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Character Requests and Plot Follow-Ups

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  • Character Requests and Plot Follow-Ups

    Hey guys!

    I'd like to give a little pitch for being proactive. When you're making a character request, please be very specific with the actions YOUR CHARACTER will do to accomplish a goal. We can't make up things out of the blue. Tell us your actions that are getting you to your goals, not just your goals.

    For example, here's a request that could use a little work:
    "My Level 5 bard wants an adventure to write a story about."

    Here, the character is describing his wants. But he's not indicating who he will talk to, what he will do, where he will go to meet adventurers, etc.

    Here's a better way of phrasing this request:
    "My bard wants to find adventurers to write stories about. He's going to the local tavern to try and pick up word on local adventurers who are gaining fame and attention. Can you go there and assist me with answering questions and dice rolls?"

    On the second half of this reminder, please also be proactive with plots. Our current major plot, the reptile rebellion, hasn't had much activity lately. I'm to blame for that due to RL and toolset work. But, I've put out some nibbles in faction forums and rumor posts.

    Some of you have been very good responding to these posts via private message, then following-up with other DM's in game. Don't be afraid to do so! If you want to investigate something, DM's can usually accommodate.

    This current reptile plot has many possible endings, and player actions will have a dramatic impact on how the story ends. I don't want to give away too much, but it will be very faction-driven. Represent your people and there might be something in it for them!
    "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
    -Bill Maher

  • #2
    I got one leg missin'
    How do I get around?

    One Leg Missin'
    Meet the Feebles

