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  • #16
    Pretty much the ones Ceyrus listed (Berserk for the win!). Death Note is okay. Seen some of Devil Man and liked it. I love the Gantz manga and the anime to an extent, FLCL, Reqieum from the Darkness is pretty good japanese ghost story anime, LOVE Paranoia Agent, Cowboy Bebop (who doesn't?).

    Eh. I could list some more series I'm interested in but some have already been said


    • #17
      The core Macross series, ignoring spinoffs. Just finished all 66 episodes, minus the movies, that's why I haven't been on the server much the past few days

      Began with: Macross Zero (Aired 2002-2004, 5 episodes; prequel, one year prior to Saga in 2008)
      Then: Super Dimension Fortress Macross (Aired 1982, 26 episodes; also known as Macross Saga, takes place in 2009-2012)
      And last: Macross Frontier (Aired 2008, 25 episodes; takes place 50 years after Saga's start, in 2059)

      Tasteful nudity sparsely throughout the entire series. Blood and gore only shown in small amounts except when key characters are dying to promote stronger emotion. Language ramps up in Frontier but is still rare and when warranted.

      I find the pacing to be interesting because they still manage to get in all these little character quirks and silly jokes without ever slowing the show down. There's no Sponge Bob humor; character development occurs naturally, and with the exception of Frontier, war for the cause of peace is the main focus. In Macross Frontier there is more focus on interpersonal struggle than survival with a cast of often self-centered characters.

      In both Zero and Saga the lines of who is right and wrong are blurred and it's much easier to build up a rapport with the opposing characters as the enemies are also largely fighting for their own survival and peace. Character development in Zero and Saga is not restricted to the "good guys," while in Frontier there is a clear cut division between who are the villains and who are the heroes.

      Music is a central theme throughout the entire storyline in which it is song that soothes savage hearts and brings peace to wary and tired souls. Musical elements are heavily used and are the most powerfully renditioned in Macross Frontier, where the songs are as much the stars as the main characters are.

      Highly recommended as a mature, intellectual series with many emotional highs and lows. As much as music brings it all together, it is the philosophies and passions of the characters that drive them forward through their hardships, unceasing warfare and grievous personal loss.
      It is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." - I Cor. 1:19


      • #18
        Iso. It is a sin to miss out watching Macross Plus.

        Get it. Nao.

        Personal favourites: Rahxephon, Macross Series except 7, Irresponsible Captain Tylor, Studio Ghibli's work, The Big O, Xam'D, Crest/Banner of the Stars series, Legend of the Galactic Heroes. There's more but these are the only ones I have in mind at present.

        Mithrilia Somadis - The Heart of Mithril


        • #19
          Macross Plus is not canonical. Does not count!
          It is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." - I Cor. 1:19


          • #20
            It is canon. There's the whole official timeline for it.

            Mithrilia Somadis - The Heart of Mithril


            • #21
              (In order of my exposure to anime)

              Voltron, Robotech (All seasons of SDFMacross, the movie, & Macross Plus), Dragon Ball, Gatchamen (G-Force in the US), Sailor Moon (All Ssns, all movies), Ranma 1/2 (Ssn 1-3, all OAVs, both Movies), Record of the Lodoss War, Vampire Hunter D, Casshan: Robot Hunter, Ghost in the Shell, Robot Carnival, Demon City Shinjuku, Lensmen, Dragon Ball Z, Gundam Wing, Tenchi Muyo (all of it), Ronin Warriors, Princess Mononoke, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Serial Experiments: Lain, Bogey-Pop Phantom, 08th MS Team, The Big O, Spirited Away, Wolf's Rain, InuYasha, Reign: The Conquerer, Full Metal Alchemist (Both Ssns, Movies), Ghost in the Shell: SAC, Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, Escaflowne: The Movie, Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2nd Gig, Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure, Neon Genesis Evangelion (All of it), Armitage: Dual Matrix, Desert Punk, Witchblade


              1st - (TIE) Serial Experiments: Lain/Princess Mononoke
              2nd - Full Metal Alchemist
              3rd - 08th MS Team
              Honorable Mentions - Anything Ghost in the Shell, Reign: The Conquerer


              Cazen - A guy who "knows a guy..."
              - Nights in Neverwinter (Cazen History)
              - Back on the Street

              Thrice-Cursed Ruslan - An outcast among outcasts
              - Tales of a Foolish Brother (Ruslan History)


              • #22
                Did anyone mention The Animatrix yet?
                It is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." - I Cor. 1:19


                • #23
                  Hehe, uh, I haven't really watched much... i've seen glimpses of .hack sign, glimpses of some disturbing show that played every now and then, Hieroni Kenshin... [Butchered the first part of the name probably.]]. I've watched short independent anime movie that I absolutely loved, but i'm not sure who else would like it. Its just my style of movie.

                  I'd say The Cat's Return [[the short movie i watched..]] and Kenshin, they were both my favorite movies/shows... Kenshin I watched AGES ago, like when I was 11, 10, 12, something like that, and I still think of that show! ^.^

