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Question about time playing

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  • Question about time playing

    Hey everyone,

    I played here quite some time back for a very limited time. Because of things like a full time job, illustrating/photoshop work on the side and a wife and 4 children, finding time to play a game can be a job in and of itself. And when I did get to play I had a few pressing clan and guild obligations from a few other games I play.

    Well, my schedule has changed a bit and obligations on other games are not as pressing. I just built a new computer last month and I immediately installed the Sundren client right after I installed NWN2. I actually got to log on a couple of weeks ago for a few but had to go. I got ready this past weekend to play only to realize I now need SoZ to play. CURSES. So it will be sometime later this week I guess before I can get out to buy it and then be able to come back and play.

    I had a quick question though. My limited time that I was here last was extremely enjoyable. However my time is still somewhat limited. On a given weeknight I am looking at an hour or two tops. The weekend I can play in the evening for hours with no problem with time. With everything going on I am looking at maybe two to three times a week maybe time to play. So my question is, would this be a good server for someone like me with such limited time to play? I am going to play somewhere and role playing is a must but would my time be a problem with things like the stories going on at hand with other characters while trying to develop my own?

    Just curious if I should still try to pursue here or if I should look elsewhere. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
    The possibility of going mad between sword strokes was as much the enemy as the relentless and grasping dead.
    -Conan and the Midnight God

  • #2
    We do our best to get to everyone and work with the timezones / time committments.
    A couple things that will help:

    * Our plots don't evolve around one or two high level characters. They are PC-driven, but we look to all levels.
    * Actions determine outcome. DM's will follow up with you on actions you request. Those who are proactive and tell us, "this is what I want to do, specifically," will see a response. Avoid telling us your goals--instead, tell us what you're doing to make the goals happen.
    * We have a Character Request forum now. Use that area to request a specific event, even if your time is limited.
    "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
    -Bill Maher


    • #3
      I am in the same boat as you and still find time to interact and be a part of the server. I would just come on and have fun, find some characters you can rp and party with and just see what happens.

      • Dalrion - Ranger of the Viridale
      • Constantine - Adorned of Ilmater
      • Crom - Priest of Gorm
      Bring me a Shrubbery!


      • #4
        i dont know if i log as often as you suggest. but i still love it.

        PL those are great tips... in fact it might be cool to send just that to new players. it's very good info. or maybe put it next to the sundren download section where new players would have to see it. sometimes it takes ppl a few to find the forums....

