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So You Want to Join the Wolf Tribe?

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  • So You Want to Join the Wolf Tribe?

    I've had a few people request joining the Wolf Tribe. Here's the requirements and some background on them, but please check with one of us first before making one, as a courtesy for sharing a common background. If you're not a Wolf Tribe member, please treat this as OOC knowledge. Thanks

    • Any race, but must have a mohawk
    • Must speak hin / halfling
    • Non-Lawful
    • Non-Good
    • Must worship a fury god (except Umberlee)

    The Wolf Tribe (Wayah) come from the Cold Wood, a northern area in Faerun just east of Sundren:

    They are a savage, warlike tribe. They have competed for territory and resources with the Uthgardt tribes, like the Red Tiger. A very bad winter, which depleted their food, and a series of bad raid losses against neighboring tribes lead the elders to believe they were cursed. They decided to strike out anew to the west.

    They are governed by a small council of elders. The tribe is depleted in numbers right now. The PC's are generally the strongest of the tribe, hunters and warriors sent out to bring back resources for the tribe. They are fiercely territorial. They seek to establish a home in Sundren lands by conquering tribes in desirable territory.

    They speak a rough dialect of hin. It is easily discernable to other hin. OOCly, we use Cherokee (phoenetic) to make up words their tribe uses. They don't have words for lying in their language and are unfamiliar with bluffing in general. They tend to take everything at face value.

    The Wolf Tribe follows the gods of fury: Malar, Auril, and Talos (Umberlee is not known to them). However, they don't refer to them by these names. Rather, they call out to savage, nameless gods, such as the blood god, the storm god, and the bear god. The fury gods answer to these different names, and in some cases, answer to multiple names (unbeknownst to the Wolf Tribe).

    They refer to three kinds of magic: wolf magic (warlock), spirit magic (divine), and elfa magic (arcane).

    • Beerda: a tribe of short, fat people with face hair (dwarf)
    • Bone: a tribe who smell like death (Necropolis; undead)
    • Elfa: elves, though usually associated with arcane magic
    • Frenda: ally, friend
    • Jabba: lizard, or gibberish that sounds cool
    • Leejun: the largest tribe of men in Sundren (Legion)
    • Leezah: a tribe of lizard people; at war with Wolf Tribe (Slitherscale)
    • Oodoh: brother
    • Oolah: sister
    • Oseeyoh: hello
    • Sneeka: hide
    • Taka: talking without action
    • Verta: tribe of men on the mountain; at war with Wolf Tribe (Veritas)

    Current Members
    • Acheela--Warlock, leader of the warrior pack
      His powers are fey-based, taken from a fey they trapped in ceremony. He sees himself as the chosen one of his tribe.
    • Fullgrin--Shaman, one with the animal god
      He has a close bond with his companion Ripper. He speaks with the spirits.
    • Tahlee--Huntress, one with the storm god
      She is a priestess to the storm god. She has a fiery disposition and is a strong hunter with her axes.