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  • Shadowrun

    So who plans to purchase this interesting little game?

    I've been thinking about it and probably will myself..
    To Poor.

  • #2
    Shadowrun...as a FPS? Sacrilege if you ask me! *sniffs* A good PnP game as FPS is..just bad. Guess the RPGs doesn't sell enough to warrant it being made as such. A shame because that would be a game I would have bought
    Player of: Sakamoto. Warrior following the Way of the Blade.

    I can hear what you're thinking,
    All your doubts and fears,
    And if you look in my eyes, in time you'll find,
    The reason I'm here.


    • #3
      I'm seriously thinking about it, i followed your link and it looks like a groundbreaking idea they have. Some of those spells are wicked. I'm not usually one for the FPS either.
      Garion Redwind- Elitist Wizard
      Rake- The one-eyed Scout
      Two wrongs dont make a right, but three lefts do!


      • #4
        elder scrolls were all fps style and really were just bitchin all around. Ill check out shadowrun if its PC, all i saw that it was for was 360, but didnt really look too into it.


        • #5
          Seems a little... over the top. It'll be amazing to see how the game balances all these abilities and weapons. The teleporting thing seems a little suspect.
          Player behind ~ Ohgmek


          • #6
            An PC RPG based on Shadowrn RPG. Hoo Ya!
            Heed me thou who are darker than dusk.
            Heed me thou more red than blood.
            Through the passing of the mists of time I call to thee, swear myself to thee.
            Let thy great power be known to all the fools who stand opposed
            Merge your strength and mine! Deliver doom to all of them equally....


            • #7
              I'll probbally get it when it comes down in price. If it was an RPG would definitely get it...but usually dont like FPS. They probbally dont even have all the classes in it..since dont see how a decker would work in a shooter.
              Active Characters:
              Tassafina Lightleaf - A little sneaky but not as sneaky as Ithil

              Silivren Anar
              Merka Gillina

              Hideing outs:
              Alyssa Swiftwing - Priestess of Yondalla
              Ravenne Naur'Loki - Roar!


              • #8
                No. . .well. . .NO . . NOOOOOOOOOO I will NOT
                Character: William Norain - Self claimed Protector of Sundren, Keeper of the Necropolis gate, the man betwen Sundren and Oblivion.

                Login Lanthar: The Causer of Silence.


                • #9
                  No. NwN2 ftw. Im content with this, and im not looking for other games (For now.)


                  • #10
                    Didn't that game already come out 14 years ago? o.O?
                    "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dustiness View Post
                      Didn't that game already come out 14 years ago? o.O?

                      hehe yeps they did for the Sega...but probbally not a lot of people playing with one now :P
                      Active Characters:
                      Tassafina Lightleaf - A little sneaky but not as sneaky as Ithil

                      Silivren Anar
                      Merka Gillina

                      Hideing outs:
                      Alyssa Swiftwing - Priestess of Yondalla
                      Ravenne Naur'Loki - Roar!


                      • #12
                        hope any of you that get it for the pc have vista otherwise it won't work according to their faq.


                        • #13
                          Shadowrun is a FASA RPG game world. Great gameworld too.. now as a shooter?


                          • #14
                            Just got this game for the X360 and it's freaking amazing. It's CS with magic. If you liked CS, you'll love this. I played it for about 5 hours straight today. I know nothing about the original PnP or RPG or whatever but the fact that it was turned into an FPS shouldnt stop you from buying it. It's great.


                            • #15
                              Its not so much that its a Shadowrun FPS for me. I would be all for it. Its that this load of drek is not only uncreative in every fashion, its also not about Shadowrunners, the magic violates two absolutes of core Shadowrun canon, they fubar up the history something fierce, and they leave out the Orc, of all races. Come on... thats just weak. Even the gameplay videos look mediocre. Oh. Wow. Teleportation. Ooo... And you can swing around a sword. Nice one, Musashi.

                              I play the PnP version through two editions. If they even tried to get it close, it would be 10 time better than this thing. Toss in some Matrix (with Augmented Reality in Fourth Edition, even), some rigging, some good Stealth action, and some staple B&E... then we'll talk.

                              Microsoft needs to get with it.

                              Frag this with a Panther Assault Cannon... and Dunkle-zombie. I'm sure he's pissed too.

