilized races (particularly elves, ofc), and to make the tribe as strong as possible--usually through raiding, ambushing, and pillaging

    As it stands now, a player that wants to play a traditional orc has little to no support, and the odds are really stacked against him. That's fine and all, orc life ain't easy, but orcs are also social creatures that rely on numbers and the support of a tribe. If an orc is RP'd as a brute with an intense hatred of the civilized folk, then there is no way that orc would seek out his nearest Sundren clerk, wait patiently in line, sign some papers, then get them notarized so he can walk the streets freely. Said orc probably can't read those papers, and would have little need for them.

    The problem, though, is that without those papers, there's no way to shop, unless it is done through rigorous RP or performed as an OOC action. Even with the RP, it would still be kind of OOC, since I imagine most orcs wouldn't make friends with the civilized races, and enslaving one only to let him roam free in a city is a little less than believable.

    How to overcome this hurdle and maintain some realism? Allow PC orcs to join one of the orc tribes! After a PC orc is able to prove that he could be a valuable asset to the tribe (which could be done through NPC quests, much like the other factions), he would be allowed to join the tribe. The tribe would probably have a shaman for healing (PC gets a signus that spawns them at the tribe), a couple of vendors that sell healing supplies/weapons/armor, and ofc be able to partake of the reputation system by stealing enemy banners and kicking human/elf/dwarf ass.

    So, what do you people think?
    Sago Trumperstomper--Halfling Bandit (retired)
    Hraligar Brittlefist--Dwarven Superiority Advocate
    Kraz't Goretusk--Goretusk Tribe Chieftan

  • #2
    I like it, but of couse my opinion is worthless.
    Active Characters
    Hashart Datton- Marshal of the Black Hand
    Oliver Ironhide- Guardian
    Lynk Frost-Champion of Bane
    Dorin Hammond- Scout
    Seith Ronson- Master of War
    "A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true."


    • #3
      I doubt an official faction is going to happen, but nobody is stopping you from making a group of orcs, give it a name and even set up a social group . And if it takes off, you may get some DM support like the Skullcleavers did.
      Gravity is a myth; Earth just sucks.

      >>> Flame Warriors! <<<


      • #4
        There are the Mossclaw alliance which includes the Grimaxe orc tribe, and the Bloodmaim orcs. Both are official factions with distinct reputation ratings.

        I'm not sure how exactly it works for the vampires and the drow previously established on the server... but you'll need a starting point (I doubt the Seasword is the ideal place >_>; ), a respawn point, a place to peddle goods, and a way to gain experience points.
        Maia Nanethiel ~ Moon Elf Female Ranger


        • #5
          They are factions, but they aren't joinable by PCs. Howver, rep might be adjusted for PCs.
          Gravity is a myth; Earth just sucks.

          >>> Flame Warriors! <<<


          • #6
            Originally posted by Zoberraz View Post
            ... but you'll need a starting point (I doubt the Seasword is the ideal place >_>; ), a respawn point, a place to peddle goods, and a way to gain experience points.
            This is my main point. Technically, as an evil barbaric orc, I wouldn't be helping to pick flowers in the Sharahan hills, or helping the legion at Viridale cull the gnoll problem. And an orc certainly wouldn't return a book to the Sundren library

            Ordinarily, I would just perform these NPC quests as kind of an OOC action, since the only other XP available is to grind. Same thing with shopping.

            There are no evil/monstrous vendors for a proper orc to shop. I usually just consider it an OOC action when I went shopping, since there is no other IG way for my orc to upgrade his gear and get supplies. I was shown the error of my ways by a mini-DM event, and was told to treat all NPCs as if they were PCs (for RP purposes). I have no problem with doing that ***unless there is no other way for my orc to upgrade his gear/perform quests***

            In the event, I was purchasing an item from a merchant, when the DM possessed the merchant and asked for my papers. Naturally, my evil, foul, brutish, dumb orc didn't have his papers. I ended up trying to flee, but instead got a beatdown--all for what started as an OOC shopping trip. I explained this to the DM, and was told to treat the NPCs as PCs.

            By making one of the orc factions joinable (and adding a couple of quests and a VENDOR!!!!) then these problems wouldn't happen. The orc horde could actually stay in the wilds and avoid the civilized peoples (well, until the horde is strong enough to attack )

            Sorry if the posts are awkward to read, just woke up.
            Sago Trumperstomper--Halfling Bandit (retired)
            Hraligar Brittlefist--Dwarven Superiority Advocate
            Kraz't Goretusk--Goretusk Tribe Chieftan


            • #7
              I would say that there is a good way for an orc to get gear... not that you'll be popular, but you could mug anyone coming into your territory. As for doing the quests, don't do them I'd say. No tribe is going to just let you in with open arms, you'll have to do something really special to prove your worth (like killing the chief or one of his main rival's) I'd assume. Yes, you'll be stuck in the wilds forever, but that's the life of an orc isn't it. Besides getting xp through grinding there is the trickle... slow, but it is effective. The life of an Orc anywhere is going to be a short one... if you've ever played Paranoia, then think of it like that. Only "The Tribe is your Friend", instead of the computer
              Bree - Bookkeeper and diplomat of Exigo.

              Becky Dragonhin - Sword of the Loyal Fury, Knight of the Triad... the only Good hin in Sundren???
              Cybil Gelley (Retired)
              Perry Turnipfodder - aspiring talent, happy chronicler.


              • #8
                I'd join!
                Running across the mountains, attacking with an oversized scalpel, cometh Helga Great-Wyrm! And she gives a mighty bellow:
                "Brace yourself, oh human speck of dust! You are made of meat and I am very hungry!"


                • #9
                  Makes sense.


                  • #10
                    The faction I'd think that a barbaric orc group would fit best in would be the Wrath of Nature. Make a barbarian player group and use the Wrath of Nature faction as your faction and I'd be happy to run events for you. There are plenty wrath deities an orc would follow. Here is how the wardens are defined per wiki:

                    "The Wardens of the Vale are a loose, but formidable group dedicated to protecting the land itself. Rangers, druids, and barbarians are common within their ranks. Their methods may differ within their ranks, but they are united in guarding nature from the encroaching boundaries of civilization"
                    "You're only given one little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." - Robin Williams


                    • #11
                      Yeah but the point of an orc faction is to follow Gruumsh and all the orc gods not Talos and Malar and stuff so if you want a true orc out to pillage and take over lands the wrath of nature makes absolutely no sense. The best thing to do is convince all us former orc players to play our orcs again and re-start up the Goretusk Tribe, which can be found here: http://www.sundren.org/forum/group.php?groupid=15
                      My to-be toon:
                      Shafiq Al-Mawt: Zakharan myrkulite.

                      My tomb of old toons:
                      Cruven Schlachten - Blood Reaver of Garagos, Blackwood Company Elite, Hellstrom Head of Security
                      Marcus Waynard- Horned Harbinger, fear his best bud Frank!... and Jim, Bob, Sue, and Jane...
                      Davlamin Frostfoot - Frosty Snowflake, the Frozen Fist of Auril, sworn enemy of the Second Wind fire pit.

                      Click here to see the full image of my avatar, by Algido.


                      • #12
                        I hear you but if you are going to get technical like that...

                        An orc faction will never exists because its an unplayable race. You have gray orcs, who worship all orcish deities equally. Also note that Talos is assumed to be a true god but is actually an aspect of Gruumsh.
                        "You're only given one little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." - Robin Williams


                        • #13
                          Isn't that like fourth edition heresy? As awesome as it is.

