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What's On Your Mind?

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  • #31
    I ate canadians for breakfast. Yummie !
    Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

    Desmonia Flashir

    GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


    • #32
      Wahhh, it's hot out here. It just rained, too... Stupid West Coast weather...
      >Olin Lavith - Human scholar with a passion for knowledge.

      Don't change the color to match the walls. Look like you belong and the walls will change color to match you.
      ?Kender Proverb, Time of the Twins


      • #33
        Originally posted by Clutch View Post
        I ate canadians for breakfast. Yummie !

        Couldn't be hockey, because I dont think Holland has beaten Canada in a good while, though I'm no aficionado.


        • #34
          . . . . Soooo, anyone watched Borat? Oohh, and I know chinese food places that deliver!


          • #35
            Dude...I just rocked my lab final....go me! I am a physics god!

            Except not really
            Peridan Twilight, one-eyed dog of the Legion, deceased.
            Daniel Nobody, adventurer and part time problem solver.

            [DM] Poltergeist :
            If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an intermediate deity's unbridled fury.


            • #36
              Peridan, your signature can also be found on a plaque in my bathroom. Now I shall think of you whenever I am in there.
              -Player of Druid Rosalyn Leafall
              and Bard Ancora Dallenson-

              Afterism (n) - A concise, clever statement you don't think of until too late.
              --John Alexander Thom
              This is the story of my life.


              • #37

                While that disturbs me on one level, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on another, lol

                Actually, the entire quote was posted on a wall at my martial arts school for like, six years. Needless to say, I can recite it from heart by now. I dunno, I've always liked it =)
                Peridan Twilight, one-eyed dog of the Legion, deceased.
                Daniel Nobody, adventurer and part time problem solver.

                [DM] Poltergeist :
                If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an intermediate deity's unbridled fury.


                • #38
                  Whats on my mind right now, is thath im listening to Elton John'd Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies bleeding, and thinking how kick ass the song is...
                  Characters: sigpic Daegus Wendt, Cleric of Grumbar.

                  Aniel, Elven Sorceress with a plan...

                  "Ending someones life is nothing, cows can do that. But to steal it away and use it for yourself, that is power."


                  • #39
                    My Paladin of Torm is looking around for other Paladin, sure is sparse. ^_^;


                    • #40
                      Ehh, Tamaras one..


                      • #41
                        Anyone else ever been in a theatre group? I'm not just talking about actors, but also the tech crew, coreographers, chorus, that sort of thing.

                        What makes me ask is I used to be heavily involved in theatre in high school and college, and recently went back to both of them to see productions. And I have to say, it left me with very mixed feelings.

                        So, just fishing for other people's experiences with theatre, if anyone else has any.
                        Thom Grinwell: A man lost in the world and inside his own mind.
                        Avatar is a pretty good indication of what Thom looks like on a bad day.


                        • #42
                          What's on my mind? I'm tired, I have a small exam tomorrow, with a teacher who is fit to be a murderer, I didn't study, and now I feel like staying home.

                          Problem? I have very important exams, and I mean very important, in under 4 weeks.

                          What to do? Oh I'll decide tomorrow. Sleep first.
                          "Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths, enwrought with golden and silver light, the blue and the dim and the dark cloths of night and light and the half-light, I would spread the cloths under your feet."

                          D?lis d'?r n-Oidhreacht.
                          True to Our Heritage.


                          • #43
                            "What's on your mind?"
                            My wife asked me this once. We haven't spoken in the 5 years sense.
                            Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
                            Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

                            If you're searching the lines for a point
                            Well, you've probably missed it
                            There was never anything there
                            In the first place

                            Wax Fang - Majestic


                            • #44
                              Emo rant:

                              Everything sucks.
                              Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

                              Desmonia Flashir

                              GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


                              • #45
                                The amount of smokes I had today.

                                I'm coming up on my 26th. Bad I know. And I'm just turning 18. Ah well. Plenty of time for me to kick in bad habits. More worried that my packs aren't gonna last till the end of the exams. Major stress relief.
                                'Anything 'appens to this motor and I come over your houses and stamp on all your toys. Got it? Good kids.'

                                Furio - The man with the perpetual red slap mark on his cheek.

