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Update Notes - Sept 18, 2012

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  • Update Notes - Sept 18, 2012

    - Dice rolls and other UIs should work again
    - Right click show info menu should show bank account balance now
    - Fixed some more loot issues

  • #2
    does this mean crafting works again? I had the impression that the custom ui and skills and the crafting system were closely related.

    awesome work though!

    EDIT: Why ask when you can try! I haven't tried crafting anything, but I sure as THAC0 can mine!
    Last edited by Farmboy2003; 09-19-2012, 05:38 AM.
    My'athvin Simaryl - Elven Mhaornathil
    Mhaenal Ahmaquissar - Minstrel Knight


    • #3
      Huzzah! Time to make all that fun stuff I had ideas for during the sundering ^_^

      Like a labcoat for my Begoggled Blunderer.

      Frazer Mfg. is a department of Frazer Fabrications, focused on the construction of high-end custom-crafted equipment and gear.
      Also part of Frazer Fabrications are:
      Frazer Armories - focused on resale of prefabricated arms and armorments;
      Frazer Merchantile - specialising in economic analysis and scaleable logistics; and
      Frazer Laboratories - the leading independent R&D for sundrite theory, arcane and mechanical engineering

      James Frazer: Anthropological Gearhead, Techsmith, Arcanaphysisist, Renown Proprietor
      AKA: Artifax Grade B Exigo Corporation Syndicated Associate VP, Professor, Quartermaster of the Schild Whurest-ExiCorp Joint-Operations Facility, and 'Annoying Mechanist'
      Theme: Stil Alive

      Grid vs. Squeegle, not Good vs. Evil

      Distances and travel-times for the Sunderian Peninsula:Free Version 1.0

      Crafting changes are a dead-horse topic, but feel free to ask me about crafting: If I can't answer it, I bet I can direct you to someone who can.
      To those who are interested in making or have crafting-oriented characters, please check out the Fabricator's Collective and how to get FC-certified.
      crafting tutorial.

      Unfortunate truths:
      Intention: [DM > Crafting > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store]
      Reality: [DM > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store> Crafting]

