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Lathander cleric?

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  • Lathander cleric?

    I have been debating on bringing my Frontier character "back in time" and having her end up in Sundren. She's a cleric of Lathander who focuses on taking care of others (as opposed to the solo build.) I have two main questions:

    1. What is the cleric population like here? Are there a lot, or are clerics still on the rare side? Also, are the clerics here mostly fighter-types, or are there some that preach and heal?

    2. Would a cleric of Lathander get the evil-eye in a Helmite location? (I'm referring to the Dawn Cataclysm.) I could easily rework the concept to another good-aligned deity if there would be too much conflict. I'm not a fan of overwhelming conflict, especially when I am a new player still.

    Keenan - who is she?

  • #2
    FOr number one: As far as i could tell, there weren't as many clerics than usual, compared to other servers i've been on everyone seems to rush to be a cleric. I'm one of those clerics running around. He's a confessor and well.. preaches around to those who would listen. No melee skills

    Number two: Conflict FTW! Do it, baby, do it!
    Is it better to tell you the truth and make you cry, or is it better to lie, but make you smile? Think about it..

    Craxus Loomery - heir to the bloodline, confessor


    • #3
      I'm playing a cleric of Lliira that goes around healing people and throwing parties!

      I probably won't be doing much XP-ing unless RP drives me to do it.
      Alena Xaran - Cleric of Lliira


      • #4
        A cleric like yours would be quite welcome here I'm sure; why not even start working towards a temple or at least a shrine to Lathander? As for the Helmites, they are rather preoccupied with the fact that a group of Necros is in the area, and I think that alone may be enough to clear differences/potential tension between them and any Lathanderites.

        PC - Corwin Eska'las (Sun Elf pursuing the dream of becoming a Bladesinger)

        Alt PC - Brevin Smoothands (meticulously groomed half orc bard swashbuckler... sort of... sings great, less fighting)


        • #5
          There aren't many clerics about but you are right; Helm isn't very happy with Lathander. Despite that, the feuds between generally good/lawful aligned deities are rarely very vicious and Dawnbringers frequent frontiers like Sundren. It wouldn't be outlandish to see a follower of Lathander so far north attemping to establish a shrine or simply offer healing.

          Despite that, Dan is the only follower of Lathander I know of.


          • #6
            Another cleric is here!

            An old man by the name of Zebediah Blake is sometimes seen wandering around Sundren spreading Lathander's light .
            He is known to seek out the undead in hopes of laying them to rest(fighting/turning cleric).

            (Just not very often....
            Last edited by OzmaDarkheart; 03-07-2007, 08:31 PM. Reason: Answer to to original posts question.
            Thom Grinwell: A man lost in the world and inside his own mind.
            Avatar is a pretty good indication of what Thom looks like on a bad day.


            • #7

              Elesharia Dawnsedge. Paladin of Lathander. Helping people and smiting undead.
              Valraein Alonar - Just a bard! I swear!

              Elesharia Dawnsedge - Servant of the Morninglord


              • #8
                Doraemon! xD
                Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                • #9
                  I have a newly started Lathander Cleric as well...
                  Vernzell Maergelar - Human Sacred Fist of Lathander
                  Jhaevonn Amnexiall - Dwarven Weapon Master


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by VanillaRose View Post
                    1. What is the cleric population like here? Are there a lot, or are clerics still on the rare side? Also, are the clerics here mostly fighter-types, or are there some that preach and heal?
                    Clerics are not as rare as hens teeth but they are rare on Sundren. This probably has something to do with the DMs actually wanting clerics to RP their religion (shocking aint it ). So a new cleric nicely RP'd will be most welcome.
                    Currently playing:

                    Bree Merrymar: Paladin of the Wayward Wardens


                    • #11

                      Doraemon! xD <- will spam this evertime he sees him =D
                      Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                      • #12
                        I know this maybe borders on metagaming, but I think it would be really cool to let some of our Lathander followers meet ingame in relation to Ithildur's suggestions about establishing a temple or shrine... Feel free to slap me if such a suggestion is inappropriate... (And maybe this thread should be moved to another sub-forum?)
                        Vernzell Maergelar - Human Sacred Fist of Lathander
                        Jhaevonn Amnexiall - Dwarven Weapon Master


                        • #13
                          And also consider allying with your brothers and sisters in the Temple of the Triumvirate! We have goodies! We have tea!

                          Adama who was once called Adama Hrakness, sacred paw of Mielikki

                          Lihana Farrier, Paladin of Torm and noble dalliance

                          On Hold: Alandriel Ward, Actually a Vampire Groupie
                          Retired for Good: Tamryn Jorandur, Hano's Wife and Conflicted Soul


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Raksha View Post
                            And also consider allying with your brothers and sisters in the Temple of the Triumvirate! We have goodies! We have tea!


                            Even the occasional ranger stops by and eyes the statue of Helm that isn't there ... then punches people out.

                            ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

                            ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain


                            • #15
                              People love to open dead threads (Points to the March 7th Date of posting) It's almost a year old. XD

                              People can meet IC and do whatever they want. That's what RP'ing is all about ^_^

