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  • #16
    If what you say is true about the pnp version, then I would be disappointed too if I had played the original. Having an Orc race would be cool, but again not having played the pnp version, I don't really care or notice a difference. No matter what they left out, I find the game extremely fun. I agree that the katana seems a bit out of place, but the teleportation magic is really well done and add alot more strategy to the game. In the CTF mode, you could decide to head straight towards the flag with guns blazing or what have you, or you have head upstairs where there is hardly any enemies and teleport through the floor and land right on top of the flag. In case you are wondering, you can't teleport, shoot, or use other magic when you have the flag. That would just be unfair. I also agree slightly that there needs to be more guns and tech. The selection is limited. Other than that and the fact stuff has been left out from the PnP game, the game is down right fun! You say that the gameplay videos look mediocre, but I think just the opposite. I guess that's just personal opinion. Ok, so bottom line: If you've played the PnP, you may be disappointed with the transition to FPS and the lack of content. If you haven't played the PnP version, the game seems fresh and innovative. No matter if you've played the PnP game or not, Shadowrun is down right fun. I promise. It's like CS and I found both games very enjoyable.

    Disclaimer: I have only played the Xbox 360 version and NOT the Vista one so I can only give insight into the console game.


    • #17
      I got Shadowrun for Vista. It is fun, can be rather daunting at first to get use to all the magic and tech but I'm loving it.

      Also my Live accountname is EbilPirate.


      • #18
        I won't be playing it, because it would require me to [1] buy an Xbox 360 for a single game (maybe 2, Halo 3 looks good), or [2] get an entirely new PC, since my 2-year-old machine won't support Vista.
        And of course, XP won't work on Vista-compliant hardware.
        Way to screw over half your customers, Microsoft. *rant over*
        Alia Fireblood - Mystra's little chaos engine. [Inactive]
        Melinee Be'dwa - Somewhere between savage and civilized.
        Nothing says "subtle" like a dwarf with a ballista.
        [I will be unable to be a regular on Sundren until my job situation changes; I still check the forums occasionally, so feel free to send me a message.]

