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To Catch a Lugwy

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  • To Catch a Lugwy

    Welcome! If you're here, you've probably seen this once-rare specimen, and would like to grab one for super happy fun times. While recent patches have significantly increased the Lugwy's encounter rate, some people may still have trouble scoring some time with one, either due to bad luck or incompatible time zones.

    Times posted are PST (-8). Note that the posting of this schedule does not guarantee a Lugwy encounter, as other circumstances may interfere, but it simply states the most likely time to find and cajole one to attend your fun times.

    The schedule will be updated to account for any alterations in encounter times.

    [March 1 - March 8, 2015]

    Monday: 9:00am - 2:00pm, 10:00pm - 2:00am
    Saturday: Weekend! Time varies. RL and all.
    Sunday: Ditto.

    If I'm not online those times and you still want/need a Lugwy around, please don't be afraid to contact via the channels available--AIM, MSN, or Skype (PM me for username). A Lugwy will happily accommodate requests for specific characters for super fun times, provided it is available to do so. Don't be shy, and ask!
    But please, keep one thing in mind for me. What have you become when even nightmares fear you?
    - Nessa

  • #2
    Updated with a footnote stating that a Lugwy is still available to IM/PM if needed/wanted for pretendy fun times, or just to chat.
    But please, keep one thing in mind for me. What have you become when even nightmares fear you?
    - Nessa

