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Update Notes - January 25, 2011

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  • Update Notes - January 25, 2011

    Spell Changes
    - Detect Evil/Good should function as expected
    - Fixed issue with Detect Undead/Evil/Good where casting it multiple times would stack the detection instead of replacing it.

    Creature Changes
    - Emissary of Orcus is now killed with correctly expected methods where it was previously using troll methods (Forgot to modify the script after I brought it over). No spoilers so players will have to figure it out.
    - Removed Fiendish Rat summon from Emissary of Orcus

    General Bug Fixes
    - Fixed issue in player heartbeat that may have caused numerous issues with things like bandages and vampire sun damage.
    - Generic Feats reapplied to players.
    - Abyss transfer disabled until area is ready for testing.